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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I don't know how impeachments go in the US, but back in Brazil, our president was recently impeached, but the whole thing took months to actually come to pass, so impeachment might not be a quick solution. Isn't it better than bad things happening?
  2. I got more Mimikyu stuff. Remember when it was said that looming under Mimikyu's cloth may get you cursed? Well... Looks like the anime might be going with creepy route with Mimikyu.
  3. I won't deny that nostalgia influences the players, but these days, people are blaming nostalgia for everything, which is getting kinda stupid.
  4. I third that.Seems to me these days that people love blame nostalgia for everything in games.
  5. Ah, Scholar... One wouldn't expect to be a physical class, considering the name of the class and the weapon of choice. It's tome abilities can be pretty good, but it takes quite a bit of preparation to make them useful.
  6. While I do agree that isn't easy to tell things over the internet, I think the subject in question and our previous behavior in this thread would made it obvious it was a joke.Considering our previous posts, do you really think we would suddenly change to argue over something silly?
  7. You are aware that we are only talking about this as a joke, right? No here really cares that Sun is beating Moon or which starter is the most popular. This is all in good fun. Do you honestly think that we were serious? There's no need to say that isn't a competition, because everone here is aware of that.
  8. Forget that, more importantly the Popplio line was ahead of the Litten line before, but it's losing! This an emergency! Something must be done!
  9. Really? In one of my X playthroughs, I remember having a full team by the time I caught Snorlax, I still didn't end up underleved. Did you try battling every trainer in the routes?
  10. I have a hard time believing this. I never used the Exp. Share in XY and I never ended up underleveled and with a full team of six. By which part of the game you had the full team of six?
  11. Might be that actually, since lava is molten rock after all.Maybe it's ability will be Rough Skin since Pele's Hair is actually shards of glass and it's dangerous to touch.
  12. A bit random, but I think I finally found the reason as for why Alola Dugtrio has golden hair! Apparently in Hawaii and other volcanic regions, something called Pele's Hair may appear on the ground. Pele's Hair is a form of lava, more specifically it seems to be volcanic glass that has yellow color and is similar to human hair. Since it's a form of lava, could Alola Dugtrio be Ground/Fire? What do you guys think?
  13. I've also noticed that he didn't despise the Disortion World, like in Platinum. But when you think about about it, the Distortion World is what Cyrus desired. I guess in this episode he lacked that desire to change the world compared to the games.Also, Cyrus isn't exactly a sane person, so we can't exactly say that he was thinking things through when he decided to stay in the Disortion World. At least Giratina got free dinner this time! He never gets to eat good food, since Arceus is always so stingy with allowances.
  14. He said to not look for him, as he intends to stay in the Disortion World.
  15. The pacing of this episode felt a bit off, but Giratina saved this episode(and the world I guess) with it's creepy vibe. Giratina's entrace was very well done, and the arrangement of Giratina's battle theme was awesome. Giratina was definitely the star of this episode.
  16. From this article, these are the parts that will interest people in this thread: Q:We noticed ORAS had a lower difficulty level compared to previous Pokemon games. What bought you to this decision? Any chance that future games will have the possibility to adjust difficulty level as seen in Black and White 2? A:What? How come you've already played the games? hearty laughter [the games were supposed to come out in Italy the day after the interview] We created a "balanced" game that was suited for our time and age, where everyone is very busy and young people have various means of entertainment. Using smartphones and other devices they can access a great number of games, so the time they dedicate to a single game is less than in the past. The player can choose to keep on playing after the main story and continue to the post-game, where the difficulty rises and there are much more difficult Trainers and challenges to overcome. Q:Why wasn't the Battle Frontier in the remakes? A:This question is connected with my previous answer. We didn't put the BF in ORAS for this very reason. Interviewer's note: In short he means that they didn't include the BF because only a very small part of the players would have fully appreciated and made use of this feature; nowadays players get bored and frustrated more easily and they aren't interested in things that are so demanding/challenging.
  17. That's actually probably the reason.To be fair, when I said the Battle Frontier was deemed to hard, I meant to say that as why it didn't appear in future Gens, rather than remakes, although, honestly speaking, I did assume that was the reason why I didn't appear in ORAS. Actually, I kinda wish I could find to those articles from where I first heard about it. It was on 2009 when I read the stories about parents in Japan complaining about the games being too hard. It's worth noting this only applied to japanese children. I don't think there was any talk of western children complaing about the Gen 4 games being too hard. And if I'm not mistaken, I don't think either Masuda or Ohmori considered the Battle Frontier too hard. It was the higher-ups that thought that Battle Frontier was too hard and unnecessary.
  18. It may not bomb and probably would not, but do you honestly think they are willing to risk it? There's waaaaay too much money involved for them to risk it. Even if it seems not risky at all.
  19. Yes, I know, but game developers want people spend as much as time and money on their games as humanly possible. Why do you think the Trophy/Achievements sysyem exists in games?And Pokemon is a franchise that simply can't afford to have people lose interest on it. It's not just games anymore, it's also an anime, manga, dolls, cards, pens, clothes and so much more. If people lose interest in Pokemon, they won't buy these things. And the Pokemon franchise can't afford to make anything less than millions. I'm aware of that. And I agree, it's stupid and selfish.But who do you think that gives money to the franchise? Those stupid, selfish people. And who those stupid, selfish will blame? The game devs.
  20. It's still there, because it attracts new players. Easier games attracts more newcomers. I'm not saying it's not ridiculous. It definitely is.But people are compelled to try everything that exists in a game, be they easier or harder. If is there, then peole will want to try it. And they will lose interest if it is too hard, but being too easy will hurt their pride which will make them lose interest as well. Yes, I'm aware that it's rather paradoxical.
  21. I do know about Ohmori wanting the Battle Frontier in ORAS, but why do you think it was shot down? Problem is, like I said before, the very existence of harder mode will compel children to try it. It's similar as to how the very existence of Casual Mode and grinding in Fire Emblem offends the veteran fans of the series. Why do you think it bothers them so much despite being something they could just ignore?
  22. Because if something harder exists, then people will want to try to beat it. People, particularly children, can be prideful and if something harder exists, they will try to beat it. But when they realize they can't beat it, it hurts their pride, and they will develop resentment towards the game and possibly even the franchise, which will lead them to lose interest in it. Yes, it's stupid, it's petty, but it's sadly true.
  23. Something like that. Back in the Gen 4 days, a lot of parents in Japan complained that the Pokemon games were getting to hard. And this also means that the children would eventually lose interest in the game for being too hard, and if they lost interest, then they wouldn't buy the Pokemon products. And it's obvious that Game Freak and Nintendo don't want that. Which is why the games have been getting easier and easier and things like the Exp.Share exist.
  24. Is there any way to tell if there's a lot behind that password? Maybe the Totem Pokemon sprites are among them. I womder if there is any way to fond out the version exclusive Pokemon through the demo datamining, probably not.And 128....that's a lot. I don't think we're getting that information before the game's release.
  25. I can see a possible visit to the Distortion World, but it's very unlikely they will bring back the Battle Frontier. It was already deemed to hard, and they might also not have the time for it.Also, lot of people, myself included, might not like this, but I get the feeling that if they ever make a remake of Gen 4, they are going to use the Diamond and Pearl Pokedex rather than the Platinum one. The game is probably going to be much easier as well in order to attract the younger crowd.
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