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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Speaking of World of Light, anyone was left dumbfounded by where Fox is unlocked? Characters in World of Light are usually in places in the map that suits them. Considering the place, I was genuinely expecting Peach, but instead I got Fox. However some character unlock locations are actually really clever, like Lucario and Peach’s actual unlock area.
  2. Honestly it’s still my favorite Xenoblade. The world and lore are just so interesting! And the aliens races are so well written! Why alien race is you guys’ favorite? Mine are the Tree Clan Prone, there’s something about their simplicity and how genuine they are that I really like.
  3. Actually there are. Ryoma is from Fates, a game where there is a lot of Water symbolism and the Water element has a huge role. It also makes sense for Eirika to be Water, as it’s the opposite element of Ephraim. Not only that, but Eirikahas the Lunar bracelet and the Moon is heavily associated with the sea. So Ephraim the Fire Legendary Hero has the Solar bracelet and Eirika the Water Legendary hero has the Lunar bracelet. It’s quite fitting. Really, Lucina is the only Legendary Hero whose element doesn’t make sense.
  4. Speaking of which, why is Lucina a Wind legendary in the first place? Is there anything in the japanese version that associates Lucina with Wind? Every other Legendary Hero fits their element, expect Lucina.
  5. Lucina and Ryoma missing Light is a bummer. At least Water makes sense for Ryoma, but Lucina has nothing to do with Wind.
  6. My body tend to produce kidney stones rather easily, so I’ve been hospitalized a lot, like, ever since my first kidney stone, in 2016, I’ve hospitalized at least 3 times a year. Mostly because the kidney stone removal actually requires 3 different surgeries. I think it’s because it’s not a life threatening thing, but I started to think being hospitalized as a rather soothing at times. Unless I’m fully awake in the recovery room, it’s incredibly boring when that happens.
  7. His weapon seems gimmicky at first, but it’s actually pretty good and sorta anti meta. It makes Hrid an excellent counter to units with Sweep, Chill and Ploy skills, all very common in the current meta.
  8. Odd that Hrid isn’t in the banner. Will he be the next legendary hero? It is a Water hero so it fits him, but Hero is Colorless and Hrid clearly wields a sword. Granted that sword could be for show like Linus’ and Raven’s swords are for show.
  9. Because of motion sickness right? Despite the beginning feel like there’s too much action, it’s actually game with rather slow movement. Or is it the walking that makes you sick? Because if so I’m really can’t of anything, and I’m really sorry I can’t help you.
  10. I think the reason it felt more tasteful was because of what I said before, as every palette swap has a lore behind, but also, the enemies felt like they belong in their environment, in both color and appearance. In previous game you would often run into Elementals in a generic road, flying cats in a shrine and Chimeras in a castle, which all felt really out place. And really often their colors would clash with the place they appear. Rarely monsters felt out of place in FF12 and when it did it usually had an explanation behind it.
  11. One of the best things about the monster lore in FF12 is the fact that they even have explanations as for why recolors of enemies exist, such adaptations to a different environment. So even if the enemies are recolors, they still feel original.
  12. Though I think the best part of XII is the world building. It’s just so well done! That being said, the lore behind a lot bosses is funny in a way that it means that the party was killing godly beings like it was nothing. Seriously, no FF party can compare to XII’s party when it comes to slaying gods, apocalyptic beings and the like. And yet I love reading the lore, overdramatic as it is.
  13. Brother! Another who has 12 as their favorite! Thought it ties with 5 for me. 5’s job system is just too fun! My only complaint about 12 is that I wish the characters interacted more with each other, they felt like strangers all the way till the end of the game. Something like the skits from the Tales series would have helped.
  14. I considered putting it here from the start, but didn’t want it to be seem as just a joke. Either way, back to the subject, what Pokemon you guys are hoping to see in the movie?
  15. Especially Mr. Mime! One would expect a realistic Mr. Mime to look terrifying, but it actually looks good!
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/VancityReynolds/status/1062027112041926656/video/1 Honestly, it looks awesome! I used to think that a realistic Mr. Mime would be creepy, but it actually looks pretty good!
  17. While this mode isn’t perfect, it has a lot of potential! I’m actually looking forward as to how IS will change things after getting feedback. This mode is certainly a breath of fresh air that can bring back players who got bored
  18. I’m really enjoying it, though I wish we used stamina instead of Aether. Does anyone else find building defense teams and trying to manipulate how your team’s AI surprisingly fun? It’s really fun seeing how the AI will behave.
  19. This made think, what if Mikoto was Camilla’s rival instead of Hinoka? It feels much more fitting ina way. Corrin’s birth mother and the mother who raised Corrin. I mean Camilla was the closest thing Corrin had to a mother in Nohr. I might make a thread about this later.
  20. Actually Camilla makes a lot of sense for this banner, she’s meant to be Mikoto’s counterpart. The descriptions for the characters implies that the characters are all dreams of Azura, die to her wanting to escape the bullying she suffered in Nohr. So her having dreamed up a Nohrian sister dedicated to her makes sense. She’s Azura’s mother in Nohr, making Camilla a counterpart to Mikoto, Azura’s mother in Hoshido.
  21. When you refine Camilla’s weapon in Heroes, it also gets a flower icon. Camilla always had a flower theme.
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