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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I think the racism discussion is getting us a little off-topic, so how about we drop it? (Not that I think it isn’t a problem, I do think using Donkey and Diddy for those fights are a problem and they should change it in a patch) I’m no competitive expert, but why Pichu is above Pikachu? And why the Pokemon Trainer so low? Ever other tier list I’ve seen places him rather high.
  2. I forgot something that’s really important. @Lightchao42, it’s elemental attacks. As you probably noticed there spirits that boost things like PSI, Magic, Fire or Water attacks. But it’s not explained well what is considered an Elemental Attack. For example, what characters have Water attacks? Naturally you would thing Squirtle and Greninja right? Well, while it is true and these two have Water attacks another character that has Water elemental attacks, from what I’ve been told, is Inklings. Apparently, Ink attacks are considered Water elemental. PSI attack aren’t only Ness and Lucas, but apparently Mewtwo as well, Zelda and Robin aren’t the only one with magic attacks, Rosalina and Palutena also have attacks that are considered of the “Magic” element. Although to be fair, I’ve only read about most of these, so I’m not really sure it is entirely correct, but I do believe they are.
  3. Honestly, I tend to use Peach, spam Toad, sometimes float outside the arena and her Final Smash is pretty OP in Spirit Mode. Peach in general is really strong in Spirit Mode battles. Speaking of Peach, you’re not far from her if you got Fox. Got through the path that it’s made of ribbons, where Slowpoke Dojo is, and there’s a castle nearby. She’s one of the two fighters that can be found inside the castle. Seriously, Peach is really strong for World of Light because of her Final Smash and her ability to float.
  4. Yeah, but he’s rather out place. I mean, he does come somewhat early, but not easy to get to if I’m not mistaken.
  5. Marth’s path is usually the best one. Here’s some hints: Other than Marth, Pit, Link, Sheik and Kirby don’t expect to run into Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Zelda and Kirby characters anytime soon, they all come real late and I mean late. Speaking of late game characters, pretty much all echo fighters are late game. Early game characters tend to be from Mario, Pokemon and characters who are the sole representatives of their franchises. And you pretty much will get all the cute mascot characters before midgame. As for helpful spirits: Harriet is pretty good if you’re using Sword characters and you can find her near where Wii Fit trainer was. For Physical fighters try finding the Rock Mario spirit. You can get Victini(who buff Smash attacks) pretty early, but he is a Legend spirit so it is a tough fight. Lillina, who is close to where Link is, is a good one to get so you can use her to summon Hector, his effect is unflinching Smash attacks which is an amazing effect.(It’s hilarious how Hector is a High Tier character no matter what game he is in) You can’t find Pyra in World of Light, but you can find her in Spirit Board. Try getting her, as ger ability, assist killer is a godsend. Lastly there are a lot and I do mean a lot of Stamina battles. There are more hints I want to give, but my post is long enough as it is.
  6. Well, do you want some particular characters? I could give you a hint on what characters to expect. Because some characters are really late game, like they become available a little before the final boss.
  7. Actually if I’m not mistaken Dee Jay has a move that is just like Diddy’s Side Special, which is why Diddy prioritize the move in the battle.
  8. Looks like Smash Bros may get another controversy: https://gonintendo.com/stories/325469-some-smash-bros-ultimate-players-are-pointing-out-what-they-beli EDIT: Although to be fair, only one site is talking about it, though the Game and Watch controversy also started small. And it remained small, since Nintendo resolved it pretty quickly.
  9. Then you need to go to Japan. Because Sakurai had professional japanese players balance the AI. They even had to nerf the game “Challenger Approaching” because everyone was having trouble with it.
  10. Did you find him on World of Light? Because it seems each spirit on the final map has a Light/Dark counterpart(Midna/Tetra and Zero/X) and Takumi’s dark counterpart is very interesting, because it’s not Leo. Said counterpart is on crossroad on the of the Dark side similar as to how Takumi is on a crossroad on the edge of the Light side.
  11. Say, is it just me or is Villager the most common enemy in World of Light and Spirit Board? Seriously, it feels like most of the spirit battles are against Villager, Isabelle, Zero Suit Samus, Bayonetta, Palutena, Mega Man and Charizard. Other fighters were rather uncommon.
  12. I really respect the man, but that line “a game is no fun if it is fair” really rubbed me off the wrong way. I get his point, and I love when random stuff happens during fights, but it’s still not a good mentality to have.
  13. Then you gotta beat Guile and Giga Mac. From thr looks of it, light is beating darkness, since you defeated all dark spirits.
  14. Is the light and darkness in the map in balance? Or is one overpowering the other? That could be the problem preventing you from entering the boss fight.
  15. Actually, with the lack of DLC and some exceptions, the high tiers characters remained consistent, with Sheik, Zero Suit Samus and Rosalina all consistently high tier. I’m prety sure that at least Pikachu and Peach/Daisy will consistently remain top tier during Ultimate’s lifespan since what really benefits them is the game’s engine. I can see Inkling dropping badly though.
  16. Honestly I actually like it! Even if I’m not a fan of metal, for some reason I really enjoyed it. Plus, I don’t music belongs or doesn’t belong in a setting, so I wouldn’t mind hearing more music like that in FE games. It gives it more of a variety.
  17. Huh, surprised we got this before a Persona 5 arena, although to be fair Granblue already had a large fandom before P5 was even released. I wonder if it will have special crossover fighters, similar as to how Granblue has a lot of crossover characters.
  18. Well, I can say I unlocked all the characters at their hardest! But seriously, it’s not a complaint, but damn the CPU in this game is tough! It’s quite fun!
  19. Don’t know about Hades, but I’m pretty sure Rex is in the Dark World. Don’t remember the exact place though.
  20. Noooo! Don’t use the hammer that! It means you get a picture of Duck Hunt, not that you have to use them!
  21. Why characters are you using? For example, large characters and heavy really aren’t a good idea in the final battle.
  22. Speaking of World of Light, who was you guys’s favorite spirit battle and boss battle? My favorite Spirit Battle was Lyon’s, it was simple, but it was nice reference. And my favorite boss battle was Marx, and it’s so similar to the Marx battle in the Kirby games! But god, his two new attacks are terrifying! The “Eye bulging” one and the “Nerve wings” one. When you think the couldn’t make Marx more horrifying.
  23. Yeesh, why the majority of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Metroid and Kid Icarus characters all so late game in World of Light mode? I finally got Corrin and Ike and Pit is still my only Kid Icarus character.
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