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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Camilla’s persona skill icon has a flower in it.
  2. I know that people that have reason to complain, but the complaints are so similar, it feels like a hivemind. I think the reason for that is because people tend to associate fanservice with female characters. So when there’s male fanservice, the “It’s fanservice so it sucks” alarm bell doesn’t ring on their heads.
  3. Honestly I actually really like this banner. I’m know gonna get ridiculed here for this, but I actually really like alts, especially whatifs alts like this one. It gives a new perspective of the character and I just find that really, really cool. And I honestly don’t see why people ever hate alts in the first place. It doesn’t rob an original character’s place in the game. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this fandom is starting to feel like hivemind. I love the creepy feel of this banner, and you can tell there’s something off with those characters.
  4. I almost sure it’s Ray Chase. Plus, Ray is being very coy on Twitter when people asked if he voiced Roy. If he didn’t voice Roy, he would have outright denied it, like Rena Strober did when asked if she singed Lifelight.
  5. Square being like that is the reason I think Sora has zero chances of being in Smash. They would have to go through two very stingy companies, Square and Disney, to get Sora in. Remember Sora is a Disney propriety, not Square’s.
  6. From what I’ve seen in videos this looks about right. The only changes I would make is putting Chrom in the “Looked mediocre” and Pokemon Trainer and Isabelle in the “Looks very promising”. Seriously, every analysis video I see, people are praising Isabelle a lot.
  7. I used to think that Peach had one of the weakest Final Smashes, but seeing some videos of the tournament in Spain made me realize that Peach’s/Daisy’s Final Smash is incredibly OP.
  8. I get the feeling that one character’s Classic Mode run will have only royalty, such as Marth and Peach and another who will have all the sword fighters. I also suspect that either Little Mac or Incineroar’s Classic Mode run will have a lot if heavyweights. Speaking of big characters, I think Olimar’s Classic Mode will full of characters with the giant effect.
  9. Some people asked Ray Chase and he said that he can neither confirm or deconfirm it. That makes it very likely for him to have an english voice. And in an interview about Roy, he said that he did voice him for something in the future but he couldn’t say at the moment.
  10. Hmm, maybe it’s video, but doesn’t Daisy seems slower than Peach? Her Peach Bomber(in her case, Daisy Bomber) seems to be faster and longer though, but it’s likely weaker.
  11. I think the most glorious part of this is the fact that the Grinch leak was defeated by a potted plant. Piranha Plant is making Audrey II proud.
  12. Oh, Oh, can I join the Plant Gang? I said it before, but I will love it and protect it! We will make Audrey II proud!
  13. And there’s more, Eirika accepting that Lyon is possessed, is accepting that her friend, who she always knew as a kind and gentle person, is the one to blame for alp the atrocities that happened in Magvel and Lyon is the one to blame for her father’s death. So it’s only natural she can’t accept it!
  14. She was distraught. She was tired after fighting inside a volcano. She wanted to save Lyon. So when the easy solution appeared before while she was incredibly distraught, she obviously fell into the trap, because she was so desperate to save Lyon.
  15. Again, can’t you read context? Of course Eirika knows Lyon can’t be saved, but she’s having an extremely hard time accepting it. So when Lyon appears before an Eirika , that is incredibly tired after fighting in a volcano, and tell her “I can be saved”, she wants to believe even though she knows it’s impossible to save him.
  16. Are not capable of reading context? In the previous chapter, she discovered her friend was possessed. Then at the beginning of the next chapter L’Arachel tells Eirika that there is no way to save Lyon. And this is coming from L’Arachel, who always believe justice wins, so if someone like L’Arachel says that there is no way to save Lyon, it hits hard. And after the chapter, when Eirika is extremely tired after fighting monsters inside a volcano, Lyon appears before her, completely sane and telling Eirika that he can be saved. Eirika giving him the Stone makes a lot of sense, considering how distraught she is.
  17. Thinking about it, Eirika being a Water Hero is actually kind of brilliant considering her bracelet and Ephraim’s bracelet. As was said before, what did Lyn, Female Grima, Fjorn and Gunnthra did to be legendary heroes? Plus where Eirika was ever dumb? And she’s not even weak, as even Ephraim praises her skill. Please don’t go insulting a characters and making things up just because you don’t like her.
  18. The Heroes and Villains theme was mentioned in this thread by Arcphoenix, it’s the previous page’s last post. And about a similar example, I really don’t have one with me, but considering the things we see these days, I still think this could be a leak.
  19. You underestimate how much work people are willing to do for fame in the internet. Also where are people getting the idea that this Smash has a Heroes and Villains theme? Just because 3 of the newcomers are villains, that they brought back Wolf and that Shadow is a possibility? It’s not really a theme, but rather all of these characters have been heavily requested since Melee.
  20. Part of me wants that the leak is fake, just to se the chaos in the Smash community. It would be a sight to see. I’m still Team Fake, mostly because of ArtsyOmni’s video on it, and because ArtsyOmni’s previous fake leak. To those who are saying that no one would waste this much effort to create a fake leak, you guys forget the lengths people go to get attention.
  21. I imagine Nowi and Jakob will be bonus units, considering Nowi was the “star” of the previous Halloween banner and Halloween Jakob is extremely popular as a unit.
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