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RNG Princess

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Status Updates posted by RNG Princess

  1. If i'm not on draft Miccy for me >w<

  2. I know who you're going to pick next. Megasaurus Rex.

    1. Quintessence


      Nope 8{; guess who

    2. RNG Princess

      RNG Princess

      you're going to pick the lying cat

  3. Now its your turn nwn

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quintessence


      Gogogo easymodo :3

    3. Quintessence


      just a few rounds more and we're done 89

    4. RNG Princess

      RNG Princess

      I'm going to beat you on that draft >:)

  4. I love your signature ;W;

  5. ^^' How did you get it? I want to play 030

  6. What is MM run? ^^'

  7. Yes I am ^w^ I was very excited that I thought about buying the Japanese version but I decided to wait instead ^^'

  8. Who is the girl in your member badge?

  9. Who is the girl in your member badge?

  10. between S rank in dark or S rank in staves what should I give Ewan? For the 0% draft ^^'

  11. PKL picked a solid team though and it helps Seth and Duessel are free so I think i'll be ok ^^'. OK thank you that Runesword will be very useful 030.

  12. CR I'm trying to finish the 0% draft. It's so hard 030. One of the enemies dropped a Runesword in the tower. Can I use it? Or is it against the rules?

  13. Your sig is cute ^^'

  14. I envy you right now

  15. I envy you right now

  16. ;W; omg I can't wait for FE Awakening!

  17. ;W; omg I can't wait for FE Awakening!

  18. FE3ds it better come to America o3o

  19. FE3ds it better come to America o3o

  20. Excited for FE13 oWo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PuffPuff
    3. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      Are you even more excited now that it's coming to North America?

      ...oh wait

    4. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      Are you even more excited? Just 11 days away!

  21. Excited for FE13 oWo

  22. FE10 HM drafts are troll I agree o3o

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