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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. The form is really good but: - Avoid drawing the lines/creases on the palm of hands and fingers. It kind of makes your character look like they have wrinkly hands. - Avoid drawing just the outline of the hair. Lyn looks like she has spiky hair. Hair comes in groups of strands and depending on the character, they're usually smooth. I'll draw an example when I'm not on mobile.
  2. 'Doesn't matter'? You're making it seem like we're here trying to convince you not to get a Japanese imported Wii U because of how we feel about it. Look, if you want the imported system, hey man it's your money so you do you, but at this point it doesn't even seem like you're trying to engage in discussion about the specifics of what was changed in THIS game anymore, since you're talking about other games now.
  3. I honestly couldn't care less. The game is fun, the gameplay is entertaining - the changes that they made had 0 effect on me personally. I actually really really like the changes they made especially how they replaced Tsubasa appearing in a bikini for the photoshoot to more street and casual wear - those outfits are so so so cute I literally squealed when I saw it. Censorship is only a big deal if that's the only thing about something you're going to focus on. I don't understand why people want to see boobs and ass in an Nintendo game so badly. You can use the "well, I'm tired of Nintendo treating us like we can't handle it" well my question to you is: why are you turning to an Nintendo game if those are the things you want to see????? There are sooooo many other mediums out there that will show plenty so why get riled up when one game doesn't have it? There's no shortage of it just because we didn't get some of the revealing stuff here in the west.
  4. Much better :D Now, hands aren't the easiest thing to draw in the world but something to keep in mind is that when your hand is resting at your sides, your fingers curl naturally (give it a try! :> ).
  5. Oh I didn't make those poses since I find poses on google and use them as references. Using references is never cheating. I hope you don't mind me drawing over your drawing with corrections: The form is pretty accurate, but I recommend trying to work with guidelines to get the form down before going in and actually drawing. It really helps to break down the human form into simple shapes before diving to adding details. As for bikinis, don't be afraid to look at references for how the fabric covers the breast from different angles. For the right breast, the bikini wasn't quite covering it up as much as it's supposed to. Don't want there to be a nip-slip right? See how in Camilla's official art, the clothing on her breasts wrap around similarly to what I corrected? You definitely had the right idea for the left breast which is great! Boobs aren't easy. And one more thing, her left leg doesn't look like it was exactly attached to her hip so make sure to keep your eyes on how the hips are connecting with the upper thigh! :> Otherwise, good work! :D
  6. The green is a bit hard on the eyes. Try to go with something less neon. I think a palette that would look really well are the colours used for Earthbound.http://nintendowire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/original.jpg
  7. There's a HUUUUUUUUGE difference between anatomical nudity and porn/sexual content.There's nothing inherently sexual about anatomical nudity - it's a method and a way of practicing drawing the human form. There's nothing shameful about drawing a nude form of the human body :> There are many different ways of drawing the human form without suggesting there being nudity: http://www.drodd.com/images13/figure-drawing21.jpg Kind of like this!
  8. Getting feedback comes with perseverance and patience :> If you ever need any tips and advice, I would love to help out! (we fellow Canadians have to look out for each other, eh? Hahaha!) I'd have to say, the anatomy in your recent drawing is very good! Muscles or just drawing big arms in general is pretty difficult so you should pat yourself on the back! The few things I would have to criticize are: Depending on your stylization, try to work with thinner lines when lining your work! You'll be able to add more details and it'll make your drawing feel less heavy. The shading is a bit inconsistent in that some parts are more noticeably more shaded than other areas. Try to work with darker colours for shading to contrast and to add depth! Keep an eye on what you want the focal point to be. What's the first thing that you want the viewer to notice when they see the drawing? To me, the first things my eye notices are the necklaces around her neck but also her headband because of how thick and dark the line art is. For the tank top, the bottom should round downwards and not upwards. The only time the bottom of the tank top would round up is if the viewer were looking up at her from a lower angle. Similar to the various bands on her arms. Think of arms as cylinders - think about how they curve, how they're angled and you should be able to picture how something would band around it.
  9. You don't necessarily have to draw nudes but it's good to have some sort of reference of the human form to really know how clothing will fit and flow on the body. That's another important thing: do not be afraid to use references. Not only are you subconsciously teaching yourself anatomy but you're also training your eyes and hand to coordinate with each other - the reason why some drawings aren't coming out the way you have them pictured in your head is because you probably don't have a lot of experience with drawing what you see; you need to teach your hands and eyes to work together. Once you've grasped that, you'll get a lot better at drawing what you imagine. But there's nothing wrong with not having a lot of experience - every growing artist isn't born from knowing every bit of anatomy! Here's another great site that you can turn to for really good references :> http://www.posemaniacs.com/
  10. Here's some suggestions and critique :> Shoulders don't really bulge out that much unless the character has muscular biceps. Based on how slim the arms are, it doesn't look like the character does so no need to have the shoulders that rounded :> You should try extending some of the lines that make up the hair to show dimension and overlapping. Drawing just the outline of the hair can make it look pretty flat. Try drawing some folds and wrinkles to clothes! It'll add depth to your character. Tips on proportion (realistically speaking, of course. Depending on your stylization, you can break some of these rules but it's good to know the basics of the human form from a realistic perspective. That's part of art translation: it's good to know how to grasp the basics of how to draw something from how it originally looks before simplifying it and stylizing it.): Elbows end around the waist; wrists line up with your crotch; not sure if you're feet are too big/small? Your feet are the same length as your forearm; Hands too big or too small? An open hand should be relatively the same size as your face; Legs too long/too short? The length from the hips to the bottom of your feet should be the same length as the hip to the top of your head; Eyes too close or far apart? The space between should be the same length as the eye; Not sure where the ears should be? The top of your ear should line up with your eye while the bottom of the ear lines up with the tip of your nose. As for how to shade breasts to give them dimension: http://pre15.deviantart.net/25dc/th/pre/i/2012/177/c/d/gm_task_15__shading_the_human_body2_by_teacup_creations-d54xw4g.png I've done lots of life drawing and nude drawings in high school and in my first year of college so I still have lots of artist tips to share :>
  11. Here are two game making resources masterposts that might help you out: https://carmenmcs.tumblr.com/post/80839242863/go-here-for-the-latest-update-this-post-is http://pinkuboa.tumblr.com/post/92110744181/see-i-did-do-something-for-200-followers-12 The Second masterpost is the one I use; some really good free-to-use music are composed by Japanese composers so I highly recommend you check out those links.
