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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Probably the first Direct in awhile that I was very "meh" about. But I feel like it had a lot to do with the raised expectations because people on tumblr were freaking out like "OH DANG GAME FREAK IS TWEETING OUT THE DIRECT IN SO MANY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES IT MUST BE A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" so you're going to have people with unrealistic expectations for an 8 minutes Direct hahahaha I already have Pokken Tournament and I don't really care for Virtual Console so this Direct was pretty underwhelming to me. But, this is just one Direct out of past and future Directs so, you win some you lose some.
  2. I'm also an art and design student (going into my 4th year) so I'm glad to hear that my advice was helpful! I can't really critique the shading and colours because it seems to me that your shading technique is part of your style so keeping that in mind, it looks great to me! I would say for the hair specifically, the hair going over (her) left shoulder looks more realistic and accurate oppose to the right. You generally don't see that many hair strands or bunches of hair strands separated like that at the end so the fact that the left most hair has a few stray strands at the end, makes it look a little more natural. The (her) right most hair also looks like it's curving/flowing at an angle and that would only make sense if there was a slight breeze, but you would need to do the same for the bangs and the other side of her hair to give the illusion that there's a breeze going through her hair. If her hair is static, remember that gravity is going to be pulling things vertically.
  3. If you're a fan of anime and manga, you'll also often see around this time, magazines and the like featuring anime characters dressed up wedding tuxedos and wedding dresses in correlation to June being a popular month to have a wedding irl in Japan.
  4. I will say that all tablets work relatively the same, so getting a new tablet probably isn't the solution to getting better results. Understand that there is a bit of a learning curve between drawing traditionally to drawing digitally. When you're drawing traditionally, you can see what you're drawing since you're looking directly at your hand as your drawing, but on a tablet, you're looking at a screen while your hand is drawing below, away from your peripheral vision. So, you kind of have to practice and develop some hand-eye coordination. It's tough in the beginning but you get better as you keep practicing (I was the same years ago when I first got my tablet). Luckily with digital drawing, there's a lot of features that make drawing easy in comparison to traditional drawing (undos, layers, filters, etc) but I would start by understanding how layers work so you can get a feel of how to draw over traditional work because it definitely is possible. Generally if you're working over traditional work, it's usually on the bottom most layer because if you working with layer that are under the sketch, you're not going to see the results of that because the sketch you're working on isn't transparent. Think of it like this - imagine your sketch layer is completely white and you have transparent sheets underneath it - like a stack. If you colour on one of the transparent layers, you're not going to see the colouring because your sketch layer (that is completely white) is on top of it. If you want to colour/paint your sketch as is without going through the steps of drawing completely new line art digitally, you should look into understanding layer styles in Photoshop. I hope you don't mind me using your work to show what I mean: So here we have your sketch of Eirika and the first thing you want to colour is her hair - but how would you go about doing that? Taking the paint brush and colouring right over it doesn't look quite right because you're quite literally colouring over the lines form the sketch. But what if we changed the layer style from 'Normal' to 'Multiple'?: Noticed how the colouring goes from colouring over everything to colouring underneath the lines of the sketch but still working on a layer above the sketch? See the difference? You can learn and do a lot of cool and interesting tricks by experimenting with layer styles. Hopefully this advice is helpful to you! I've been drawing digitally for over 8 years now so feel free to ask any questions you may have about digital drawing :>
  5. Yooooo, this is really cool. Your work in this game was beyond amazing, good sir! Hopefully I can catch the livestream tomorrow!
  6. I'm absolutely floored and pleased by how good the voice acting is in this game. I've always tried to be fair with judging the voice acting in Fire Emblem games because the fact that we get so little of it makes it hard to judge the quality when all we get to hear are critical hits, battle cries, and other miscellaneous one-liners. When those lines get re-used constantly for any situation and context, it becomes plain and boring really quickly. But the fact that everything is voice is making the narrative a lot more engaging to watch and play because we get to hear the whole scope of everyone's reactions and feelings to everything through fully voice dialogue.
  7. A friend and I did a little art collab where she sketched out one of the characters in IDOLiSH7 as a myrmidon while I did the line art, colouring and shading!
  8. Well, uhh...based on all the things you don't like about it, I think you answered your own question.
  9. I think the main area where you'll find 'toxic' people are in the youtube comments (god forbid) and tumblr (I've seen so many fandoms crash and burn) but that's just from my knowledge, just like how the owner of the channel is making an opinionated video based on his opinions, interpretations, and experiences. I honestly find it strange that Fire Emblem is even on that list - the fanbase has grown exponentially since Awakening but in comparison to all of the other longer running video game fandoms out there, I still see the Fire Emblem fandom as pretty small in comparison. But I think what gave the fandom spotlight was with all the drama regarding the localization and 'censorship' that went on with Fates. I remember how huge of a deal it was when it was announced that the game didn't have dual audio like Awakening or how people were freaking out over the fact that you can marry your 'siblings' or how people cried wolf when they accused of Intelligent Systems of supporting conversion therapy towards Soleil. There were people, who didn't know anything about Fire Emblem, who were guilt tripping people, telling them how awful they are for supporting such a game - by just taking the facts as is without doing their own research on the game to get more context. Its extreme cases like that where the fandom inevitably ends up in the spotlight and that's what people will work with to form their opinions. But I'm drawing a blank on how the fandom was 'toxic' before that. Even if there were groups of people arguing with each other, I can't imagine the Fire Emblem fandom getting to the point where the argument is a literal bloodbath of everyone hating each other.
