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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Hmmm, question though - should we hold off on shouting about a new piece of news since I feel like everyone is going to echo everything that they're going to reveal?
  2. I'll probably end up following this thread just because having a new and clean thread feels 'better' in terms of organization but I don't think it should matter this much. Everyone will be watching the Direct and be receiving the same pieces of news anyway.
  3. They're definitely in a tough position of choosing just enough characters that feel satisfying in terms of representation but also in terms of importance. I know Pokken Tournament is a completely different game but even with the roster of Pokemon in that feels a lot left to be desired since there's over 700+ Pokemon. If anything, I'm more wary about the characters they choose over how many characters there will be in the end.
  4. I went for definitely not because, as much as people will joke about how all the fanservice and pandering 'saved' the series, I really don't think that's the sole reason/driving factor as to why people bought the games. At least, when it comes to the majority. Things like support conversations and character relationships have always been part of the main franchise that if they were to tone down the amount of fanservice, I don't think it would change people's reasons for buying it. People are very reactionary and when they hear news that makes them disappointed or upset, they start thinking irrationally. But as time goes on, people usually suck it up. I mean, thinking back to how much people were upset about the whole skinship thing - from what I've seen, people don't really seem to care all that much about it anymore. People are more quick to be upset over something being taken away versus something that wasn't presented to begin with. With the Japanese version being released first, everyone will hold those same expectations for the NOA release. If both versions are pretty much the same, imo, regardless of whether there's more or less fanservice, I doubt it'll change much.
  5. Someone already made a bingo for the Direct and I'm dead. http://phireextinguisher.tumblr.com/post/155825324333/welcome-to-hell
  6. I mean the Fire Emblem X Mystery Dungeon crossover has already been done if you're one of the people that agree with the theory that Fire Emblem Awakening and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue/Red Rescue Team are the same game hahahahaha But I can see Fire Emblem having a dungeon exploration gameplay like Etrian Odyssey.
  7. I'm kind of in that "this game looks pretty interesting and intriguing but I can't really tell if I'm excited for it or not" position. It definitely looks like a whole lot of fun but I'm still trying to wrap my head around going from a city with realistic looking people to cartoony looking enemies. It feels very surreal.
  8. My only gripe with the Switch is the price lmao Since I live in Canada, the retail price for the Switch is another $100 for us because our Canadian dollar is poop. $400 OTL.............. (Don't get me wrong, I have more than enough but that's gonna make a huge dent into my bank account aha.............)
  9. You know what, I kind of thought the same thing. Like, to me, it looked like the weapons were the different Yato forms after merging with either Rajinto or Siegfried but after looking more closely it is both Ryouma and Xander's weapons (the gem in Xander's sword and the ornament designs on Ryoma's). Also the coloured crystals kind of contribute to that too.
  10. I'm really really really excited for the Breath of the Wild and Splatoon 2 the most. I'm excited for Fire Emblem Warriors but because I've never played a Warriors game before, I'd like to see more gameplay footage to get the hype going for me! The first Splatoon is really really fun but I don't play it often because our internet sucks hahaha
  11. Nintendo of America's Twitter just tweeted out a list of the games that are expected to be released this year! https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/819999478577057793 I don't see Fire Emblem Warriors on there so it looks like it's probably going to come out next year? Unless they're keeping it hush hush until the 18th to reveal the launch date for it.
  12. I wonder if they're gonna potentially talk about some of the Fates DLC we didn't get 'yet' or if that's even happening still considering how long overdue it is? But if not then that sucks but I'll live. Considering Fire Emblem is getting it's own Direct, it makes me wonder how long it's going to be and how much they're gonna show. We didn't see a lot of Fire Emblem Warriors footage yesterday besides a few seconds of Chrom's lower half, which lead me to believe that development wasn't that far in. Unless they're saving all the gameplay footage of that for this very Direct which would make sense. But there's still that question of how much we'll get to see of the game. I'm going to guess that the Direct will be under 30 minutes imo.
  13. I'm personally pretty excited about this! I haven't played a Warriors game before but based on Hyrule Warriors, didn't that have quite a bit of DLC characters or characters that eventually made it in as a playable character? I'm basically trying to stay optimistic that the older Fire Emblem games besides the one with Marth will get some love in this somehow. Only time will tell though!
