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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. An advice, beware of the Berserk staff. If you see an enemy with it, try a unit with high resistance in it's range, since staff accuracy when inflicting status effects is determined by resistance. Be especially careful with any wyvern unit, because they have low resistance and berserked Wyvern riders are not fun. Also, tell us which path you picked when you reach the decision. Some units are recruited in different ways depending on the path.
  2. I...I gave in. I promised myself that I wouldn't spend money on this game, and yet I just bought 20 orbs. Laugh at the misery of this sad broken man. Well? Why aren't you laughing?! But on a brighter note, thanks to those orbs I managed to get a 5*Eirika and 5*Lucina from the same group of Orbs! Lucky me! Now I have 3 5* units, Leo, Eirika and Lucina! I just wish I could gets a 5* of another color soon.
  3. In other words, in order for the left to win, they have to get people to actually vote. Unless they create a law that forces people to vote or at the very least make voting days on Sundays, most americans won't vote at all. Seriously, whose idea was to make voting day on a regular workday? Of course a lot of people won't vote!
  4. The problem of F!Robin being a Ursula counter is her low Res. If she doesn't kill Ursula in one hit, she's could be in trouble.
  5. Special characters like F!Robin and Narcian don't have "natures" or individual values., if I'm not mistaken.
  6. It seems to F!Robin acts as a very specific counter to some units, but other than that she seems a rather unimpressive mage. Besides there aren't a lot of dangerous mages other than M!Robin and Linde. Besides, I think Ursula will completely outclass F!Robin as cavalry killer mage once she's released.
  7. Yes, I am aware that his followers are uncivil as well, and that bullies aren't stopped by peaceful behavior, but I don't believe violence to be the answer. As the saying goes, violence begets more violence, and it creates a vicious cycle.
  8. The guy is a jerk, and he brought that upon himself, but I do wish people were more civil when opposing him. I mean, he's just a conceited idiot, not the next coming of Hitler, and yet some people go crazy when opposing him.
  9. Now that Female Robin has been announced, is she going to worth it? From what I've seen from the World of Awakening maps, she is a Green Tome unit, with the same spells and abilities as Merric. She might end up inferior to Male Robin.
  10. No, it wouldn't be a good idea from the business side of view because a guaranteed 5* unit would give less reason for people to spend money on orbs. It's the same reason as for why Alphonse, Sharena and Anna start so weak.
  11. Now I wanna read fanfiction of him. I swear there was one about his epic bromance with Finn.
  12. That's because Islam is the only thing most people think when thinking of terrorism. And Trump is taking advantage of that.
  13. To be honest,I meant that Ike would be the main antagonist of part 3, not the whole game. Ike could have been like the Laguz royals in RD, being only playable at part 4.
  14. Perhaps Ike in RD could have been like the Black Knight in PoR. An immensely powerful foe that everyone runs from when you meet him during story, and eventually leading to a final showdown between him and Micaiah.
  15. Actually, there´s something even better that Ike could have been in RD. An antagonist. Honestly, the entire part 3 of RD should have been told from Micaiah´s side, with the Greil Mercenaries and the Laguz Alliance as the antagonist, in particular Ike as the main antagonist. With his reputation in RD, Ike would make an incredibly effective and terryifing antagonist, and would have a worked as wall for Micaiah to surpass.
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/832198588201594880 So...isn't this a bit of a double standard? Or outright hypocrisy?
  17. Ike stands outs among in many things, such as background, appearance and personality, he's also in Smash, which boosted his popularity. The only problem is that he's kinda of a spotlight hog. He steals the role of main character from Micaiah, and a lot of time, especially in Radiant Dawn, characters spend hours praising Ike.
  18. Hmm, I wonder how long this season will last, considering that it's just 4 characters, it might be short. By the way, did they just referenced twincest in one of the paralogues?
  19. The Pokemon Company just released a clarification on how Mega Stones will be distributed aside from tournaments, it will be through a code that will be given to all players through various events/online postings with no wait period The method will vary depending on the Mega Stone and they intend to go through these methods until Summer.
  20. I wasn't expecting a DLC, but thinking about it now, I should have. Either way, it doesn't really bother me, besides they might be doing to avoid delaying the game even more.
  21. If it helps, here's a fun fact: Just as there are weaboos, there are also japanese who are just as obsessed with western culture. It's the reason as for why the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts games exists in the first place.
  22. I would say Nephenee's Sentinel armor also clashes with her personality. I mean, the armor shows her tights, arms and her entire face. Compare her Sentinel armor to Aran's Sentinel armor. It's really jarring.
  23. Actually the GBA General has a japanese feel to me, kinda like a shogun or something. And I wasn't going to mention the mini-skirt mage, so thanks for reminding me! Actually most female mages in Tellius wear clothes unsuited for battle, like Calill and Sanaki. The only female mage in Tellius that wear clothes suited for fighting is Micaiah, and I only mean her first set of clothes. Speaking of unsuited for combat, Elincia, Marcia and Tanith also has questionable clothes choices for combat, especially Elincia, whose armor seems to be cerimonial instead of being for battle. Back to fanservice, there's Lyre and Vika who were most likely designed with fanservice in mind, especially Lyre.
  24. It's kinda funny, with the exception of the breast area, Nephenee's armor is very fanservice oriented. Actually, Tellius has plenty designs that are fanservice oriented or that are very unrealistic.
  25. I will hoard until the 15th, though it's odd that there isn't more info on the new characters.
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