  12. That's the thing though - is it really worth getting upset over people's opinion? You can object to other people's opinions but even if you feel strongly about your own, you can't expect everyone to sympathize with you. Back when the Serenes Forest Scribbles was running, I really wanted to win and was disappointed that I didn't get as many votes as I'd thought in order to win but you just got to grind your teeth and realize people have different tastes. But even if people don't have the same feelings as you, it doesn't make your opinion/work any less strong/valid. The internet is riddled with people who have different opinions and if you can't take the heat, you're gonna have a hard time here.
  13. If it makes you feel any better, in the grand scheme of things, polls don't mean anything. Are people going to think and be talking about this poll in the next few weeks? Probably not so it's best not to waste your energy on something that is completely opinionated.
  14. Ohhhh! I must have scrolled past that comment! That's cute! :>
  15. I haven't run across any yet unfortunately. There's another female salesclerk in Anzu in Harajuku but I haven't figured out if she's supposed to be a FE cameo or just a generic looking NPC. Tbh they should have made her look like Oboro or any FE character that is into fashion and clothing since that's what the NPC is selling.
  16. Maybe the disc you got was for the wrong region? Check to make sure that the disk you got is the one that works for your region.
  17. I just finished the Boss in Chapter 3 (bloody reinforcements...) and the gameplay is highly addicting. There's something really satisfying about pulling up combo sessions aaaaaaaaa I also really love the ad-lib performances since they can save your hide quite a bit.
  18. No problem! I added more to my comment in an edit because I didn't want to double post X'D Also, something I noticed with your colouring - if this is the style you're going for then pardon this additional tip - but if you want to go for a more vibrant palette or colour scheme for your drawings, don't use greyer/darker version for the shading. Using a slight variation of a different darker colour will add a bit more *pop* to your drawings :>
  19. Oh, if you have Clip Studio Paint Pro, you should definitely take advantage of the 3D Anatomical models that the program has. You can also customize and change the pose to whatever you see fit. They're really good for references. (That's pretty much the only reason I use it haha............................) EDIT: As for any other advice, if you're going for a more painted look, try to take advantage of the blending so the difference in colours is more...obvious and sharp? With the second last drawing, some of the colours are pretty similar to each other that there's a lack of contrast between the shading and the base colour which makes it looks a bit muddied.
  20. Not a drawing but on my tumblr, I got an ask from someone, asking for drawing advice for beginners so I thought my response might be helpful or inspiring: http://carefreejules.tumblr.com/post/146384007201/do-you-have-any-how-to-art-books-and-is-there-any
  21. There's no shame or harm in appreciating character development from them and wanting to see more :> But personally, as much as I love the Awakening trio, it's time to move on from Awakening. I get that their inclusion was probably more or less a shout out to the success of Awakening, but I don't think the series needs or the players need to be reminded of this anymore. I would like to see a full roster of new characters. No clones, no time shenanigans, no reincarnations - just new characters. Don't get me wrong, things like reincarnations are interesting, but if that is a go-to reason to explain why three of the children characters look the same as three characters from Awakening, that's a pretty lazy reason if you ask me especially since there isn't really an in-depth reason to back it up.
  22. I got the game and I'm having loads of fun with it so far! I'm sure people who have the game have already noticed, but there are some pretty neat cameos from other characters in Fire Emblem : We have Anna working at the shop where you buy healing items and can draw lottery tickets. Ilyana from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn working as a waitress in the Cafe (you can buy food or drinks to heal your party). And we have Aimee from Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn and apparently in the games Marth appeared in right? She works as clothing and accessory shop. Pretty cute cameos :D
  23. Well if you just want to do things like pixel art as your graphics like the ones in the older Fire Emblems, I recommend looking into a free program called Graphic Gales, which is a full on sprite making/pixel art making program. It can also do sprite animations so that might help you out. But I think what you might want to do is look up and research about sprite making and sprite animations because it sounds like to me that's what you're looking for and want to learn.
  24. Depends on what you mean by 'big'? Working with a bigger canvas is better because of the sharp and high quality of the resolution especially with scaling. I usually work in 2500 x 2500 pixels and then I crop accordingly. Working with a smaller canvas size limits to how much you can zoom in and scale without ruining the quality. You have a lot more leeway and flexibility when you have a bigger canvas. Remember, it's easier to scale down than scale up.
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