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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. With all due respect to american people, this is hilarious and I actually laughed out loud when I read this. "Mexicans will pay for it!" he said. Now look who's paying for it. Americans. You can't deny the irony is hilarious. I'm really sorry for laughing at this, but I just can't help it. Trump did say the Mexico will reimbruse, but we all know that's not going to happen. I'm curious, what was the reaction of the american people to the fact that they will have to pay for the wall?
  2. The relationship will worsen that's for sure, but let's be honest, there is no possible way that mexicans will pay for it. Hell, if that wall is ever built, americans will end up paying for it.
  3. I agree. He probably just signed the order, so he can't be called a liar later. I wouldn't worry about a wall being built. It's stupid but more importantly it's ineffective. Because even if there is wall, illegal imigrants will still find a way in. There are tons of ways of entering the US using illegal means. Unless he plans on building a wall on the canadian border, on the sea and on the sky. And even then, he can't stop the fact that some guards could simply be bribed.
  4. I'm kinda sad that there's no official National Pokedex, even after Bank's update. I was kinda hoping for more creepy Pokedex entries.
  5. I know, but allow me to be blunt: Anti-vax community is something that shouldn't even exist in the first place. It's such a ridiculous and dangerous notion, that even 10% is unacceptable. I come from a country where people have to fight to be vaccinated. Fight for the right to be vaccinated. Sometimes they travel to other towns and such just to be vaccinated. They endure incredible long lines to be vaccinated. I've seen people crying, and begging to be vaccinated, saying things like "I beg you, at least vaccinate my children!", but there wasn't enough vaccine. I've seen so many die because they weren't vaccinated and they were begging to be vaccinated. So, it actually makes me angry that something like anti-vax sentiment exists in the first place. These people aren't aware at how lucky they are. They aren't aware at how lucky they are to have these vaccines easily avaiable. It feels like a first-world problem to be honest. And I sorry eclipse, I know you said to keep this about the goverment, but I had to let it out.
  6. Sometimes I wonder if the goverment should make vaccination education mandatory. It would help a lot. Actually, why isn't vaccination education mandatory in America in the first place? Or vaccination in general?
  7. To be honest, the government is part of why I am such disbelief. Does the goverment make any effort to explain vaccines to people? It would make a lot more people much less paranoid. And doesn't the people who are unsure about vaccines seek an especialist to explain it to them?
  8. Callie will return in Splatton 2. Nintendo confirmed it. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/212/964/479.png EDIT: I tried posting the picture here instead of the link, but for some reason, the forum wouldn't let me.
  9. One thing I don't understand is why people are afraid or have the wrong idea of vaccines in the first place. Don't they have things such as pamphlets, tv commercials, speeches in schools and such that explain what will the vaccines do to their bodies? Or is it that the people don't bother getting informed? Also I keep about the whole discussion about the number of people attending Trump's inauguration. I mean, there's a much simpler explanation for that. I mean, I am honestly not surprised that Trump had less people at the inauguration. They where in DC, which voted 90% Hillary and 4% Trump. Compare this to 2012 and 2008: which about 90-92% of DC voted for Obama. DC is also in between Maryland and Virginia, which 61-62% of the former voted for Obama and 50-51% of the latter voted for Obama. He also had swing state support in that General region as well, that is why John McCain and Mitt Romney lost. Obviously if someone has more support in an area, they are going to have more people celebrating their victory. Simply put, Obama had more support locally where the inauguration happened. This is like complaining about an inauguration in Texas having more support for Trump rather than Obama.
  10. Frankly, Pikachu or any Pokemon character for that matter has incredibly low chances of appearing in Mario Kart. In my opinion Bayonetta and Cloud have a higher chance than a Pokemon character. I mean, there's reason why Pokemon barely in any crossovers at all, and when they do, it is extremely limited, for example, in Super Mario Maker, the Pokemon sprites are one only that doesn't have special sounds. Game Freak is extremely overprotective of the Pokemon IP, even by Nintendo standards.
  11. Voice acting in games is usually done a year before the game releases. Doing the voice acting now, months before the game's release is considered pretty bad.
  12. Perhaps I am seeing things with too much malice, since these days every male hero of japanese fiction such as anime, manga and games, has a lot of girls falling in love with them, even when it's not of the harem genre. Perhaps I am being a little too judgemental towards japanese media culture.