  10. I know for sure that Abe Atsushi voices Tobin because he voices one of the main guys in the idol game that I'm currently obsessed about so I can definitely hear the similarities in their voices.
  11. I've never seen so much pink in my life.
  12. With school almost being over, I now have more time to draw!
  13. Bunny Xander is the funniest thing I've ever seen
  14. That's exactly how it was for Keroro Gunso! It was such a popular show back in the 2000's - it had a manga, it had 5 movies, over 300 episodes but hardly any of that was brought to the West but for good reason. There's only so much they can work off of and doing it well to make it appeal is so difficult. That's one of the reasons why I feel sympathy for people in charge of the localizing content from Japan because, despite the localization being good or bad, it's not an easy job. You're not translating just the text, but you're actively analyzing the situation and context its being used in so you can break it down into English to make it understandable without sounding stiff. And even then, there's still so much that gets lost in translation. For example, in the current idol mobile game that I'm really into, some of the chats/messaging conversations you can get, the characters use the terms herbivore/carnivore to describe someone who is shy/aggressive respectively. But, instead of just saying "someone who is shy" or "someone who is bold and aggressive" they use those terms and Japanese people know and understand the context of how those terms of being used where it makes sense to them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbivore_men
  15. Personally, it'll take a lot or something really offensive to make me change my mind about whether I want to buy a game or not. But say a character had a few more layers added on to them for the Western release in comparison to the Japanese - I do not care about that change in the slightest. I'm someone who looks at a piece of media as a whole - I can be critical on what works and what doesn't in detail but things like characters being more clothed is so minor in my eyes that I can't bring myself to make a big deal out of it (aka Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I actually like Tsubasa's re-designed outfit for her debut song "Feel". I pay pretty close attention to idols whether they be real or fictional and 99.9%, they would never wear outfits that show THAT much skin unless the song/MV takes place at a beach. Her idol outfit for that song in the original does not match the tone of the song imo) Humor is very important so I appreciate the effort of including pop culture references and puns for the localization. One series that does really good with localization would be the Persona series. They keep the honorifics and everything and they do it in a way where it doesn't feel or sound odd when spoken in English. One of my favourite animes that I used to watch back when I first started watching anime was Keroro Gunso. It's a really funny show but a lot of the humor is targeted towards the Japanese audience so there's a lot of puns and inside jokes that I don't understand because they involve the language itself. The English dub for it does a pretty good job at trying to keep the comedic tone of the Japanese version, but it didn't receive as much popularity as it did for the original because of the way the Japanese version handled the humor.(there are over 300 episodes in the original and I believe the English dub only covered about a quarter of that).
  16. Do I need three horses? Probably not. Do I have three horses? Hell yeah. Save Hyrule more like spend hours cooking and taming horses \ o /
  17. Got me a horse, bought some new gear, and ran for my life because oh my god bears are scary
  18. 1. If you make the old man's forgotten dish that was mentioned in his diary at his hut (north of Temple of Time), you can get a sweater like top to withstand the cold. The long term of effect of getting this piece of clothing over making the cold-resisting dishes is more efficient. 2. I didn't try this for myself, but have you tried shoot them from afar with your bow and arrows? That might do the trick.
  19. Received my Nintendo Switch and I'm super excited to dive right in! Doing system updates first since I want to get those out of the way because I will forget lmao
  20. Looks like I won't be able to finish my entry in time but no worries! I'm really focused on school right now so I don't want to obstruct my flow. I wish everyone the best of luck and I look forward to seeing what everyone put together!
  21. One of my faves http://cynphonium.tumblr.com/post/157048291684/you-cant-waste-orbs-on-bad-rng-luck-and-3-heroes
  22. Meant to just say console but added home due to force of habit hahaha! For any Canadians out there, you should definitely follow or watch Best Buy's twitter for any potential restocks of the Special Editions for Botw. I'm following them because I'm part of their rewards zone program and my friend was able to snag a copy when I told him they were up the moment they tweeted out the notification.
  23. Oh yeah, that I agree with as well. But luckily for the Switch, since IT IS a new home console, even if they run out of units on launch, you can rest easy knowing that they're always going to manufacture more units. Even if there is some waiting involved, there's some solace in knowing that.
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