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Everything posted by Khid

  1. You're coming into a thread made to bitch about what we don't like. Get over it.
  2. So they were considering giving us more gay options and children for the homosexual couples, but then threw all of that out? Well damn :/Guess this is what fan fiction is for Oh oops totally forgot about that, but I already dislike the whole concept of children and most of them dot interest me, so I'll probably be avoiding marrying any of them execpt maybe Matoi bc first Awakening waifu <3
  3. Haven't played the game, so hopefully everything won't be too bad, but a lot of my concerns seemed to be shared with others and have already been posted. -Some of the penalties that accompany some of the weapons feel like a bit much. Certain ones just feel flat-out unusable now. -I'm a guy and I'd like a male Kanna. -I actually love having Odin, Luna, and Lazward back, but the Tharja, Gaius, and Cordelia clones are wtf. -The hairstyles for Kamui for both genders are hideous, but Femui has better options. -Children returning and the bullshit excuse for having them. -Having to marry a Kamui-sexual just to have all the children if you play as a male. Even though I hate the children, I'm a completionist and I'd really like to have all characters in one playthrough. I guess it's a good thing I'm planning on waifuing Flora and Anna at some point. -Zero and Shara being the only gay options. I think Zero is fine, but Silas>>>>>>>>>
  4. Sorry if these were already answered, but I don't feel like looking through 20+ pages. 1) Which characters stood out the most to you, in terms of usability? 2) How are Luna, Odin, and Lazward? I liked them in Awakening and was planning on using them, but I want to know how they perform during the main game.
  5. His hair looks like two different hairstyles combined into one and it really bothers me. But yeah, I definitely like Takumi, even though he's like second to last of the siblings, but I really like them all, so it doesn't matter anyway. I like his comparatively realistic view of you and he also seems like a total sweetheart, when he's not pointing his bow at you. I definitely thought he was older than Hinoka, though, when hardly anything was known about the game.
  6. I knew having any reason for children would be dumb, but I honestly prefer time travel over this. At least it doesn't affect the story.
  7. Maybe I'm missing something, but was it ever said how the three children arrived in Nohr? I dislike the Outrealms, but they could have just gotten there by boat, no? Anyway, I don't mind them being in the game. Inigo and Severa were my kids in some of my Awakening playthroughs, so I'm actually glad to see them back.
  8. Eh, I actually find it kind of amusing Now she gets another chance for you to rub oil all over her body
  9. I chose Mercenary, but I love Rod Knight, Thief, and Pegasus Warrior as well. Shame we're only limited to one because Adventurer and Golden Kite Warrior are sexy classes
  10. Also, I wish we could choose which Kanna we could have instead of having them assigned to our genders because M!Kanna is adorable and I must squeeze his cheeks all day
  11. So I married Cordelia in one of my Awakening playthroughs and I was kind of wondering and hoping that if I married Severa in Fates then Cordelia would be my child but I guess not
  12. Oh really? Which one? I'm having trouble finding them x_x Oh yay! It was basically one of the main reasons I created an account lol
  13. Hi, new member here! Came to join in on the hype and hopefully will stick around for a while. Anyway, did anyone notice that one of the new characters, possible one of the children, has a headband similar to Olivia's? Maybe it's Inigo's child? Sorry if anyone else caught this. The thread is moving so fast!
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