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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Ah, the Old Chateau. As creepy as ever. And a what weird episode. I loved it! So...umm...are Cheryl and Chansey dead?
  2. Tapu Lele is cute, but then I read it's bio that mentions that it can be cruel. It says that it casually brings ruin to both people and Pokemon for fun. It sorta lost it's charm for me.
  3. New trailer, which shows new Z-Moves: I find ironic that of all Pokemon, they used Alola Exeggutor to show a move called Breakneck Blitz. Which, by the way is the Normal type Z-Move.
  4. It's quite posiible that the player character might become the very first "official" champion of the Alola League.
  5. More JoJo stuff: Source:http://scienceneversleeps.tumblr.com/post/152381411727 Also, official Mimikyu plushies are coming next year: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/10/27/pokmon-sun-moons-bewear-mimikyu-will-getting-plushies-next-year/
  6. I didn't make it, so it'a not mine. I tried finding the original, but I couldn't find anything. It was probably the work of a friendly stand.
  7. Really? I think the combination of healing+Regenerator was pretty good.And I didn't realize at first, but damn...the Water Tabu has a lot of potential. Great typing and great ability and it probably learns Scald too. And guys, I just realized something about Red's shirt: Look at it. It says 96! The year the original Pokemon games were released!
  8. Speaking of Amoongus, I wonder how much an ability that automatically activated Grassy Terrain would benefit it. It's a free Leftovers after all.
  9. To be fair, Primarina still has potential because of it's typing, because it can probably learn Scald, Ice Beam and Moonblast and the little we saw of Popplio's stats, it implies that Primarina will focus mostly on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def. If we give it an Assault Vest, it could probably be an effective tank. I do see it as mostly UU Pokemon, however.
  10. I was just watching the video again, and when Primarina used Sparkling Aria, you could hear the super-effective sound, meaning it's a damaging move. It's probably a Water/Burn version of Wake-Up Slap and Smelling Salts.
  11. Grassy Surge and Psychic Surge actually sounds interesting from a competitive point of view.Being able to halve the power of Earthquake and free Leftovers are very interesting and being to immune to priority is always very nice.
  12. Grass/Ghost...Did not see that one coming at all. And damn...Adult Red and adult Blue are looking nice!
  13. Speaking of the Rowlett line, in the TGC Rowlett's final evolution has less HP than Litten's and Popplio's final evolutions. This might mean that the Rowlett line might have less HP than the other two lines, as a Pokemon's HP in the TGC is usually defined by the Pokemon's HP in the main games.
  14. Perhaps because all the main SMT games takes place in Tokyo? Tokyo is kinda one of the things that defines SMT after all. The whole reason Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey is called Strange Journey and not Shin Megami Tensei 4 is because it takes place in Antartica and not Tokyo even though it was going to be 4.
  15. But they usually don't reveal the starters final evolutions before the game's release. That's why I think they weren't going to reveal them in today's video. I could be wrong however.
  16. I wonder if they will make a video "officially" revealing them. Because you know, damage control. Wouldn't surprise me.
  17. Apparently the Starters's final evolutions were officially revealed by the japanese Pokemkon twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Pokemon_cojp/status/791565112532283392 I'm pretty sure this was accidental, considering how low-key this reveal was. EDIT: The tweet was deleted, but you can still see them on Serebii: http://www.serebii.net Someone's getting fired though.
  18. Cormag. He's has chemistry with Tana, and their supports are very good. You can see a genuine relationship growing between those two. Be it romantic or platonic. And Cormag really doesn't deserve to be alone. He's a nice guy who really needs some friends. Gameplay wise, Tana/Cormag is also superior due to both being fliers.
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