  13. But that's the point, even before Link got a bishie look, he had girls falling for him, and according to Miyamoto himself, Link is meant to be a self-insert of sorts. A self-insert character, who has lots of girls falling for him does sound like a bit like otaku pandering. I'm not saying it plays a huge part or anything, but there's definitively a bit there. Do you know about the rumor that Ocarina of Time was going to have to have dating sims elements. Well it wasn't dating sim elements, but Miyamoto wanted to include girls besides Zelda since Link is a boy that matures into a 16 year old. That's why there was Saria, Malon, Ruto, etc. Miyamoto previously commented that Navi had feelings for Link in the game. Iwata Asks - Ocarina of Time 3D 2011 http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/3ds/zelda-ocarina-of-time/4/1 Iwata: More ideas sprang up than when you had just been basing the game around Adult Link. Miyamoto: Yes. When we decided to handle Link growing up from a 9-year-old child to a more mature 16-year-old, I wanted lots of characters to fulfill various roles. For example, Kaepora Gaebora is a grandfather figure who gives Link all kinds of advice and looks out for him. And since Link is a boy, I wanted girls besides Princess Zelda to show up. Iwata: And that's why Saria and Malon are there. Miyamoto Right. Also, Link's archenemy is Ganon, so I thought they should meet once when he's a child. http://www.ign.com/articles/1997/11/27/the-z-files-4 Famimaga 64 - Nov 1997 http://web.archive.org/web/200104191...december97.htm http://web.archive.org/web/201307211...iya-oot&m=html Q: Does Link have a girlfriend? Miyamoto: If it was Princess Zelda, it would be great. However, this time Navie [the fairy] is jealous of Zelda. So within the story, Navie feels something for Link. Again, doesn't that sound a bit like otaku pandering? And again, I'm not saying it plays a huge part. And about Pokemon, it's obvious that most of the products are aimed at children, but who do you think are the ones that buy them in bulk?
  14. I did thought about, but when that's usually the case, they usually say things liken "I can't say anything now." instead of flat put saying that they don't know anything. And I don't think Kaiji would lie about something like this.
  15. I think I found evidence that there might not a english dub in this game, but it is mostly conjecture and I could be completely wrong. The evidence is this tweet from Kaiji Tang: https://mobile.twitter.com/KaijiTang/status/819953220785086466 He's the VA for Owain/Odin, and if considering the fact that voice acting for games is usually done a year in advance, if Owain/Odin appears in Warriors, this might confirm that there will be no dub. Of course this can also mean that Owain/Odin won't appear in Warriors at all, but considering how popular he is, he has a good chance of appearing.
  16. Why do you think so many females fall in love with Link? That's what I meant by otaku pandering, especially considering that Link is an Avatar style of character. Pokemon obviously sells well because of otaku pandering. What do you think the Pokemon TGC and other Pokemon products are for?
  17. The difference between Niles and Peri, is that while he is a sadistic bastard, he's very much aware that it is a horrible thing to be, he doesn't drag other characters down nor does he was to. He also has standards and is capable of empathizing with others as shown in his supports with Mozu. He knows he's a horrible person, and doesn't other people to follow his example, as shown in his interactions with Nina.
  18. I don't really think that they would combine the votes of the two different Ikes. It's much more likely that they see PoR Ike and RD Ike as two different characters. Yes! That's exactly what I meant!
  19. Listen, I am not contradicting myself. I said that it would be unfair for Ike to have different slots in the poll, so it's only logical to assume that the actual reason that he has two slots in the poll is to decide which version is more popular, so it would not be unfair. These two assumptions do not contradict each other.
  20. This is what everyone here is saying. There's no reason for Ike to have two slots in the poll if it is for same character, it gives Ike an unfair advantage, so the next logical assumption is that Ike has two slots in order to decide which version is more popular. They are treating both versions of Ike as two different characters. As for why they don't say "You voted for PoR Ike" or "You voted for RD Ike" is probably because they either forgot or though it wasn't important.
  21. It's basic logic. Why do you think they placed the two versions of Ike in the poll other than to decide which version is more popular? If this isn't the reason, the it would that Ike has two slots in poll for no reason. It would also be unfair to characters like Chrom, who only have one slot in the poll.
  22. Actually Zelda is not super popular in Japan compared to the west. And even then, there's quite a bit of otaku pandering in the Zelda series as a whole. And Pokemon sells well because of otaku pandering, the Pokemon series has a lot of merchandise that were made with otaku in mind. The only exception is Mario, and even then, there is a bit of otaku pandering in the Mario games.
  23. It stands to reason thought. Type:Null starts with 0 base happiness, as opposed to Pichu, who also evolve by happiness, but has a base happiness of 70.
  24. Honestly, out of all the older Fire Emblem games, Gaiden is the game where an Avatar could fit in the most. The Avatar could simply be one of the Villager units, since they sorta work like an Avatar Unit. They could even create new Villager characters for Celica's group, since she didn't get any on the original game.
  25. This is a toughie for me. It could be considered FE15, but at the same time, I wonder what IS consider Echoes's role to be in the series. Speaking of IS, I've heard once that IS considers the 3 Fates games as FE14, FE15 and FE16. So to IS Echoes may be FE17.
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