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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Datrix...I love it's pompous personality, and that hair flip! Brionne is pretty feminine, it does seems like it will evolve into Entermaid. It's adorable as well! It's cheery personality is awesome!
  2. I love the music in that map too. It's called Into the Fantasy, and it's an amazing remix of The Salikawood from Final Fantasy XII. I it has this fairy tale feeling and Into the Fantasy is a really fitting name as well, not because of "Final Fantasy", but because the song really gives you the feeling that you're inside a fantasy world. Also, is it just me, or does almost every in this game has blush stickers? Even the Bangaa have them. Not that I mind, it kinda makes everyone cute.
  3. That's not being a tsundere, that's you being ambivalent. ... ... ... Which, now that the same thing as being a tsudere. One could say that ambivalence is the scientific term for tsundere.
  4. Have you heard of his lastest story? Let's just say his life might at risk, for real. I'm genuinely worried for him. You think that's bad? You haven't seen one tenth of what the Internet has to offer when it comes to fetish. Deviantart and Rule 34 Gardevoir is tame compared to them.
  5. Actually, is the fact that Lusamine is classy that Muk and Garbodor would fit her. I'm pretty sure that when we battle Lusamine, she will already have revealed her true nature. Muk and Garbodor would be fitting for someone who's beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside, besides Muk and Garbodor are Pokemkon born out of pollution created by mankind, and if the Aether Foundation is evil, then it's bery likely that their eco-friendly nature is a big lie, and they might be responsible for a lot of pollution. And what Pokemon fits Pollution? Muk and Garbodor.
  6. Considering that it's likely that the Aether Foundation created Type: Null, I would imagine that Lusamine would use a lot of "Inorganic" Pokemon, such as Magnezone, Metagross, Porygon, Muk, Garbodor, Klinklang and so on. The type of Pokemon that scientists use. I really can't see her with a Gardevoir, Froslass or Alola Ninetales. Why would she use Ice types?
  7. Is Gen 2 and Gen 3 really bad? In Gen 2, you have access to Mareep, Onix, Zubat and Gastly all before the first Gym. Though I will agree it takes a while for the last two to be good. In Gen 3, you have acess to Lotad(In S/E/AS), Ralts, and like you said, Makuhita and the birds. But like before it takes a while for some of them to be good. Though Ralts utterly destroy Brawly in ORAS. ... Thinking about it, I think I see the problem, there are good Pokemon early, but it takes a while to train them. Is that what you meant?
  8. Now that I think about it, BW earlygame has even worst distribution that the Gen 1 earlygame games.
  9. There's the untold stories part that Shuuda mentioned, and if you look at the main poster for Pokemon Generations, you will notice that there isn't a single main character in it, so it's safe to asume that the player characters will only make small cameos or not appear at all.
  10. New episode is out: EDIT:Ninja'd Dragonite was the star of this episode. I particularly loved the moment at 3:22, where Dragonite is like "Don't fuck with me bastard!". That stare was awesome!
  11. And I was 16 when Diamond and Pearl came out! Man, time flies. Try having Pokemon that are older than high school students. Even worse, try having Pokemon that are older than college students! That's when you feel really old.
  12. May I ask for Seer with Magick Rush+Illusion combo? It's incredibly fun! And a Parivir with Geomancy, a fun set as well!
  13. Dammit, I was trying to ignore this. I don't want to fell old! You're still 17! You still young! When you reach 20, that's when time starts going faster than you can keep up. Before you realize it you're 25! You enjoy your teen years buddy, cause they ain't coming back!
  14. That's what I like about her too. She's a rather realistic portrayal of a 14 year old in a position of power.Some say she's a jerk to Phoenix, but after being taught her entire life that lawyers are evil, her opinion isn't going to change in a day, just because of specific lawyer is a good guy. Besides, the fact that she cooperates with Phoenix, despite disliking him, show that she's a very fair person.
  15. I prefer it that way, since at least it isn't random like it was in FFTA1. You know what to expect and you can prepare for it. And it's only one law.
  16. Funny coincidence, I just started a new file of this game today! This game is one of my all-time favorites. I still remember my Seer with Illusion. Illusion+Magick Rush was fun! And my Geomancy Parivir, that guy was a monster! But man, this game is a huge time sink! Actually, all Ivalice games are all huge time sinks! Kinda interesting actually.
  17. Gotta admit, while I didn't mind her "second form" much, there was something about her "original form" that gave off a frightening vibe and the way she used the Royal We made her quite scary and threatening.
  18. Small news, but a new move was revealed today, it's called Dragon Hammer, and it was used by Alola Exeggutor. http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/attacks.shtml
  19. Yeah, I like to watch competitive battling, and I have been noticing that a lot of players rely on Heatran a little to much. Heatran went down, the rest of the Pokemon fall like leaves. And almost everyone uses Heatran. I kinda am getting sick of seeing it on competitive battling. And your talk about Bronzong reminded if how Quagsire appeared Ubers for a while. Not that Quagsire is bad, but one wouldn't imagine it appearing in Ubers.
  20. I knew you were going to bring the 4 movepoll syndrome, and yeah, Roost did come to mind, but I didn't want to remove Air Slash. Hearing you talk about "Heatran Syndrome" did remind of people complaing about Heatran being to strong and wating to ban to Ubers in Smogon. But then again, Heatran can be stopped by a Water types, Mega Loppuny and Gliscor utterly destroys Heatran, if Heatran isn't carrying Hidden Power Ice.
  21. Tyranitar I can undestand, but Heatran? Even with Assault Vest, Heatran can't take many Shadow Balls powered by Nasty Plot and Life Orb.And is it really gimmicky? Inflicting a status and taking advantage of it to raise stats is a common strategy, isn't it?
  22. Actually I wasn't counting different forms and Jolteon, Aerodactyl and Mewtwo actually have the same base speed, 130. That being said 8 is still a very low number.
  23. It's not underwhelming, it's actually extremely dangerous.Why? First, because the list of Non-Mega Pokemon than can outspeed Crobat can be counted on one hand. And I mean that literally. Second, let's pretend for the sake of argument that Crobat can learn Spore by level up. It would give rise to this moveset Crobat-Ability Infiltrator(which allows it to ignore Substitute) Spore Nasty Plot Sludge Bomb/Shadow Ball Air Slash Hold item-Life Orb It would wreak a lot of havoc, and it would be very difficult to stop.
  24. Another issue with Thunder Wave, it's just how common it is. Most Electric, Normal and Ghost Pokemon can learn it by TM. Also, both Volbeat and Murkrow can learn Thunder Wave by TM, and both have the Prankster ability. You can see where this is going.
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