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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. The character is from a rhythm mobile game that I'm currently really into! My only two pieces of feedback for what you showed have to do with shading and the hair (though it might be a stylistic choice of yours so feel free not take this advice). There isn't a whole lot of shading which still makes your drawings look a bit flat, but I do see your effort and experimentation.Try to use a darker colour if you want your shading to come out more noticeably. As for the hair, because you're making lines that go all the way from point A to point B, it makes the hair look like they're segmented like braids a bit, you know what I mean? Like the strands of hair feel separated almost. If you look at my recent drawing, notice how my lines don't run all the way across her head and scalp. Depending on gravity or flow, hair doesn't really separate noticeably at the scalp but they do at the ends.
  2. Multiple type layer is definitely a useful layer for keeping your shading a consistent colour throughout. My go-to shading colour is a cross between a purple/red shade. If you're having trouble with shading, just look at an object or face and see how light projects on it - that's what I do. Heck, sometimes I'll be staring at people on the subway because I'm examining/making a note of the pose that they're in for future reference. Learning from real life is probably the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest way for you to learn - that's how I learned and continue to use.
  3. If you have a PC, I use a sprite/pixel specific program called Graphics Gale and it's a really useful program especially if you want to make large sprites but are 8/16 bit (because you have to work on a pretty small canvas for sprites that have that retro look because of the lack of details but if you try to blow it up 100%, the quality is going to be ruined so Graphics Gale has a special grid system where you can preserve the quality) Here are some examples of some of the sprites and pixels I've made in the program:
  4. Hmmm I might enter this year again but my entry probably won't be as ambitious and tasking as what I submitted last year. It would be neat if I got placed in the top 10 again but joining creatively driven contests like these are always fun :>
  5. Of course! Feel free to send me a link to a drawing you want me to give advice on and I'll be glad to help :>
  6. -casually rises from the dead- The weeks and months leading up today have been killing me in terms of finals, exams, the holidays and all that awesome stressful stuff. Needless to say, I don't have much motivation for drawing anything Fire Emblem related (phases come and go, you know how it is). But with the new year just around the corner, hopefully I can get back into drawing more frequently like I used to because I miss it so much. Here are a few things that I have drawn though that I haven't posted here yet: (this is a preview for a Takumi zine that I was apart of) Of course if anyone needs to contact me I'm more active and available through my tumblr and deviantart which the links are in my signature. Hopefully I can be more active here but until then - o7
  7. I actually work for the Toronto branch of a Real Escape Company that's partnered with Scrap entertainment so it would be awesome if it eventually came to Canada because that would mean I get to help out with it! This job is already fun and easy going as it is so being paid to dress up and act would be pretty sweet.
  8. Interest changes will happen as well :0 I'm currently being sucked into idol boy hell (IDOLiSH7) so that's where I've been in lately lmao
  9. You have to realize people have different standards and tolerance levels. Yeah it may seem like not a huge deal to you, but it can greatly effect someone else's gaming experience because it can be something that ruins the atmosphere of the game, it's not something they're comfortable, etc. Sometimes, you have to put yourself in the shoes their in because the world doesn't revolve around what one person or what one group thinks right? Sure you can tell the person to suck it up or not play the game, but that's not really fair to them either since if they want to complain, they can. Video games are going to bring in different audiences who have varying opinions.
  10. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v695/carnilia/randomgifs/tumblr_m7swmtmv7n1rn95k2o1_250_zps880b4a1e.gif
  11. Sorry for not posting much! I started working part time so I haven't had a whole lot of time to draw DX But tomorrow is one of my best friends' birthday and he requested Alolan Raichu! I'm going to make this into buttons or acrylic keychains at some point :>
  12. That's not true, I'm 99.9% sure. I have the Japanese original soundtrack for the game and it came with the Birthright and Conquest cutscenes and all of them were accounted for in the western localization. Same goes for Revelation since you can find them all on youtube in Japanese and there wasn't any additional cutscene that we didn't get. If a cutscene was removed from the western localization, there would have been a massive outrage about it.
  13. What exactly is it that you want someone to draw? I'm not speaking on behalf of all artists, but generally, there's a level of respect involved when you're asking someone to draw something for you. For artists to do requests, it takes a lot of motivation for them to draw the idea but also to be invested in it especially since they're doing it for free. If they're not being compensated for a drawing that they're not really interested in drawing, it becomes stressful for them. I'm not trying to guilt you or make you feel bad but just be careful by how you're asking and how much you're asking for. It sounds like you really want this drawing if you're going through this much effort to find someone who will draw it for you for free.
  14. Traditional FE art style? Do you have an example? There's also plenty of great FE artists outside of pixiv. It'll be easier to contact them since a majority of people who use pixiv speak Japanese.
  15. It's great to see the amount of effort and work you put into this project! :> (This is also Pigeon-Senpai on youtube heeeey~)
  16. For the Lyn Fates style portraits, you're falling into the common trap where you're drawing the clothes fold that separates her breast, when in fact, form fit clothes do not work like that. If the female has large breasts and the outfit is supposed to be a bit of a form fit, the fabric should go over her breasts evenly, leaving no folds through the cleavage. Imagine putting two basketballs together and putting a fabric over them tightly - the only folds/wrinkles you would see is the tension from the stretched fabric across the cleavage area. I have a hunch that you're trying to shade as much as possible and if that's the case, it'll make more sense to shade under her breasts more.
