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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I wouldn’t call her good, but she’s not bad unit by any means. The best way to describe Eirika is that she is a solid unit.
  2. I wouldn’t call it double standards really. The last Ike alt we got was Legendary Ike and L!Ike was released a year ago. So there isn’t an Ike fatigue, as opposed to Camilla, Lucina and Lyn fatigue.
  3. I’m saying it’s almost canon, not that it is. But it’s getting pretty close to that. Also a fun tidbit is that after the support system was announced, Ike x Soren was #10 on the most supported pairs. The rest of the pairs were "optimal" pairs like with Brave Lyn and Hector. Ike/Elincia is not even close to the titan that is Ike/Soren.
  4. I love the Ike/Soren vibes in this banner. I mean, it’s practically canon by now since IS noticed it was massively popular. Man, they really went for the unexpected in this banner, and it’s really cool.
  5. I wish I had more Casters, though I am satisfied with Hans. And yet again, I didn’t pull a single female character. I don’t particularly mind if, but it strange how I never got one. And this game has a weird obsession in giving me Assasins and Berserkers. I’m kinda tired of them now.
  6. Do you want me show you the moments where it happens?
  7. Pretty much. To be fair party members needed a buff. They were borderline useless in KH1 and KH2. Now they can kill a lot of heartless on their own. And interestingly enough, Donald and Goofy also got a buff in storywise. They don’t feel just there anymore, they are a lot more balsy towards the villains and it shows that their bond with Sora is just as strong as his bond with Riku and Kairi, if not stronger. And Donald gets an incredibly badass moment in the game and I really wish I could show it, but it’s spoiler stuff. Another recurring Disney character that usually doesn’t do much as get a very badass moment, but again spoiler stuff.
  8. Make sure to give your opinions when play it! And let me give you a good hint: Party members are actually pretty good in this game, especially Donald. He now heals when you need it! All you need to do is get close to him while you’re on critical health and Donald will heal you instantly! Remember getting close to him is important as it is what triggers his Cure spell. Also, when you’re in critical health Donald tends to stop everything he is doing and go in your direction to heal you to trigger the Cure spell, but only when he has HP.
  9. Some people are saying that Chrom is terrible now because they removed Aethercide. While is a big loss, is it really the only thing that made him good? Everyone is going RIP Chrom and so on.
  10. Finally cleared the game and honestly those years of waiting were worth it! The game is amazing! And man, from the moment you enter the Keyblade Graveyard world it’s “holy shit!”, “WHAT?” “Awesome!” and “What the fuck is happening?!” moments without stop. Until the very end it’s very tense! And there’s a part that is even more mindfucking that Dream Drop Distance.
  11. I’m at the final boss and let me say one thing: Donald and Goofy are very reliable in battle. Donald actually heals you when you’re at low health! Seriously the party members in this game are much better. Donald is actually being the MVP in the final battle, healing me when I need so I don’t waste magic healing myself.
  12. I’m in the Frozen world, and man this world you gotta be creative when exploring. Then again, it is a snowy mountain, they’re not exactly easy to navigate. It’s interesting how the worlds seem to defined in styles, as in some worlds are in the KH1 style with focus on exploring, where other worlds are in the KH2 style with focus on battles and you mostly follow a straight line. It actually helps things stay interesting and fresh.
  13. Damn the worlds in KH3 are massive! It was a mistake trying to do Toy Box in one go. Still loving the game though!
  14. Don’t worry, I have a high level Arash. And I was just thinking of commenting that despite being a 1 star unit, he’s surprisingly solid. I relied on him a lot in Fuyuki and Orleans. I only dropped him near the end of Orleans. Speaking of Orleans, I was kinda disappointed by the final boss of Orleans. They should have just ended with the Jeanne Alter battle, instead of another fight with Gilles. Although the scene after the battle, where Jeanne and Caster Gilles talk was really good. You could tell they genuinely cared about each other. And if you guys are curious about my team, it currently is Siegfried, Edmond, Proto Cu Chulain, Fuuma Kotaro and Hans Christian Andersen.(the last two have amazing synergy as team) And yeah, I know it’s weird that in series know for making male historical figures female, my team is full of pretty boys. But there are two reasons for it, first I’m genuinely fond of all the characters in my team, I really like them and their design and the second reason I don’t have female characters in my team is because I don’t have female characters in the first place! They never appear! The only females that I ever got are Mata Hari and the Kyohime that you get as a gift. And they really aren’t good. But that’s just how Gacha games are I guess.
