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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. This talk about Kamui being the Chon'sin founder makes me wonder if they will make other references. Perhaps a map based on Awakening's Wyvern Valley map. It was in Valentia after all. They also could make one of the characters to be Virion's ancestor. Maybe Leon? I mean, Leon's new design makes him look a little more "pretty" or "flamboyant", for a lack of a better term. In any case, he reminded me of Virion. I know Leon's ending doesn't mention much, but they could expand it.
  2. Sadly, both are unlikely considering how the industry works. Especially Troy Baker. It's almost impossible for him to be in the game.
  3. Actually, you really shouldn't blame the localization about memes. When there's a meme in the localized version, most likely there was also a meme in the japanese version as well. Don't think memes are a localization only thing, plenty of games have memes in the japanese version as well.
  4. My morbid curiosity demands that I ask, where do you see people claiming that?
  5. First of all NicoB. The guy is amazing, and he adds a lot of personality to his LPs. He's mostly know for playing Danganronpa, Ace Attorney, Persona and Kingdom Hearts. If you want good Blind LPs of these games with actual genuine reactions, watch this guy. I cannot recommend him enough. Seriously, he's really nice! His only real problem is that his videos tend to be more than a hour long. I also have great respect for the RunwayGuys. Their dedication is to be respected, especially Chugga. His dedication to his LPs is amazing. As for dislikes, Gamegrumps. I'm sorry, but I just can't respect Arin. The guy has the gall to say games have bad design, when he just to lazy to pay attention to the tutorial. And his Sequelitis video about Zelda is quite frankly disgusting. He's pretty much using the video to bash the games he doesn't like.
  6. Considering previous Grand Hero battles, his map will most likely be inspired by the map you fought him in his original game. And his mal was full of fliers, which is why Gordin is there.
  7. Actually, judging from the previous trailer, Celica is either Erica Lindbeck or Cherami Leigh. Saber seems to be Keith Silverstein actually. Speaking of voice acting, Kamui seems to be Bryce Papenbrook and Leon seems to be Lucien Dodge.
  8. Anyone else really liked he fact that they referenced Bramimond and the Isle of Valor, and connected them to the main story? I thought it was a really nice detail.
  9. The Owl, named Feh, is a mascot of sorts for the game, and it is the Owl who "runs" the japanese twitter for Fire Emblem Heroes, like how Isabelle "runs" the Animal Crossing twitter. So it's most likely a joke from the developers.
  10. Well, to be fair to Ninian, she was dragged away from her world, had her dragonstone stolen from her and probably had to fight the urge to transform, used her power when dancing, was forced to open the Dragon's Gate, was forcibly transformed into a Dragon, was killed by a weapon that was specifically made to kill Dragons, was resurrected and right after being resurrected she had her power used to kill to Fire Dragons. It's really no surprise that she doesn't have a lot to live with how her power was abused time and time again. Besides, Fae and Sophia are special cases.
  11. At least in Ninian's case, her paired ending with Eliwood does say that she enjoys a "brief" life, and it was outright stated that she wouldn't live long if she stayed in the human world. So her being dead in FE6 is very likely.
  12. I'm not sure about Ninian having buffs actually. I mean, she most likely will be able to both dance and transform into a dragon, so giving her buffing abilities might make her a little broken.
  13. If I'm not mistaken, Jaffar was a very young child when Nino was a baby, so the two are likely to be very close in age.
  14. Rexcalibur, and yes, I believe it was called Fimbulvetr in some versions. And yeah, there's Forseti, but usually the ultimate Wind Spell have Ice animations, so they could make Forseti be an icy wind.
  15. Ah, the old Pokemon days. During that time, the entire world talked about Pokemon. Parents and teachers didn't know how to deal with this new obsession the kids had. Everyone stopped everything to watch a new episode. Kids cried when lost the league. And there the lines to buy new games. And of course, there was the rumors! Pikablu, Bill's secret garden, Mew being under the truck, Missigno and who can forget holding down B and the down on the control pad when throwing a Pokeball? The internet didn't quite have the amount of information we have today, so there were a lot of rumors.
  16. Remember that Jaffar is an emotionally stunted young man, that was raised to be a killing machine, plus we don't know his height, it's very likely that he looks and acts older than he is.
  17. Speaking of Fimbulvetr, they will probably give it to a Wind Mage like Soren, Lewyn or Ced, since Ice magic in Fire Emblem is often considered to the same as Wind Magic.
  18. Actually Jaffar is most likely to be very young, about Nino's age or a little older, he's probably between 14 and 16 years old, so him looking young makes sense.
  19. They are probably waiting until people start to lose interest in the game, so they will release Ike in order to get their interest back.
  20. Well, if Finn is made a sword unit, they could give him the Earth Sword, due to him being Lachesis's canon husband. The chances are low though.
  21. Me too! I'm so glad that I'm not the only who wants Manakete Roy! And Fire Emblem Heroes is the perfect setting for "What if" characters. And assuming Ninian can dance as well as transform, this will mean we will get a tank dancer. Now, we're only missing a magic dancer. Maybe Lewyn?
  22. Also did Merric attacked you in a turn beforehand? Because if he did, I think I understand what happened. When Merric's ability activates, there's no animation other than the wind one. What must have happened was that must have was that you probably had a unit in his range when his turn began, thus he didn't even need to move for him to pick an unit to use it on them and then attacked them. And since you said you had units surrounding him, the ability affected them too, since his ability affects various units when they are close to each other. I don't think it was a glitch.
  23. Okay, but was one your units in Merric's range when his turn began? That would explain how it seemed that his ability activated when his turn began.
  24. As someone who uses Merric on his main team, Ana's claim is impossible. Unless Merric activated after you attacked him a lot. Merric does have a lot of HP, so you most likely attacked him a lot with either Brave weapons or a fast unit. Was a there a unit on Merric's range we his team's turn began? He could activate the skill without even moving then and right at the start of the turn.
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