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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I might be because in the Pokemon world, going on a journey with Pokemon seems to be a sort of coming of age ritual, which is why the player is a kid. There's also the fact that while Pokemon has a fans of all ages, it's still primarily aimed at kids.
  2. It might a cultural thing, a rite of passage of sorts similar to the Island Challenge.It may also be that unlike being a Gym Leader, being Trial Captain doesn't seem to be a full-fledged job. It doesn't pay and it seems to be voluntary. If watch Kiawe's video you will that he worked part-time at the megamarket. Adults might not have the time to be a Trial Captain. Actually, I think Pokemon actually averts this.It's cast is very diverse when it comes to age.
  3. To be honest, world building is one of Pokemon strongest points in my opinion, especially in recents.Game Freak goes out of their way to make every region feel unique, and they even explain the origins of places and cities, legends and customs and or why certain Pokemon can be found in a certain. For example, they explain the backstory of Pacifidlog, say it's built over groups of Corsola, and they originally settled in the middle of the sea because they were searching for something. Another example is how Driftveil was a small town, but Clay helped it prosper. There are other good examples as well, and they all help make the Pokemon feel like an actual place.
  4. A tad late, it's on the third island, Vulpix can first be caught before the Ghost Trial, so if you're about to do the Ghost Trial, that means Vulpix is near. Vulpix can first be in a place called Tapu Village, but it's a rather rare encounter. It's also not a snowy place, so you might think that Ice types don't appear there, but they do. They earliest levels Vulpix will be when you can first catch it is between levels 28 and 31.
  5. So I just found out that you can battle the Trial Captains, but Kiawe's battle is exclusive to Sun and Mallow's battle is exclusive to Moon. What's really interesting about this is not the battle themselves, but the story you learn from them. Kiawe's story in particular is rather sad and, in a way, realistic. Here are the videos, for those who can't battle Kiawe because they have Moon and for those who can't battle Mallow because they have Sun: EDIT: These videos are from the pirated version, so there are some Pokemon that shouldn't be there. What also caught my attention was Mallow's story. According to her, all Trial Captains have to be below 20 years, and when they reach 20, they have to stop being Captains. It certainly explains why Guzma and Kukui can't be Captains anymore. It also explains why all of the Trial Captains are so young. It's a small thing, but it's also very nice bit of world building. Fire Emblem Fates could learn from that. It's those little details that makes the world interesting. I just realized that I just caused Serenes's Law by talking about you know what. I'm sure Thane would have something to say about this.
  6. You know, is it really that hard to imagine that to the Pokemon fans, the positives outnumber the negatives? Yes, it has flaws, but to the fans, these flaws don't matter because they love the essence of the franchise. If you don't like Pokemon, it's fine, but don't try to make the fans to be like crazy people because they like they like things you don't like.
  7. Good point. Especially considering this game's difficulty.
  8. Hmm, do you know the locations of the Pokemon in your team?Because half of them are late game Pokemon, as in really, really late.
  9. Poor worldbuilding? I have to disagree.Pokemon is probably one of the game series with the best world building out there. GF goes to a lot of effort to make every region feel unique. I don't get it, what does exactly Game Freak gets away with?
  10. No wonder that even the regular trainer battles felt more difficult than usual! I was wondering, do the Totem Pokemon have perfect IVs as well?
  11. I was just thinking about some team set-ups with the Tapus, when I thought of something, wouldn't Tapu Fini make a great partner for sweepers? A lot of people say that Fini's terrain is the most useless because it negates status effects, but it might work well with sweepers such as Mega Lopunny, Starmie, Garchomp and Azumarill. Sweepers dread status effects most of all, and most of them don't waste inflicting them. Granted I know some of these examples aren't always sweepers, Garchomp may not fully appreciate Misty Terrain and some sweepers such as Starmie, Gengar and Mega Gardevoir may use status effect, but I think they could without them.
  12. Gotta say, things aren't looking good for the Sinnoh remakes. Sun and Moon are setting up a very high bar and it's very likely that the remakes will be badly recieved, unless they change things a lot.
  13. Again to be fair, in the games we only see Colress when he interacted with the Nate/Rosa, whom he was obviously fond of and respected, which is why he was always so friendly. We never saw Colress when he wasn't interacting with Nate/Rosa, so we don't know how he is like behind closed doors. And by Sun and Moon, he already changed due to the positive influence of Nate/Rosa, so he's not the same person he was in Black2/White2.
  14. Yeah, Colress is a True Neutral is the purest sense of the word. Although to be fair to Generations, this incarnation of Colress seemed much more Neutral compared to the anime and the manga.
  15. It is Chris Niosi. https://mobile.twitter.com/Kirbopher/status/801511643964317696
  16. Frankly you can evolve her now if you want to. And Alola Ninetales learns Dazzling Gleam when it evolves, similar to Alola Raichu learning Psychic upon evolution. If you're curious, the moves that she has yet to learn are Blizzard at level 42, Grudge at level 44, Captivate at level 47 and Sheer Cold at level 50.
  17. I know, I find it pretty sexy myself.Actually, most of the generic male trainer designs in this game are really good. Especially the male Ace Trainer. I absolutely love the male Ace Trainer design, it's really cool looking. The generic female trainers designs are also good, but not as good as the male ones. I also noticed that there no Psychic trainer class in this game. EDIT: Lightchao42, you can actually capture Alola Vulpix, Alola Sandshrew, Vanillite, Absol and Snorunt just before the Ghost Trial. They are on Tapu Village. But they are rathe rare.
  18. To be fair, in the game the player and Drayden separate during the incident to deal with Team Plasma, so they could be on another part of the city. And yeah, it's kinda sad we won't get a Hugh episode. The chances of Bianca and Cheren appearing also seems low.
  19. New episode coming a bit earlier! Focus on the freezing of Opelucid City! And man, the battles in this episode were particulary brutal! Seeing those people frozen was creepy, but cool.(no pun intended) It shows how serious the situation was!
  20. Since I have the digital version, I won't have to worry, right? I just want to confirm it, since it made me a bit a paranoid and ever since Pokemon Stadium I developed an habit of saving in Pokemon Centers. Those who played Stadium know what I mean.
  21. You could also put your main team in Poke Pelago when you're not playing the game. Isle Evelup can give your Pokemon some Exp.
  22. Flame Charge always had a base attack of 50. Here's undeniable proof: http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-bw/flamecharge.shtml EDIT: Glaceon Mage beat me to it.
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