  17. I am personally tired of seeing people hate on Awakening and Fates but moreso if they're hating or trying to ruin other people's enjoyment of the games by pushing their opinions on them or making their views more superior. But if people are just criticizing/complaining about what they don't like about the game, why does their opinion matter to you so much? If you like the games, that's great! But all you're doing is aggravating yourself further by getting mad at other people's opinion. People have different expectations, experiences and tastes and not everything about the game is going to appeal to those aspects. Hell, I get really annoyed when people still bring up the localization changes because those topics have been done to death already, but people are always always always going to find an excuse to complain and if they want to, leave them be. At the end of the day, their opinion has no authority over yours. If you see people complaining, sometimes you just need to take a step back and tell yourself "this is the internet where complaining and hating is a common occurrence so the best way for me to remedy the situation, is to distance myself from it and be on my way." "Can people enjoy a Fire Emblem game without complaining?" No, because people are going to complain if they want and there's no rule stating that they can't. And there's nothing wrong with that. Why should it matter?
  18. Bara Litten looks like another Tepig case scenario. I'm gonna name my Rowlet, Takumi.
  19. I...really don't like Litten's final evolution either hahahaha......... Or as my friend calls it: "Bara Kitty." I absolutely ADORE Rowlet's final evolution. I love archers and I love birds - this one is a clear winner in my book. Popplio's doesn't look half bad either! Very majestic and pretty looking.
  20. The reason you shouldn't use gray for shadows is because it dilutes the base colour which can make your overall drawing dull and not very energetic. Kind of like how on the grey cloudy day, everything looks more gloomy and dull - it's the same for art. What you basically want to go for in shading, is to make the shading colour darker but vibrant and here's what I mean by that: You know that colours can be divided between warm and cool colours right? Red, Orange and Yellow being warm colours while Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet are cool colours. Say you have a yellow base colour and need a shading colour: don't go for a dark yellow which looks like a kind of pukey green dark colour because what you're doing is adding black/grey to the yellow base colour and that's something you want to avoid. So instead, shade with a colour that's warmer than yellow. What's warmer than yellow? Orange. What's warmer than orange? Red - see the pattern? In the first link of my previous post, look at the difference between the first orange sphere and the second orange sphere. The shading for the first sphere, the palette is basically just adding black/grey to orange, which makes the sphere look more muddy and dull. But for the second sphere, notice how using orange-reddish colours makes the sphere more vibrant and orange? That's what I mean. So for cool colours, say you have a green base colour and now your need a colour to shade? What's cooler than green? Blue. What's cooler than blue? Indigo and so on. Sometimes it's a helpful exercise to blend colours together to see if they compliment each other well when blended. That will usually let you know if those colours look good together. http://s1003.photobucket.com/user/starlightjuliet/media/palette.png.html The reason I drew x's on the bottom three is because those colours are complementary to each other on the colour wheel - or in other words, they're the opposite of each other so they don't blend well together. https://www.google.ca/search?espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=colour+wheel&oq=colour+wheel&gs_l=img.3..0l10.3150.5415.0.5723. I highly suggest you study the colour wheel to really analyze and see the transition between one colour to the next.
  21. Commentary can be a variety of things and if you find that you're having trouble thinking of what to say, just talk about how you feel about the game and the thought process that's going into your mind. Voice your observations and most importantly - be genuine. The personality of your voice matters a lot too especially if there's a certain way you want to appeal to your potential audience. In general, you might want to sound a bit more enthusiastic and be a little more energetic because you're sounding a bit monotone in the video. It's not necessarily a bad thing since there are plenty of Let's Players like Cryoatic and Critikal who have monotone voices, but Cryoatic is really good at voice acting and reading the dialogue expressively, which intrigues the audience and keeps their interest. So even though his standard voice is monotone, there's another quality of his commentary that make him interesting.
  22. I would like to see Alola forms of Eevee but I can't really imagine the functionality to that considering there's Eeveelutions for a good chunk of some of the core available types already so to change the typing to an existing Eeveelution seems kind of...strange to me. Like, you can't really have Flareon moving to the snowy mountains and it becomes an ice type because Glaceon is already a thing. With that in mind, I can't really imagine how they would adapt the existing Eeveelutions to different environments. A ghost Eeveelution would be cool, but which existing Eeveelution would fit the scenario of adapting into a new environment so it turns into a ghost? Espeon or Umbreon maybe.
  23. Thanks! I don't have the best fashion sense either but when you start to get better and better at working with colours, it's lots of fun! Here are some really good shading and colour tutorials that can help you get better :> http://orig13.deviantart.net/f18b/f/2012/353/7/7/coloured_shading_tutorial___how_to_pick_a_palette_by_madeleinestern-d5oi5lp.jpg http://orig06.deviantart.net/e5e4/f/2012/255/3/e/shading_colour_choice_tutorial_by_cherubchan-d5eivhu.jpg A good rule of thumb is to shade with a colour that is a darker hue that is relative to the base colour. For example, use a dark teal/green blue for shading green. It'll make things more vibrant. You never want to shade with black/grey.
  24. You're welcome! It's completely fine drawing magical effects with an outline on paper because you kind of need to know where they're going to be, right? But when you're translating digitally, stick with using the colour of the magical effect minus the outline. You're getting better which is great and I'm happy that you're taking the advice that I and other people are giving you! Another thing you might want to work on is your colour. Some of the colours you're using don't really mix well together but I get that you're trying to add contrast so the main figure stands out. For example, instead of a lime green colour for Lilith's crystal ball, you should try using a pale teal colour. Another thing is that, I feel like you need to shade a little more because you're only shading areas were things are overlapping which is great and on point, but it's still limiting and can make your figure still look flat. I took some time to demonstrate what I mean :> I hope you don't mind me editing the drawing!
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