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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I got lucky, and got a 3-star Draug really, really early. Bosses like Xander and Marth couldn't do s single point if damage. Hell, Draug even takes magic hits somewhat well compared to other tanksz
  2. I know right? Draug is really, really good in this game.
  3. To be fair, what I meant was some fathers might want to actually keep and raise the baby, so I believe their opinion shouldn't be ignored. And speaking of Trump, is it just me or is he even more pissed off at the media than usual? They're not treating any more different then before he became president. Actually, doesn't Trump seems more pissed off in general? I think that being the actual president of the US is much different that what Trump thought being the president would be. And he's just realizing it now.
  4. While I do think the baby's father should have a say when it comes to abortion, allowing rapists to have a say is utterly ridiculous. Also, I don't think they should have a say when it affects the mother's health.
  5. This. I think people tend to ignore the situation when it comes to "Nohr or Hoshido", and try to make choosing as something selfless and heroic, much like the actual game. They also don't consider what the Hoshidan royal family went through. It's a horrible feeling to have a loved one disappear and not know what happened. Honestly I'm completely fine with people choosing Nohr over because they don't have the courage to betray the family that raised them. It's understandable and it's a human reaction. I have problem with it. What really angers me, is people justifying choosing Nohr over Hoshido by making it sound like it's a selfless choice. It's not. It's incredibly selfish. But a lot of people don't what to appear selfish so they make it sound selfless and insult the hoshidan family.
  6. Yeah, I know, but I didn't it was this bad. Unless the child was uncontrollable and brandishing a weapon such as a knife, there was no reason to handcuff the child. And besides what sort of school keeps handcuffs in the first place? Do they expect children to go crazy? Or is it common for american schools to have handcuffs?
  7. Ah, I see. I did thought that story was by to weird. That's why I thought it could be fake. That being said, I've heard that the detained child was actually an american. Did they gave a reason at least? And the poor kid must have been terrified. And handcuffing a child because of disabilities is shocking on it's own right.
  8. Confront what? Corrin outright says that the reason that he/she choose Nohr was the fact that he/she couldn't afford to betray the Nohrian sibilings. And considering how Garon treated Corrin, he/she should know that confronting Garon about what happened won't result in anything. Choosing Nohr in order to confront Garon is actually incredibly stupid, considering Garon's personality.
  9. Ana, it's very likely that they decided which character would be available first months before the poll. I'm pretty sure that the recent poll didn't affect which characters would appear first. So Ike winning the poll doesn't mean anything right now.
  10. So apparently a 5 year old boy was arrested and shackled in a airport in Dulles, Washington DC because he was considering a possible threat to national security. Is this story true? Or is it fake? I'm curious about this. And seen some blaming Trump's muslim ban for this.
  11. Sorry, the forum system screw over for me and I couldn't type after the quote. And actually I was disagreeing with you. 6 is a very popular game in Japan, and a lot of characters from it are also very popular. There's also the fact Elibe is the first continent for fans in the west, so it makes sense that it's characters are given priority. Ike's popularity alone doesn't give a good reason to include Tellius characters.
  12. Considering that in this game, you can summon characters that are dead in cannon, it isn't so odd that he thinks that.
  13. And that's exactly why I called it selfish. Choosing Nohr over Hoshido means you that you don't have the guts to do the right without risking getting hurt. There's absolutely no moral reason for Corrin to join Nohr.
  14. Hoshido. From a realistic point of view, there's no reason in joining Nohr, without looking like a coward, ungrateful, selfish and whiny. The game provides no sane reason to join Nohr. Let's be honest, the only sibilings that don't treat Corrin like a doll while treating him with respect are Leo and Sakura. In particular, the Xander, Camilla and Elise treat like a dress-up doll.
  15. Man, he's perfect for Hector! Bryce as Raven? That's a suprise.
  16. What is it about Bubble Wrap that makes us wanna pop it? I was handling some deliveries at work, when I saw one, and before I knew I was poping. It made me so relaxed, and I don't know why...
  17. There something about having Roy being top tier that is so unwholesome... And wow, even in another game, Ryoma and Camilla are best characters.
  18. It was already released in Japan and Europe. Just be patient.
  19. I'm suprised Liam didn't reprise Inigo. I mean, they managed to get Laura, so Liam should also have been available.
  20. And that's why you whippersnapers should treats us who are much older that you with respect! But seriously though, that sort of thing is inevitable when a series is more than 10 years old. It's why fandoms from games such as Pokemon and Final Fantasy have plenty of older fans. Of course it doesn't stop me from feeling old when talking to younger fans.
  21. I always thought that it was rather ironic that Rena Strober voice Emma, considering who opposes her in CS2. And speaking of FE's voice actors, Owain/Odin/Shiro/Ignatius's voice actor voices Gaius, Jakob/Saizo/Hayato's voice actor voices Jusis, Oboro/Effie/Mikoto's voice actress voices Laura, Chrom/Ryoma/Shigure/Azama's voice actor voices Prince Olivert, Male Corrin/Arthur/Hinata's voice actor voices Reinhart, Panne's voice actress voices Alisa's mother, Gunther's voice actor voices Jusis's brother, Tiki's voice actress voices Sharon, plus Leo/Kaden/Forrest's voice actor, Sumia/Nah's voice actress and Yen'fay's voice actor all voices a character that appears in CS2. Quite a lot, isn't it? EDIT: Ack, I got one wrong! Panne's voice actress does not voice Alisa's mother. That was a mistake on my part.
  22. Some of Rean's most snarky lines were awesome. Did you see the Cinderella one? That was my favorite. And fun fact, Rean's voice actor actually voiced some of his favorite snarky lines that were unvoiced in the game, and it's awesome. Here it is, but careful, there is at least one line from the second game, so it might be spoilery: http://sonicmega.tumblr.com/tagged/Rean-Schwarzer Wish I could post the actual clips here, but I'm on a phone.
  23. Ah, the worldbuilding in this game is a thing of beauty. And while Rean is a bit vanilla, one thing that stood out about him is his self-esteem is disturbingly low, even by JRPG hero standards. It reached a point where it stopped making me annoyed and actually made genuinely concerned about him. By the way, what was your most used party? I can see you're a fan of Emma, and I remember that Emma+Jusis being a really damn good combination.
  24. Well, Trump was a hated figure even before he became a candidate. I've noticed a trend that people a lot of the people that are against euthanasia (and abortion and vaccines for that matter) never had a relative or a loved one that was in a situation where euthanasia was an option. So they really don't what they are talking.
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