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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I was checking the list of wild Pokemon by location but stopped when list was reaching wild Pokemon that were at level 23-25. Alola Vulpix still hadn't appeared by then. It was during the middle of the third islamd list that I stopped so I imagine that wild Alola Vulpix appear by the end of the third island.
  2. But here's the tricky part, it's very likely that the psychopath that comitted murder because they do not truly understand that killing is wrong, Would it be fair to execute someone because of something that they were born being unable to understand that? At he same time, is it fair to the loved ones of the victims to let them go unpunished? It's something that doesn't really have a good answer.
  3. saisymbolic have you read the SubakixSakura supports? It explains his character quite a bit.
  4. Now that I think about it, there's a farm-like place in the second island, so the Day-Care is probably there, like it was in Solaceon Town.
  5. By the way, is the Day-Care on the first island?
  6. That's a the tricky about punishing psychopaths. They might have done a lot of wrong things, but could it be said that is really their fault? After all, a psychopath is not someone who is born evil, but rather a people born without the ability to tell right from wrong. The didn't chose to be born like this. Would you punish someone for being born blind? Would you sentece someone to die because they are unable to understand right from wrong? But then again they might do things that are considered unforgivable, and that excuse might not hold up. They aren't being sentenced to die because they don't understand right from wrong. They are being sentenced for other crimes. But the reason they did those crimes might be because they are unable to tell right from wrong and....well as you can see I could on for hours. There's is no easy answer. Which is why I said it was a tricky subject.
  7. I don't disagree with you on the fact that mandatory is not exactly a good thing. When I asked about mandatory votes, I was asking how elections in the US would turn out with mandatory votes. For example, would Trump still be elected this year? Or was he elected because of absence of voters?
  8. Is it really that hard to maintain them? Even if it's once in two years, it's for elections. Which is kinda of important.
  9. Voting Machines don't use touchscreen. They use buttons.
  10. Here's in Brazil, voting is obligatory. It's against the law not to vote. I wonder if that would work in the US? And it's true that they vote in paper in the US? Why not use voting machines?
  11. But I thought various provisions of this law expired in 2015. Or are you talking about the USA Freedom Act which is slightly different?
  12. Now that I think about it, perhaps because Corrin dying on casual doesn't result in game over is the reason you can seize wih any unit.
  13. I know how you feel. Everytime I see a new post on the demo leak thread, I tempted to see it.
  14. You know, there's somehing to be said about a president that is a Billionaire reality TV show star Wrestlemania winner And a First lady that is a super model playboy playmate. ... ... ... 2016 has been a weird year.
  15. Goddammit, I was randomly seeing a video when I got spoiled by a Sun and Moon video. It was just an image, but one that showed an important scene! Is there no safe haven in the internet anymore?
  16. People are really giving presidents more credit then they are worth. They aren't the real decision makers Congress is and nobody likes them.
THINGS A PRESIDENT CANNOT DO: -Reverse any Supreme Court decision: This includes Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same-sex marriage a constitutional right; Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which reaffirmed a woman’s right to choose first articulated in Roe v. Wade, another Supreme Court case. Grutter v. Bollinger, which instituted affirmative action, the entire body of Civil Rights case law, plus anything related to due process, including the right of minors to due process, your right to an attorney, Miranda rights, inadmissible evidence, etc.
(Even if Trump appoints the worst possible SC nominee, they still can’t reverse any of these decisions without a really significant case coming before the Court with new facts, and then they have to write an opinion stating how this case is different than that other case…it’s unlikely to happen.) 
-Write law or repeal any existing law While traditionally, presidents have exerted influence on the legislative agenda (see, Obama’s role in advancing and promoting the Affordable Care Act) they cannot actually write or pass legislation. Bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, and simple resolutions must be introduced in the House by a Representative. 
-Presidents cannot strike down law. Only Congress can repeal laws, and only the Supreme Court can strike them down as unconstitutional.
Presidential influence is just that—influence.
(And if—for example—you are hated by 95% of the party you joined last week, and burned all your goddamn bridges by insulting them at various points in your campaign…..they’re unlikely to partner with you in crafting legislation.)
 -Make any law or declaration that infringes in any way on the rights of the states
 So in the US, most of the rights are reserved to the states. You name it, it’s a state-run power. Criminal procedure and law? States. Medicare and Medicaid? States. The definition of marriage? States. Insurance, health departments, housing, unemployment benefits, public education, all these are state programs. And the president cannot infringe on those powers given to the states.
(This is why down-ticket voting is so important, because Mike Pence as governor of Indiana had 800x the power he’s going to have as VP.) 
-Declare war.
 This one is the most complicated, because with the advent of our “conflicts” in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. there has been a significant shift in the articulation of the war doctrine, and it is one of the least restricted of the president’s “restricted” powers. But, despite all that, a president still has no power to declare war. -Unilaterally appoint heads of administrative departments -Unilaterally make treaties with foreign nations Essentially, while presidents have a lot of power, it’s mostly unofficial—they can’t make sweeping laws, they can’t overturn existing rights, the most they can do is refuse to enforce them (which is absolutely a threat! and a problem!) but we aren’t electing de facto royalty here. Presidents are really just figureheads or spokesperson. They barely have any significant power compared to the congress hell most of their laws they try to push would get quickly shot down. There's a reason why congress is so unpopular with the public yet no one has the drive to do anything about it.
  17. Trump's victory is causing the Global Market to plummet. I wonder what that means for thr US.
  18. Pretty much everyone here is hating it I will say this however, it appears that americans have become the laughingstock of the world, considering the reactions I'm seeing.
  19. Seriosuly though any more news on version exclusives? And thanks for the video on Alolan Forms! They didn't change the stats a lot or at all I think... Is there a list on the new moves?
  20. I've been meaning but when we will get the results of the voting? By midnight?
  21. Speaking of Teump, what really shocks me is that people actually believe that Trump will be able stop terrorists from entering the country. Things like banning all Mulisms from entering the US and the Wall blocking Mexico making them pay for it are utterly impossible. Those are hollow promises and will never come true, but people believe in them because they don't understand how politics and the Congress works.
  22. I kinda suspected that with Turtonator and Drampa Speaking of which, is there video like before with the Alola Forms? And any more news on version exclusives?
  23. Ah, my bad. It's force of habit.
  24. Actually, Araquanid has 132 Special Defense. It's Speed is actually 42.
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