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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I think one of the strongest positives of P4's story was the fact it's stakes were lower. Compared to many JRPG, P4's story and characters were realistic, and other than Teddie, pretty much every character's issue and backstories were something that could genuinely. The party was also unique by JRPG standards. They weren't a group of orphans that happened to come together. The majority of the party had both parents alive and the only orphan of the group had parents in a situation that it was unusual to end up dead, I mean, both of Naoto's parents were detectives, so them being killed because of their job isn't unrealistic at all. My point is, I think the reason for P4's success was how unique it's atmosphere and characters were, and how they were relatable. The games also makes their friendship genuine, so the friendship theme doesn't come off as corny. The made you care about the characters.
  2. Wait, are talking about the Grand Hero Battle banners? Because it got nothing to do with favoritism. The characters from the banners are picked solely from gameplay reasons! If there are Elibe characters, it's only a coincidence. Hell, the banner from "Battling Ursula, a character from Elibe, had 3 characters from Fates and only one from Elibe! And initial banners had two characters from each if the initial continents. Two characters from Archanea, Marth and Tiki, two characters from Elibe, Roy and Lyn, two characters from Ylisse, Robin and Lucina and two characters from Fates, Takumi and Camilla. Still no favoritism!
  3. There's something I'm not getting. What do you mean Elibe means break? Blazing Shadows is the first time we've got banner dedicated to Elibe. And besides that, the only other new character from Elibe was Klein. Other than that, we got nothing from Elibe. Where are you seeing this Elibe favoritism that you keep claiming it's happening?
  4. Is this sort of attitude necessary? This is a gacha game, it's not really meant to be taken seriously. And it's the perfect setting for this kind of thing. Even the most serious have goofy moments. Is it really wrong to have some goofy stuff every now and then? Some people actually enjoy it.
  5. Modern atire is a really interesting idea. Maybe it would be alongside a special "real world" map. It even make sense, as the the avatar is from the "real world" as well. And speaking of school uniforms, I might be unlikely. Schools events, in gachas games, or in games with DLC, tend to happen in beginning of April, which is when the japanese school begins. Considering we already are in the beginning of April, and there's already an event, chances for a school event are low.
  6. Like I know she's got no chance but come ON, they put two Fates Pegs, replace Subaki. Actually it seems the theme of this voting gauntlet is two fliers from each game. Two from Shadow Dragon/Mystery, Minerva and Palla, two from Awakening, Cordelia and Cherche, two from Birthright, Hinoka and Subaki and two from Conquest, Camilla and Beruka.
  7. If I had to guess, money is the reason. Lucina is insanely popular, and a popular as waifu as well. Just imagine how many money fans would spent to get Orbs for a bunny Lucina.
  8. I'm pretty sure they will have different stats. Remember that Christmas Robin was either a sword or lancer, so I could see changes for both characters.
  9. It's definitively Ninian. If you pay attention you can see part of her shawl/scarf( I'm not sure what to call it). And the only characters that wear that Ninian and Olivia, and the shadow doesn't look like Olivia.
  10. Interesting, so the new banner will be easter themed... I'm actually fine with that! I'm looking forward to see the characters dressed up like that! What other events would we get? Halloween? Or a 4th of July themed Arthur?
  11. That's always the first thing that come to mind when people come up with the idea of a morally questionable lord. One of the bigger parts of Fire Emblem is gathering a army, and I can't see a lot of people joining a criminal's cause. This sort of plot works in RPGs because there are only 6 to 8 party members.
  12. I do understand your point, but here's my problem: The interesting thing about SMT games is the fact that you can decide the fate of the world. But it's kinda hard to do it when you can't bring yourself to care about the world or the people in it. That was my problem with Nocture actually, you had practically no allies, and everyone was either out to get you, went crazy or was just using you. So deciding the fate of the world really doesn't feel meaningful. And sure games like Persona 4 may go overboard with the whole "friendship" thing, but at the very least, you care about the world and the people in it. It gives the player reason to keep going. To make an effort to change.
  13. Strange Journey was interesting choice, I curious to see where this is going. Speaking of atmosphere, while a dark atmosphere is interesting, I hope they don't try to make Strange Journey "edgier". I always believed that an atmosphere that is excessively dark hurts a the story a lot. It makes the player apathetic towards the story. Nocturne sorta plays with it. It's got a great atmosphere for an apocalyptic world, but there are times that I couldn't bring myself to care the characters or the fate of the world. Maybe it was the reason why the True Demon Ending was so interesting.
  14. While some units like Arthur and Charlotte are difficult to use because of their hit rates, it's still worth training, or at least promoting them as they make for amazing pair-up parthers, particularly Charlotte. Just to have an idea Berserker Charlotte gives her S-Rank pair-up partner +8 Strength and +5 Speed.
  15. Isn't it to early for Gen VIII? Then again, I did hear once that Game Freak started working on Gen VII a little after they released the XY games. Could the Gen VIII games be on the Switch?
  16. Speaking of "greater scale", this article also implies that this game is going to be huge. Perhaps the biggest Pokemon RPG to date. The mere fact that Game Freak is hiring people implies this. It's not common knowledge, but Game Freak is actually a pretty small company, and they have a rather small number of employees. If they are hiring more people, that means this project is going to something that they never tried before and it's going to be something bigger than they ever done before.
  17. Pay attention to this part of the article: “Here’s a chance to work on the development of a globally popular RPG!” The work requires using material to create cartoon-like super deformed characters, monsters, and item models. In addition to work as a modeler, they’ll also be expected to do work on debugging, data work, and more. Experience using animation and modeling software Maya is required." This part already gives an idea on how the game will look. And the type of software that they will use. This by itself is already very interesting.
  18. I know that, but even so there's interesting new information on the game. And it does seems to imply that development barely began.
  19. http://www.siliconera.com/2017/03/20/new-pokmon-switch-horizon-game-freak-recruiting-console-project/ Well, this is certainly interesting. Could it be Pokemon Stars?
  20. That's because of the theme surrounding Fate's characters in Heroes. If you look at the available characters from Fates you will notice that every character is either a royal or one of their retainers.
  21. I just recently got Michalis and for some reason, I love the fact that every single voice clip is him pissed at off you. I thought Michalis was a composed guy.
  22. I second this. My guess is that there will be 2 Ike units, the PoR version and the RD version, and the PoR version will be a Sword user and his RD version will be an Axe user. They could do something similar with Elincia, with her PoR version being a staff user on foot while her RD version would be a sword using flier. However, I don't think Elincia is popular enough and important enough to get two version.
  23. Technically speaking, rescue did return in Fates, but as an Skill. They could put both pair up and rescue in a game, but not make either of them a skill.
  24. Not that I'm complaining, but they are being suspiciously generous with the orbs...Makes me think they are planning a huge event.
  25. Well, to be fair, Ninian is a half-dragon herself, so if Roy has a normal human for a father, and half-human/half-dragon for a mother it might be possible that he didn't inherit any dragon blood at all. But I like to think that he did. What we do know is that his mother likes flowers from Illia which makes it likely that his mother either Ninian or Fiora as both are Illians.
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