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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Now that I think about it, Aerodactyl is by far the fossil Pokemon that is the most widely available in games, especially compared to the othter Gen 1 fossil Pokemon. I think in this particular case it's less Gen 1 pandering and more the fact that Aerodactyl is unique and stands out when comes to fossil Pokemon, being the only fossil Pokemon that isn't part of a evolutionary family and that can Mega Evolve.
  2. Out of the four Version Exclusives Ultra Beasts, Kartana is actually the least desired one in the GTS. You will have an easier time wih Buzzwole.
  3. Ah, I forgot about the cutting Nethicite part. Perhaps they are so weak be because their only purpose is to cut Nethicite? Kinda of a weak reasoning, but it's bets excuse for it's low stats that I can come up with.I always thought that the Swords of Kings and the Treaty-Blade should have been Key Items instead of actually equippable weapons, kinda like cerimonial swords rather than actual weapons. Perhaps they originally were going to be Key Items, but the devs decided to make them equippable as a last moment decision.
  4. Pretty cool episode, but kinda suprised it was mostly the storytelling part.
  5. I always thought that the reason they were weaker was to imply that they were dangerous and in a way "cursed". Kinda like the Magicite accessories you get in the main story.
  6. I've noticed that too, and I gotta admit that's it's a really nice touch. It's kinda similar to the reason why Absol is usually only first available at late game and almost never early game in the main Pokemon games which makes sense considering the lore associated with it. It's actually really clever.
  7. I think Res's point was that a child doesn't enough "malice" to realize what's wrong with Camilla's behavior. In a child's eye, all they see is someone who cares very much about the people they love. Children doesn't have have enough mental maturity to read between the lines.
  8. I just noticed that Lusamine's dress is black and white instead of the usual white. Wonder it it has any meaning, or it's just a different dress.
  9. A heartwarming but bittersweet picture from the anime today: Kinda gives you an idea of how things were was before shit went down. And Gladion looks so goofy.
  10. I understand your entire point, I really do.But the problem itself is already in the idea of making a fangame. It is against law, no matter how pure your admiration for the series, no matter how much help you need, so you really shouldn't seek attention when you know how Nintendo is with this sort of stuff. And I've seen many people vilifying Nintendo for this so allow me to play the devil's advocate for a moment: You need to understand this from a business point of view. Now put yourself in Nintendo officials shoes, you have just discovered that an individual has taken one of your gaming franchises, and has remodeled it into their own image, but most importantly, they are distributing this game both Digitally and Free. Ask yourself this, will you pay $40 dollars for a game made for a console when there is another version of that franchise online for free that you can download onto your PC? Besides this is a replication of their actual mainline product: a video game. It can be very easily argued that a fan game that has the same mechanics as a pokemon game could be a competitive free alternative to their product, whilst using their intellectual property. Also if they let ONE fan game do it, they have to let ALL do it. IP law 101. But dont shoot the messenger, I am just as disappointed as the rest of you are, but you all have to know that this kind of charity could cost Nintendo possibly Millions of dollars. (and you all know how the business world is when it comes to money). But, in my honest opinion, all of this could have been avoided if this game was released secretly. I understand why Adam didn't do it secretly, but it doesn't change the fact that Adam shouldn't have gathered this much attention to the game, when he knows how Nintendo is. A
  11. I'm very much aware of it. The reason that I separated "mentally ill" from "mentally scarred" was because of that broad spectrum in the first place.
  12. You know, I actually wanted to play this one. But when will ROM hackers learn? KEEP A LOW PROFILE. Dont make trailers, dont announce release dates months in advance, just generally don't act like you're an aboveboard dev company, because like it or not, the folks in charge say you ain't. Yes, people support you and want to play your game. Yes, some people think these companies can be overzealous in protecting their properties. But the situation is what it is, you're on the wrong side of the trademark and name that you've decided to use, you KNOW how Nintendo feels about what you do, why the fuck would you tempt fate like that? Same thing happened with Uranium and AM2R. Featured on actual gaming news sites, nominated for the Game Awards that Nintendo had a hand in -the fuck did they think was gonna happen? The more visible you are, the less companies can pretend they don't see you, and then even a less protective company than Nintendo would have to do something. And how is it that in 10+ years of hacking, people haven't learned to put up even the slightest of pretense? Just call it SomethingelseMon Prism or something like that, nobody cares how dumb the name is. You get plausible deniability, Nintendo gets plausible deniability, suddenly your odds of survival are that much higher. And stuff like Axiom Verge and Freedom Planet strike me as better examples of fan games than things like AM2R or Pokemon Uranium. Because with those aforementioned games, while making their inspirations obvious, the devs still created something they could call 100% their own and even sell it for profit. I mean hell Nintendo was happy to promote Axiom Verge on their YouTube channel.
