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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Also, the game Chugga had a hard time was not Awakening. https://mobile.twitter.com/chuggaaconroy/status/830853830501859329
  2. I saw the Tweet as well, and it made me sad. I can really understand his point, with some fans thinking themselves superior because they dislike Awakening. That being said, Chugga make LPs of Pokemon, which has a even more divise fandom.
  3. If such thing existed I would dedicate my life to a breed various soldiers, even brothers and sisters, so I could create the perfect soldier, and I finally be able to win all the races and finally get that damn Knights of the Round Materia!
  4. Not really. As long as there is anway to get free orbs, such as getting two orbs everyday, I don't see the need to spend money.
  5. They're not fixing the orb system to make orbs easier to get, otherwise there would be no point in buying them at all. And the maps, even those with five units, are actually pretty simple once you start playing it slow, don't rush in the enemy. The game seems pretty much designed to discourage rushing tactics. The same applies for Narcian's map. Besides it's a special map, it's supposed to be difficult. The only thing I agree is that feathers are complicated to get. But other than that, Fire Emblem Heroes is one of the most user-friendly gacha games out there. Compared to others, they are downright generous with the orbs.
  6. I can see why. That attack buff plus Arena Trap plus high speed plus STAB Earthquake is pretty scary. But didn't both Mantine and Pelipper moved up on the tiers? I would imagine that being Water/Flying is a good counter to Dugtrio. Gyarados isn't a bad idea either
  7. Personally I agree with you, but I've heard that the papers for his impeachment have already been prepared, with signatures and everything, so it's like they're waiting for a single mistake in order to attack. I wonder...are those who are pushing for Trump's impeachment are aware that the replacement is even worse?
  8. Devil Survivor 1 and 2 are good ones, Final Fantasy Tactics A2 is a great if very long and time consuming game. Tales of the Abyss is an excellent choice, I highly, highly recommend it. And there's always Pokemon, which are always good games. There's Rune Factory if you like a mixture of farming sims, dating sims and RPG. The Mario&Luigi series is also pretty fun.
  9. Honestly he should stop tweeting altogether, or have a professional spokesperson do it. But yeah, I think being the president is not what he imagined at all. A sadistic part of me really wanted to see his real life reaction to the courts ruling against him. Speaking of Twitter, someone told me that Trump broke the law by speaking in favor of his daughter's brand on Twitter. Some say he can be even be impeached by that, but I doubt something so small would do it.
  10. From FE4's first gen, Lewyn, Arya and Raquesis are definitely e among the first available units in heroes. And while Finn and Briggid first appeared in FE4, I believe they will be treated as FE5 units. The only non-lord second gen character that I think that has a guaranteed spot in Heroes and Cipher is Ced. From Sacred Stones, Lute and Joshua are very likely due their popularity. Seth, L'Arachel, Innes and Tana also have a good chance.
  11. While I do think homeschooling has it's benefits, is it bad for the child social abilities? I mean, the reason it's good to school is not only to learn, but also to interact with others, and develop social skills.
  12. Sheesh, that looks pretty bad. I can see why people are worried. And that also explain why I keep seeing on Twitter people claiming that she got in that position through bribe.
  13. Out of curiosity, who does her nomination benefit? If anyone at all. Because from the research I did, not even some republicans want her.
  14. Actually Alphonse might worth it, even more than Shareena. Some people who upgraded Alphonse to 3 stars said he is really good, while 3 star Shareena is a bit a of a let down.
  15. I agree. As much I want to keep playing non-stop, I am aware that I have to stop playing at times. And maybe it is because I work, but it doesn't me at all. And this is coming from someone who used to play games for 10 hours straight.
  16. That's...That's the answer of a child. I understand that no ones likes being constantly criticized by the media, but with the way he acts whenever they do anything he doesn't like, he's giving them excuses for them to continuing with their criticism. Besides, Trump was never popular, in a positive way, with the media, what did he expect that they would do once he became president? With the way he seems more pissed off than usual with the media, I think he was honestly expecting that everyone would shut up and respect him once he became president. I wonder how long it will be before Trump declares war on mass media? As in, trying to create some sort of law to make them stop criticizing him.
  17. Another thing that's worth noting is that the Zoras that appear in Breath of Wild are much larger and bulkier than usual. The male one even has to kneel in order to shake hands with Link. Compare to the Zoras that appear in the other 3D games, the Zoras in this games are much smaller and more graceful looking. The larger build of Breath of Wild could be a result of evolving from the more monstrous River Zora.
  18. Nowi and Henry also have a map together so that really doesn't mean anything.
  19. They are probably intended to be weak. Think about it, in a game that uses a four man party in battles, having 3 powerful units from the start would give you little reason to summon more heroes. So I don't think that they will be getting stronger anytime soon.
  20. Not to rub salt on the wound, but Leo is pretty damn good. He's mounted, has powerful exclusive spell, has Savage Blow and Rising Light. His only flaw is that he is a tad slow.
  21. So, I've heard yet another interesting bit of news that I'm not sure if it is true or not. Apparently Donald's son, Eric Trump, used taxpayers's money to fund his trip to Uruguay, using it to pay things such as the hotel. The total value of the taxpayer money used was $97,830. Is this true?
  22. My best are my 5* Leo, my 4* Lissa, my 4* Gaius and my 3* Draug. And despite have the least stars of them, Draug is the MVP of my team. He's just too good!
  23. About Zoras, it's worth noting that there two species of Zora. The Sea Zoras and Rivers Zoras. Sea Zora are the blue, friendly ones that mostly appear in 3D Zeldas and River Zoras are the green ones that attack Link. The ones in Breath of the Wild may be evolved from River Zoras, since the Rito evolved from Sea Zoras.
  24. Odd, considering Christmas was just recently. Maybe the game was meant to be released in December? Gotta say, I love the Robin one.
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