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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Speaking of female protagonists, I'm feeling that if we ever get an updated version of P5, the chances of having a female main character option are slim. Mostly because a lot if scenes would have to be changed, for example, the scene in the beginning where the main character gets beat up by the police would seems very different with a female character, other scenes that would have to be changed, would be when main character defends the woman for being raped, and interactions with Kamoshida as well. While I wouldn't say it's impossible to have female protagonist and it would kind of an interesting idea, a lot of things would have to be changed, and I'm not sure if Atlus would think it's worth the effort. I once read that in the development of Persona 3, they originally were going to have the option of choosing the gender of the protagonist, which is probably why they had the choice of having a female main character in the PSP version.
  2. http://www.siliconera.com/2017/04/20/atlus-registered-bunch-different-persona-domains/ Well, this is interesting. Is Atlus already working on spin-offs? But it also could mean nothing. Though I wonder how Morgana would work on a fighting game. He´s a little too small for them.
  3. I saw this that video! And there are plenty of Persona 5 menu parodies out there.
  4. Yeah, some of the rewards for maxing confidants are kind of ridiculous. In particular Moon, Temperance and Strength. Also, did the game felt shorter than Persona 4 to anyone else? I felt like the game could at least one more story "arc" and Palace. When I finished the game, it felt like it could have more. Or maybe I just enjoyed the game too much, and didn't want it to end.
  5. If I'm not mistaken, at least one permanent injury does happen in a Fire Emblem game, in FE8 Seth has a broken shoulder that never fully heals.
  6. I disagree on that point. It's not only Yosuke that disrespects others in the Investigation Team. Kanji gets treated as joke by most of the group, not just Yosuke. Chie, Yukiko and Teddie are all guilty of this. And the fact that they saw each other's Shadows actually makes it worse, because that means that they should know better. In fact, while I know the situations are meant to be comical, I noticed that there are lot of scenes in Persona 4 that make the male members absolutely jokes. I think there's a limit of how much you can make fun of a character. In Persona 5, while they do make fun of Ryuji, it never goes overboard, like in Persona 4.
  7. Having an unpopular opinon means having a different opinion than other people. And that just how it is. Besides, an unpopular opinion is better than you think. After all, people tend to despise anything that becomes too popular. Just look what happened to Frozen and Fire Emblem Awakening.
  8. I was just watching some videos from Persona 3 and 4 and it made me realize something. I began to notice the flaws of those games compared to Persona 5, most specifically, the characters interactions as a group. There's a much bigger sense of camaraderie in the Phantom Thieves than there is in the Investigation Team and SEES. The Phantom Thieves also feel much more respectful of each other as people. Honestly, I'm starting to see the friendship in the Persona 3 and 4 groups as a little bit superficial compared to the Persona 5 group. Did anyone else began seeing flaws in the previous games, after playing Persona 5?
  9. As many said before, it's only natural that people have different opinions than you. It's fact of life. And personally, I believe it's good thing. Everyone sharing the same opinion would make for a boring world. It's much better when people sometimes disagree with each other than agreeing with everything. It's healthier than most think.
  10. P1/P2 actually do exist in he same universe. The Kirijo group was originally a branch of the Nanjo group, and there are tons of refere in a P3 tv show.
  11. Pretty much those, but Devil is a good one if you're bad at the stealth sections, the Rank 10 reward for Strength can be incredibly broken in the right conditions and Star has some nice rewards. Also, I forgot to mention it before, but I've found some references to previous game. They mention Yukari and Taro Namatame on TV, and there's a day where they mention "heroes" of the Police, a detective with red sunglasses, a guy who took down a bear and a girl who isn't a police officer yet, but knows kung fu. They probably are Katsuya, Akihiko and Chie. EDIT: There was also an interview with Adachi! Can't believe I forgot that one!
  12. I finishing the game, I must say I really like it, maybe even more than Persona 4. Here's some of my thoughts: -I like Ryuji more than Yosuke and Junpei as a "bro" character. While he is a hothead, I also like how different he is from them. Like how he isn't jealous of the main character. Also I really like how he isn't sexually desperate compared to the Yosuke and Junpei. I mean, he has some perverted moments, but he's still much more respectful towards girls. -Speaking of fanservice, it never really bothers me, but I must admit, Persona 5 not having a lot of fanservice compared to P4 was surprisingly refreshing. Take Haru's swimsuit for example. In a series known for fanservice, Haru's swimsuit could be considered conservative. Maybe they thought that a lot of fanservice would be considered of poor taste after the whole thing with Kamoshida? -Another different thing that I found very interesting how they didn't romanticize high school life this time. In fact, it gives a pretty negative view of it.
  13. Fuck, I am close to ending the sixth Palace, and got the entire plot spoiled. That's ok though, there were some things I did suspect though, and I gives me something to look foward in the game too. Sorry Konnor, for asking those questions, only for me to get spoiled minutes later.
  14. Well, I'm finally at the sixth Palace,
  15. Could it have been a typo from the game? Or maybe they didn't take Rise's birthday in account when writing that.
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