  13. I get the feeling that Lycanroc was originally going to have only one form, when they decided to add the Midnight one late in development.It could be why Midnight doesn't stand as out as Midday when it comes to battling. Speaking of early Electric types, why didn't you go for Magnemite? You can get it really early and it's an excellent Pokemon line when it comes to battle. And why the Gen VII Pokemon are so slow, I belive it was a misguided and misinformed attemp by Game Freak at trying to make the metagame of Pokemon less dominated by Speed, after they realized how Speed dominated the metagame. But they failed rather miserably. Or it could be Game Freak's way of saying that hawaiian people are slow runners.
  14. I wouldn't call her mentally ill, but rather mentally scarred. Being one of the oldest, or perhaps the oldest of Garon's bastard children, Camilla probably had to endure a lot of things.
  15. Doesn't Solgaleo/Lunalaa have a really high catch rate? As in, you could throw a Poke Ball at it with full health, and still have a good chance of catching it, and this is no exaggeration.EDIT: Just checked it, and Solgaleo/Lunalaa's catch rate is 45, which is not as high as thought, but it's still extremely high for a Legendary. Just to have an idea, most Legendaries have a catch rate of 3. Solgaleo/Lunalaa's catch of 45, which is also the catch rate of Pokemon such as Aipom, Pelliper and Kricketune.
  16. My list and reasons haven't changed much, so I'll copy most of it from the previous thread. 1. Greninja- I really, really like it. It does so many things right. Great design ( The tongue scarf thing is really clever), great stats, great everything!...Okay, maybe not great defenses... 2. Drifblim- I don't know why, but I like it a lot! To this day, I still don't know why I love it some much. 3. Gardevoir- Not for what you thinking, I just love it's design and it's strong go boot! 4. Roserade- Another combination of good stats and good design 5. Altaria- Just so...fluffy! 6. Ludicolo- What's there not like about Ludicolo? It's awesome! 7. Empoleon- So regal! So imposing! So awesome! 8. Absol- It just looks so cool! 9. Slowking- Another one that I don't know why, but I like it a lot! 10. Both Lycanrocs- I love the noble wolf archetype and I also love the wild, savage wolf archetype so they are both wins for me. Honorable mentions: Lapras, Bellossom, Alola Raichu, Ninetales, Primarina, Lucario, Houndoom and Goodra
  17. Actually, the Elite Four theme of Sun and Moon is based an unused piece of music made by Masuda.This one actually: It only played once, at the Japan expo in France, when Masuda made an appearance there. The music has nothing to do with Kanto. And my favorite Trial Captain is definitely Kiawe. Not only his design is a constant eye candy with him being shirtless, but his trial is pretty funny, and his backstory is actually kinda sad. Favorite Kahuna is Nanu, for the same reasons pretty much everyone likes him.
  18. Holy crap, that kick must have hurt!
  19. Here's something interesting that I found, a theoretical tree of life graph of the Pokemon world: Click on the image itself if you want to see a bigger version.
  20. I've heards good things about it.It's has 3 different STABS, it's Attack is pretty high, it's Defense and Sp. Def aren't too shabby as well. Assault Vest on this thing is an interesting idea. It can also learn Rapid Spin, so it's a Spinner and Spin Blocker at the same time, which is also interesting. As a Gen VII Pokemon, it's not as good as Toxapex, but it does have some potential from the battles I've watched. It wouldn't surprise me to see Dhelmise on UU.
  21. You know I was thinking, the idea of choosing a country to side with in Fates was interesting, and maybe they could something like that in larger scale in FE15. Perhaps something like the main character being in a mercenary company like Ike, but you chose the country you side with, but instead of two, there would be more countries to pick. Although perhaps too many choices would hurt the narrative. Another interesting idea would be the Avatar being a retainer to the main lord, but instead of stealing the spotlight like Kris, it could be something like the story of the main lord as seen from their retainer's point of view.
  22. Considering AZ appeared in the poster, he will definitely have an episode about him. And also considering that Looker is sort of the main character of Generation, it wouldn't surprise me to have an episode about him and Emma.
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