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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Actually, that was Chris Niosi, better know as Kirbopher.https://mobile.twitter.com/Kirbopher/status/799665760670887936 Also, the lines from the Gym Leader are actually exactly the same as in the games. Even the Sage's quotes are the same. And they are actually quoting famous real life philosophers. Research the lines and you will see what I'm talking about. The only different one is Skyla I think.
  2. From what I've heard it's just as bad with the other starters. Also, that Smeargle have moves of various types. For example, if you picked Litten, the Smeargle would have a Water move.
  3. He meant Special Defense, not Speed. And yeah, Rash isn't a good nature for Primarina.
  4. A badass episode fitting for Sun and Moon's release day!
  5. There was way too much info to post here I simply posted this link because I though it would be helpful to people. (It is helpful?) It doesn't have a lot of spoilers too. And the Serebii Pokedex is very well done.
  6. To be fair, the poor guy's job pretty much demanded him to have the entire game spoiled.Anyway, here's Serebii's Gen 7 Dex, and it's seems to be already complete. http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-sm/ EDIT:Should I spoil this link?
  7. Serebii already had made a list today with types, abilities and stats. Can I post it here, or is it spoilers? EDIT: Actually, Serebii already has a all moves, locations and even Pokedex entries listed! It's pretty much complete I think.
  8. We already know all movesets. Egg moves included. And stats as well actually.It's spoiler stuff, so I won't post it here.
  9. Hmm...That makes me think, what kind of classic Zelda item would possible in real life? And will they play the puzzle solved jingle? It would be a shame if they didn't.
  10. I'm pretty sure I will be able to play later tonight, so I'm getting really antsy. I probably going to vanish from this place during this weekend, since I will be busy playing it.
  11. How could it hurt out wallets when there are rupees coming out of the breaking pots? If anything, it will make is richer!Joking aside, I wonder what kind of Zelda-like puzzles they will add.
  12. I know... You can't deny that would be incredibly fun though.
  13. It doesn't have to be something fancy. The pots could be made from various pieces in a Lego-like style, which you could break them and rebuild. It could be even part of the puzzle. Granted, the pieces would have to be large.
  14. I just realized something...do you think they will have breakable pots?! With Rupees or Hearts inside?! Just imagine real-time pot breaking action! Seriously, I do wonder if they will have them, and maybe even chests that shine from inside and play a the classic chest opening jingle when you open them!
  15. They don't mind leg, but rest has to go. Facial hair and axillary are especially vile to them. Granted, shaving axillary and pubic hair is usually thr healthier choice. And there are ways of removing from any part of the body. Have you ever your entire body waxed? It's incredibly painful, especially the first time, but damn it's effective! Much more than shaving.
  16. I've just heard that apparently some players who pirated Sun and Moon are being banned by Nintendo, to the point that they can't even use Eshop.
  17. Real Escape games are an attraction where you and a group of people are stuck in a room and you have to solve a puzzle to escape it. You can either solve it yourself or team up with a group of people. Usually there's time limit and multiple rooms. There's also a story hidden in the room, and a Game Master to give a feeling of drama. If anyone here played Zero Escape, it's like a real life version of it.
  18. I wouldn't call it flimsy, because they still had a before battle segment, which could have support. And it's still doesn't make it better than getting sharing alcoholic drinks, dancing, taking care of a bird who nested on a person's head or teaching a child how to read in the middle of battle. A lot of the cheeky one-liners could be justified by the characters getting caught in the rush and thrill of battle.
  19. I wouldn't be so sure, considering that some of the conversations in FE4 were played for laughs, and still took place in the battlefield.And I wouldn't call it rectified in Tellius. I'm pretty sure that if the character of Tellius could talk during battle, it would be the same as the characters FE13 and FE14. Just look at Mist's unpromoted victory pose in RD. If she talked, I'm pretty sure she would go "Yay, I won!", without a hint of shame or guilt. Another example, is the Cat Laguz victory pose, which is pretty disrespectful to opponent when you think about it. Some of the quotes from the "converse" option are also pretty silly and out of place.
  20. It's not like something similar wasn't done before in previous games.Remember that support conversations took place during battle. I don't know about you, but sharing your entire life story, having philosophical discussions, exchanging anecdotes, giving a long love confession, dancing or drinking while there's all that blood and death around doesn't sound sane to me. And yet the characters do that in previous Fire Emblems. It's a bit of a double standard to criticize cut-ins and critical quotes and not talk about before previous games.
  21. I wonder what the other clan members think of Nathala's new outfit. I get the feeling that Ursla didn't like it.
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