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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I see your point, but the current meta game isn't going to be kind to it. If it were Gen 5, this thing would rule without fear. Also, the trailer was pretty cool, and Tsareena's ability caught my attention. Like Bruxish, it's immune to priority attacks, and if it can learn powder moves such as Sleep Powder and Stun Spore and if it has high speed, Tsareena might have a lot of potential. And Alola Muk...SUCH PRETTY COLORS!
  2. Is it really great? Both Electric and Grass have ways to cripple it, and Water types always carry Ice moves, plus it's weak to a lot of common Pokemon in the current meta, such as Flying types like Talonflame, Therian-Tornadus and Mega Pinsir. Plus there's Azumarill, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Slowbro, Starmie, Mega Medicham, Mega Metagross and others for it to deal with. Have you seen the drop in the usage of Fighting type Pokemon?Granted, it still resists Stealth Rock, which is a plus, but other than that, most of the type it resists have ways to deal with it.
  3. Okay, people how about we change the subject? This isn't the thread to talk about this, so let's talk about something else, and not waste our time arguing, this thread about Pokemon after all. Let's about the rumor going on Serebii that says that Ilmia might be the only Trial Captain in the first island. Some are suspecting that each island might have a different number of Trial Captains.
  4. Pokemon like that are very easy stop with a Thunder Wave, and it has a lot of weakness, so it won't work as well as other Glass Cannons, whose typing allows them to survive a bit. Yeah, Dragon Pokemon are strong, the Dragon type not so much.
  5. Not really actually, Fighting by itself is pretty good, but Dragon is not that great offensively, Dragon's only positive when it comes to offense is the fact that it deals neutral damage to most types, which is a good thing, but it's the only one. Dragon is actually not that good of a type, despite popular belief.
  6. That immunity to Pixilate Hyper Voice doesn't mean much really.Mega Gardevoir often carries Psychic/Psyshock and Will-o-Wisp and Sylveon can learn Psyshock and Yawn, so really, it's not that much of a threat. Actually, I don't have high hopes for Jangmo-O and it's evolutions. Dragon/Fighting is actually a pretty bad type combination. Those two types don't really mesh well.
  7. The item that changes Silvadi's types is called Memory and the ability that lets Silvadi change types is called AR system. Arceus, AR system... ARceus, AR system... Very interesting... I think I'm starting to see the picture here...
  8. Thinking about it, most pig Pokemon are bipedal, aren't they? Even the pig starter goes from four legs to two...maybe it's intentional?Also, it seems that the Jangmo-O's has a tribal theme to it.
  9. Doubtful.Luigi had an entire year dedicated to him, and he has been appearing in almost every main game as playable character. Perhaps they are giving him a break? He has been appearing a lot. Actually, he's the reason Sticker Star is so...bare compred to the previous Paper Marios.
  10. Something small, but apparently Tackle has had its Base Power reduced from 50 down to 40 according to the preview.
  11. I don't know why, but I really love the portrait of the Hume hunter, it looks really good. Hume classes in general have great portraits. The reason I don't make Luso a Parivir is the fact that I like the Parivir portrait, so I always make another unit a Parivir. Also, one other thing that Hunters have over Snipers is the fact that they are bulkier. Sniper's defenses are actually quite low. Hunters can also learn Attack+ from the Nike Bow.
  12. I'll agree that hitting the medic is an immoral tactic. But remember that before Elise is a medic, she is a princess of Nohr. Ryoma is under no obligation to help the princess of an enemy nation, whose leader is not willing to negotiate. So what reason does Ryoma have to help Elise? It can't be becuase she's a healer because she's not the only one. Even if she dies, there's still Felicia/Jakob.
  13. I'm starting to think that Jangmo-o is going to become the new pseudo-legendary. It even have a double weakness like some of the previous ones and it is a Dragon type that starts small.
  14. The leaks are finally arriving and here's the firet one: Alolan Grimer is Poison/Dark I believe and Type: Null might be like Arceus. EDIT: Ninja'd.
  15. Speaking of Meg, I do believe she has conversations with Brom, Jill and Zihark if they are on opposing sides. They will never attack her though. She won't attack them either. Also, interesting fact: Meg and Nephenee won't attack each other if they are on opposing sides, but they don't have a conversation either.
  16. Maybe Type:Null will be able to use the Plates just like Arceus, and even learn Judgment.
  17. This again?!Tell me, give me one good reason as for why Ryoma should have helped Elise. Remember, Elise is a princess of a nation that is currently attacking Ryoma's own nation and whose king showns no sign of wanting to negotiate. This is just like when people complain about Takumi shooting Elise in Conquest Chapter 13. He had no reason to not shoot Elise.
  18. I think the issue of thr comparisons between male and female rights is the fact that whenever someone talks about one of them the other one is brought up, when people speak of female rights, someone will say "But what about men?". However the opposite is also true, whenever people talk about men's rights, someone will undoubtedly bring up "But what about women?" and compare the two. It feels like that the issue gender equality is slowly becoming a competition, when it shouldn't one at all. Both should be talked about equally.
  19. Mario. Been playing it since 1994 and never stopped. That's more than 20 years of gaming, now that I think about it.
  20. I'm rather fond of the Head Editor myself. And I quite like the Bloodfire mission, the dialogue is hilarious in that one.
  21. They might have limited rights to privacy now, but not forever. Chipping a child would not allow them to develop their own sense of privacy, which would make them messed up adults.
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