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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. I think it's important to be open-minded and patient about these kinds of games. There are plenty of characters that I don't necessarily like or give a crap about but if they're going to drive my team to victory, I'm going to take it. I usually ignore most of the dialogue once I see it the first time because it doesn't even matter at that point. I was also in the position where I kept getting lack luster rolls from the gatcha, but I just lived with it, trained weaker * units, saved up my orbs, until I managed to get more 5* units to better my team. Sometimes you just have to struggle before you see the results you want.
  2. Haha it's funny that you mention that because the user said they're having really bad luck with RNG in terms of stat upgrades after leveling up.
  3. Not my roll but: http://necronii.tumblr.com/post/156978187873/yall-im-going-to-go-lie-down-for-a-bit
  4. And? There are fans who may have voted for them because they like characters with those physical characteristics but there are others who like them for more than that. You have to remember that even if you personally see those characters as such, other people don't. And even if they did, that doesn't make them or yourself better than the other for liking a character for a more 'righteous' reason. Having a favourite character isn't meant to be a competition. I get that you feel strongly about Elincia and I think that's great but there are plenty of other people who share the same amount of passion for a character that you might hate but that's fine too.
  5. I do agree that a female character's physical qualities plays into the part of why people vote for them but I really don't think that's the ONLY reason why people chose those characters. And the only top female characters that even fit that those description, imo, the most are Tharja and Camilla, so it's a bit of a stretch to accuse the majority vote for the Heroines of "omg people only voted for female characters because of their boobs" And you have to remember that this is a fan run poll so, other people's votes and favourites aren't to be taken so personally. If you feel strongly about a character for your own reasons, that's great! Keep showing support for that character but I personally can't get mad or pissed off if my favourite character didn't make it to the top 10 because people don't have to justify why they like or don't like a character. I think it's a waste of time to grip and think about why x character got more votes because you don't gain anything from doing that besides possible false judgements of people.
  6. Makes me wonder what their 'Choose Your Legends' version entails because I'm just picturing Lyn and Ike, sitting on thrones with crowns on their heads and wearing sunglasses.
  7. Yeah, I'm betting that it was a 5* lvl 40 conversation because I saw someone on tumblr, screenshots of a conversation with Takumi who was level 40 and he said this: http://petalpetal.tumblr.com/post/156870382687/so-takumi-ended-up-leveling-up-to-level-40-and
  8. I can seem them handing out a huge number of orbs once they've reached a milestone in their downloads numbers.
  9. Just a heads up since I don't think this needs a separate thread but Nintendo of America's twitter just announced this: https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/828800459053883393
  10. Only taking into account of the weapon triangle for Axe, Sword, and Spear rather than thinking about the other weapon colours too lmao
  11. I really hope the price doesn't suddenly change for Canadians god damn. Gatcha is akin to gambling so no matter what, if you want to get the card/unit/ you want by betting your luck and money, there is a price and you have to be willing to pay up.
  12. I think it has to do with the experience you gain in return. Idk if this is the best example but with rhythm gatcha games, in order to play songs on the hardest difficulty, you have to sacrifice a lot of stamina in return so depending on how much stamina you have (since you can level up and increase your stamina as a result) you can probably only play 2 songs on expert and then you have to wait for your stamina to recharge.
  13. Well, you have to remember that with almost every launch of a gatcha game, they're only going to have so many levels/songs that you get to complete but I'm sure that they know that there are people with a lot of dedication who 'finish' what they've launched, which is why they're always going to update and add more to the game later on. With rhythm games like Love Live and IDOLiSH7, even tho there is a set number of songs you can play, they're always adding more songs which brings more variety - not to mention the plethora of weekly/monthly events that keep players busy because of the rewards you get at the end of those events. So it might not seem like there's much now, but I'm sure they have a lot more planned (I hope aha)
  14. Birdy pretty much summarized how the market and development is for gatcha games. Gatcha games are the kind of games that aren't really designed to be played continuously/hours on end because in the long run, they can get boring pretty quickly so if they have some buffer time between playing and stamina recharge, it guarantees that the players will come back once their stamina is full again. Gatcha games, to me, are designed to be bite sized experiences that are to be enjoyed a little bit at a time. But I do wish that they have implemented a level system because usually if you level/rank up, your stamina resets back to full and your stamina limit also increases as well. Games that do this allow for a longer, initial first time play experience and it's not until you hit a certain points in levels do you find yourself actually having to wait for your stamina to replenish.