  15. The Daily Quests is what I was planning, but I wanted to see if there were other methods, oh well. By the way I’m starting to see why some people prefer Grand Order instead of FE Heroes. In particular the story is amazing! I’m still in the first singularity, the Jeanne D’arc one, but damm, I really got into it. It also helps that the mascot servants such Altria, Emiya and Gilgamesh barely play a role in the story. It helps it feel more original. Of course there are those funny moments where you have a servant in your party that plays a role in the story. For example I have Siegfried with me the entire time as he is my first 4 start servant and great against the dragons and it was hilarious when they where desperately looking for Siegfried when he was right there in party.
  16. So...what is a good place for grinding? I’m in the second fight with Carmilla and she’s kicking my ass. She keeps spamming her Noble Phantasm with the of that vampirism ability. Sucks that I don’t have a particularly strong Caster.
  17. I just found a certain spoiler about Da Vinci and the problem might get better or worse
  18. Thanks again guys! Edmond has been really useful but he’s a bit a glass cannon. I’m trying see if I put on the front team or on the support team. I gotta admit I was really caught of guard when he first attacked because he fights like a DBZ character. Seriously, it looks just like the way a DBZ character fight. And I’m really ashamed that I as a Fate series fan did not recognize that EMIYA(Assassin) is Kiritsugu! How did it not hit me? I mean it fits perfectly for him!
  19. Yeah, but I’m still in the Jeanne D’arc part. It think I don’t need as much now. I certainly want more of the CE Imaginary Element, so I hopefully I’ll have the luck to roll more. Speaking of luck and rolls, I got Edmond from his banner. Dear god and the chances a less than 1%. How did a rookie like me get him? And for those that are curious, my current party is Siegfried, Proto Lancer and Edmond, and if she’s available I replace Proto Lancer/Edmond for Jeanne. I keep Siegfried because there are a lot of Dragons and he’s being really useful, Marie and Mozart are useful and all but Jeanne is just to good to replace her with either of them. And this is just a pet peeve of mine, but why are Wyvern considered Riders? Isn’t Beserker more fitting for a raging Dragon? Then again I get feeling I’m going to see more monsters in classes that doesn’t make sense. EDIT: Argh, I’m sorry for the double post.
  20. Yeah, but I’m still in the Jeanne D’arc part. It think I don’t need as much now. I certainly want more of the CE Imaginary Element, so I hopefully I’ll have the luck to roll more. Speaking of luck and rolls, I got Edmond from his banner. Dear god and the chances a less than 1%. How did a rookie like me get him? And it was a Yolo roll of all things. And I know it’s the same artist from Danganronpa, but damn Edmond looks a lot like Komaeda. Even the color scheme is the same, white hair and green clothes! And for those that are curious, my current party is Siegfried, Proto Lancer and Edmond, and if she’s available I replace Proto Lancer/Edmond for Jeanne. I keep Siegfried because there are a lot of Dragons and he’s being really useful, Marie and Mozart are useful and all but Jeanne is just to good to replace her with either of them. And this is just a pet peeve of mine, but why are Wyvern considered Riders? Isn’t Beserker more fitting for a raging Dragon? Then again I get feeling I’m going to see more monsters in classes that doesn’t make sense.
  21. Really? I got enough Craft Essences as it is. In a single roll I got two 5 star CE- Limit/Zero Order and Heaven’s Feel and I have six 4 star CE- such as The Imaginary Element and Holy Shroud of Magdalene. I think I’m good enough for a while.
  22. Say is it better just to summon with 3 quartz or wait to have 30? It’s just, their stingy with free quartz. They really want us to buy quartz don’t they?
  23. Thanks again for the advice everyone! I’m getting close of getting 30 saint quartz, and I was wondering which banner I should pull from. I was thinking the Edmond banner because he’s from a unique class(but I know the chances of getting him are literally next to 0), but maybe but I was thinking of looking for a support party member and I’ve heard that Hans Christian Andersen is a great support unit despite being a 2 stat, almost as good as Caster Gilgamesh. But man, I love the fact that there is a permanent fodder banner, maybe FE Heroes should do something like that. And I like her and all, but Da Vinci’s voice is getting a bit...grating.
  24. It’s because someone her said they disliked her because of how super special she was made out to be because of her powers, hair color, lineage, immediate Daein worship on her, which is pretty much calling her. But I will admit I got wrong, the person never said the word marysue. I think because I was so used to defend Micaiah years ago that I sorta acted automatically, if you get what I mean.
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