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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Yup, I really don't like that most of the good manaketes are female. Speaking of which, in Fire Emblem Heroes, the Corrin that can transform into a dragon is the female one. Does anybody else think it was intentional, as in, they chose Female Corrin to transform simply because she was female?
  2. A japanese trailer was revealed yet again. It's mostly the same as the english trailer, but it does show new things like Celesteela and Phermosa's habitat, and the inside of a tower in the Ultra Megalopolis.
  3. Did play the original Gold/Silver? It's because of Kanto that Jotho ended being the smallest. Besides as much as I liked visiting Kanto, a lot of things had to be butchered in order to make space for Kanto. Do you really want another small region and do you really want the to make the region you visit smaller?
  4. Why? They never said anything visiting another regions ever since Gold/Silver. And considering the problems they had to do to put Kanto in Gold/Silver it's doubtful they will ever do it again.
  5. Serebii just confirmed that Dulce and Zossie are exclusive to Ultra Sun while Phyco and Soliera are exclusive to Ultra Moon. Which duo do you guys prefer? I think I like the Ultra Sun duo more.
  6. One thing I've noticed about the Ultra Recon Squad is that the duo you interact with might depend on the version. I mean, the trailer shows you battling Dulse in Paniola Ranch during the day, while it also shows you battling Soliera in the same place during the night. Plus there is also their hair colors.
  7. I wonder how the habitat of each Ultra Beast will look like. I'm pretty sure Kartana and Celesteela's habitat will be a japanse looking place. Speaking of which, didn't they show a bamboo forest in a previous trailer? Maybe that's actually in the Ultra Space and it's Kartana's habitat!
  8. I was about to post that trailer! Holy shit! This looks really promising! And I didn't expect to see that the Ultra Space is so...colorful!
  9. New trailer guys! Okay, now I'm really curious, are those new characters allies? And it seems that they will show that scene where Guzzlord kills that female Interpol Agent. EDIT: On second thought, that doesn't seem to be it. But I feel that it's not a coincidence that Nanu is facing Guzzlord out of all Ultra Beasts. They definitely did this with that incident with that Interpol Agent in mind.
  10. Actually it's less of a headcanon and more because of the class's japanese name, which is Revenant Knight. Considering the rider is pretty much alive, it's safe to assume that the wyvern is undead. Why else the class is called Revenant Knight?
  11. First of all, let's ignore the Islamic state taking responsibility for attack. They would take responsibility for the common cold if possible. But anyway, did any new info came out about the shooter? All we really about him is that he is called Stephen Paddock and the he is a 64 year old white. It's kinda weird actually. The fact he is a white male is first thing all articles about the incident mention about the shooter. He's dead, is there really a need for his profile? And his age is also rather unusual for this sort incident. Is this kind of cynicism necessary? Sometimes people can't contribute in any way, so thoughts and prayers are genuinely the only thing the can send. It really isn't a bad thing.
  12. Ah, I was aware it was prosperous region, but I wasn't aware of the full numbers. But it still it was pretty stupid that resorted to violence. Like I said before, it backfired for a number reasons. Besides it makes Spain look desperate in the eyes of other countries, as if Spain believes that they can't be a prosperous country without Catalonia.
  13. Honest question, what does Catalonia have that Spain wants to keep so much? What's so important that they would send the riot police? Because seriously, it was a peaceful protest, and sending the riot police makes you look like a tyrant. It's the fastest way to lose support from others countries. Hell, I would say it even backfired because now, it has caught the attention of the world, and they are siding with Catalonia.
  14. I managed to get to the two units I wanted in a single day! Granted I had used about 80 orbs but still, that's pretty lucky. Gotta admit, the incredible positive reception to this banner suprised me. I knew people would like it but wow. This banner was a stroke of genius by IS.
  15. I don't think you understood my point. Yes, there is a free dancer, and yes there other two dancers, but tell me, are they ranged? Is any of them green? Do they have a legendary weapon that can buff all stats? No! The new units from this banner can do things that the regular dancer can't! That's why people want them! Not because they can just dance, but because of the other roles they can fill, allowing them to fufill many roles at once!
  16. Losing money? Really? This banner has four dancers, with strong skills, so a lot of people will be pulling from this banners for gameplay reasons alone, especially since this banner is limited, so people are going to be desperate to get a least one in time. So no, IS will not lose money, quite the opposite in fact. Also, if the Easter banner ended before Easter, what's stopping them from making the Halloween banner after Halloween? Besides there's nothing special on November.
  17. Actually, I saw reactions from all around the internet, from many different sites and it seems everyone is excited about this banner. Besides this banner ends before Halloween so it might not replace Halloween entirely.
  18. Well, the could always do another ritual. I mean, there's not shortage of evil dragons in Fire Emblem.
  19. It's very likely that they are NPC bosses. In fact, probably all of Fates' retainers will appear as NPC bosses, probably on maps where a Royal Sibling is a boss. I wouldn't be suprised if Cain and Abel appear as NPCs in a map where Marth is the main boss, Ogma for Caeda, Maribelle for Lissa(she's not Lissa's retainer, but it would be fitting), Bantu for Tiki, Mae and Boey for Celica, Kent and Sain for Lyn and so on.
  20. But wait, isn't it the same being as the titan he lives on? This is his compact form?
  21. Could we be getting our third flying mage? The male figure is holding a tome, and the pendant implies that it could be Shigure was a flying unit.
  22. Dear god, the Black Knight as a boss is ridiculous. It's like you need Reinhardt do deal with. And wait, I see people posting their teams, and using two bonus characters on the same team stack? I though it didn't.
  23. Since the Alola Pokedex, I've been wondering, which Pokemon do you guys want to be added? Some Pokemon already confirmed to be added are: the Mareep line, Heracross, the Mantine line the Houndour line, the Larvitar line, the Electrike line, Tropius, the Zorua line, the Mienfoo line and the Larvesta line. Which Pokemon do you guys want in Alola? Personally I want the Flabébé line, because it extremely fitting for them to appear in the Alola Meadows. In fact, I was seriously suprised that they didn't. The Oddish line is another one I want. I know it's more Gen 1 Pokemon, but it's mostly because of Belossom. It's was odd that the Pokemon based on a hula dancer didn't appear in Alola.
  24. Some people are assuming that french version of the line means that the trials will be Co-op. It would be interesting, but I doubt it. And for some reason, I think Hau's artwork for these games is rather interesting. He looksso melancholic compared to Lillie who looks super happy. Usually it's the reverse, Lillie is the melancholic one while Hau is always super happy. I wonder if it has a deeper meaning, but probably not.
  25. Speaking of Hau's line, apparently it's different in the french version, where Hau says that they will win together instead of just the player. Team Flare used both. Also, it wouldn't be the first time a Pokemon that evolves late is available in the early game, Rufflet and Vullaby are available pretty early in the game. And on the subject of how early Pokemon are a available, Zorua seems to be an early game Pokemon, since it looks like it appears in the Melemele school grass.
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