  15. Just for clarification, is this directed at my post? I should have clarified this in the beginning but, the cards in IDOLiSH7 aren't physical at all. You can't even trade them to begin with. Just like in Fire Emblem Heroes, Heroes are used as your units to play the game, cards in IDOLiSH7 are used to dictate your score in the rhythm game and you can train and strengthen them as well. The cards you get are basically your units. Even though the markets for these two games are different, the motivation of wanting to get the character you want is the same. People roll in Fire Emblem Heroes because they want a 5* of their favourite character; people will roll in IDOLiSH7 because the game is always creating new, pretty, and well designed outfits that the characters in the cards wear so people want their favourite character in their collection.
  16. So, something that I could see them implementing is that when the pool of characters gets really big, they'll offer a bigger summoning pool so instead of just being able to summon 5 characters in a session, you can summon 7 or 8. Or even now, they should consider doing bonus summons so maybe instead of the fixed five, it could be 5 + 1.
  17. No but I mean, you only get 5 heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes from a full session while in IDOLiSH7, doing a full roll gets you 10+1 (so 11) cards. So if you would have to do 2 sessions to get 10 heroes, which is still less than what you get in IDOLiSH7. And the stones in that rhythm game serve as the same function where you recover stamina, expand the amount of cards you have, etc.
  18. If you want to compare with other gatcha games: In IDOLiSH7, which is a Japanese mobile rhythm game, these are the stones you use to roll in the gatcha. 10 stones gets you a roll with 1 card while 100 stones gets you a roll with 10+1 cards. 1 card roll is about $4 while a 10+1 cards roll is about $23. For Fire Emblem Heroes, if it costs about ~$18 to do a full session roll that gets you 5 summons, then I will agree that the game does charge you quite a bit more for a full roll in comparison to other games involving gatcha.
  19. For the sake of making money, I doubt there will ever be a permanent feature to grind for orbs even if the cost of stamina is high. In gatcha games, if players want free items that are used towards gatchas, the developers will mostly rely on doing weekly/monthly events for that. I've played and know of a ton of gatcha games and they've never had a feature where you can earn free gatcha items that freely.
  20. If they were to do an event involving getting more orbs, I can see them doing either of the following things: 1) There's special summoning discount, so instead of it taking 20 orbs to do a full session of summoning, it takes to about half. 2) An event chapter with multiple maps but each map has a specific objective of how to clear it and they give out different rewards. What the rhythm game that I'm playing does with events and new gatchas, is that for new gatchas, the first roll for that gatcha is discounted to half from the original price. For events, you either are required to clear bingo cards (each space has a specific objective) to get rewards, you go through themed missions, or and the last event is like the arena where you're being ranked by how well and how much you play. Another thing that gatcha games do pretty often and generously, is that if the amount of downloads the game gets has reached a milestone, everyone gets an x amount of the item needed to roll gatchas as thanks. If the game every crashes or goes through an emergency maintenance, they'll give out the same items as compensation for the inconvenience.
  21. Well the game isn't technically over yet since there's still a lot that has yet to be revealed. It's also a mobile game so it's kind of difficult to have a full blown, amazing story line with the constraints of a mobile game.
  22. It's important to take into account of the weapon triangle too. To be completely honestly, I've only been taking into account of the weapon triangle for Axe, Sword, and Lance for quite awhile until I realized "oh shit I should probably just go by the colour..." because of the different coloured tomes and stuff and I've been dying a whole lot less after doing that (I'll admit it that I'm very careless hahaha) Even though Camilla is good against magic, she's still gonna be vulnerable to red magic. Also, if you see someone reiterate something that you've already acknowledge and cleared up beforehand, it's better to just ignore it.
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