  14. It's great to see more fellow artists pop up! The main criticism or area of improvement are probably hands. Don't worry, they're probably the hardest part of the human body to draw so it take a lot of practice to be good at it. I went ahead and drew a reference of how Shantae's hand can be improved! The common thing I notice with how you draw hands is that the fingers are either a bit too large or too small in proportion to the palm. If some of the fingers are curled, then the fingers that are extending out should be longer and more pronounced in comparison.
  15. Is the font size that radically different or do you feel more comfortable having a consistent font size? I'm having a hard time imagining the same size font looking the same throughout different document sizes unless the document sizes aren't that different which in that case, the size if the font won't change much. The other solution I can think of is changing the DPI to a higher value which should down scale the font. The higher the DPI (dots per inch), the more detail that you can achieve. The default for the DPI should be 72 or somewhere around that. I usually work in DPI of 300 but in your case, just upscaling to DPI 100 or higher to see whether you get the results you want or not.
  16. The only thing that I can think of if the font looks 'bigger', could be the size of the new document. If the font looks bigger than how it is from your comics, then the new document size you're working on might be smaller. Try doing this: 1. Make sure you have one of your comics opened up. 2. Make a new document. 3. Click on the drop down menu of 'Document Type', and you should see the file name of the comic you have opened up as one of the options to choose from. It should be somewhere near the bottom. 4. The new document you made will have the exact same size dimensions and colour properties as the comic you had opened. I use this trick as an easy way of making a new document of a specific size that matches another document I made without going through the hassle of typing in everything manually. Let me know how it works.
  17. Going back to doing more pixels! I bought a new tablet and ooooooooh my gooooooooooooooooooooood - it's a million times better than what I was using previously. It's from the same brand but the one I bought was one of their newer models so it's 10000000x nicer, smoother to draw on, firm and sturdy, and rechargeable pen. Tablet pens that need to run on battery can get out. Photo of new tablet
  18. I hear Fire Alpaca is pretty good too! It's free and is described as a hybrid between photoshop and paint tool sai.
  19. reasons why I don't use GIMP anymore haha I don't remember if GIMP has this, but the reason why the glow looks so bright and vibrant is because the layer is set to 'luminosity', which is a layer type that radically brightens up the colours you use to make them look more vibrant and bright. But if GIMP doesn't have this, you can just pick a really bright colour and use your available blur tool to soften the edges. That's basically what I did. Also the reason why there's that fuzzy white small border around the lines depends on the actual lines OR if you're colouring on the same layer as the line art (this makes a big difference). If your lines are made via pencil (like an actual pencil), the 'white' border could be the grayer parts of the pencil lines since when you scan the drawing in, those lines are not going to be completely black through and through. BUT, it could also have to do with how your colouring. Are you colouring everything on the same layer? If so, you should consider colour on a different layer by selecting what you want to colour on the line art layer, make a new layer UNDERNEATH the line art layer and colour on that. What you selected should still be effective regardless on which layer you decide to work on. Here's the difference: Now if you find it that there's still a white border, there should be an option to expand the selection which will enlargen the selection area. It's OK if the selection goes past the line art a little since you're colouring on the layer underneath it. Now the only problem I see happening is that if you are scanning drawings in, make sure you make a NEW layer on top of the original drawing for your line art and then deleting the original sketch once you're done lining. The reason I say this is because if you line on the same layer as your sketch, you won't be able to see any changes to layers below it because everything on the top layer is covered. You want layers to be transparent so you can make changes and see those changes all the way through. I believe GIMP does this too, but you can tell which parts of the drawing are transparent if you see the checkered pattern like you see in the screenshot above.
  20. You're getting better at shading for sure! You should start considering working with more dynamic backgrounds and lighting. For example, it looks like there's a moon behind Kyubey and with that in mind, the lighting of the drawing could look like this (which I did quickly): When the main light source is behind the figure, the light is shining on their backs so there wouldn't actually be light on their fronts but instead just around the edges. Depending on the light intensity, it could result in there being of a 'glow' around the figure. But lighting does A LOT in effecting the context and mood of the drawing.
  21. The only thing that really sticks out that kind of bothers me is his ear. Here's an easy tutorial and reference to how ears look in real life: If you want to draw less realistic and detailed ears, here is another good example: I call this learning tool the Triple R: References, references, and references.
  22. Draw waaaaaaaaaay more than 2016 because in terms of mental and creative energy, both of those things have been especially hard for me this year because of university. I also plan on learning a bit of Japanese (since I've already memorized and learned Hiragana and Katakana in about a week already).
  23. It's always better to make new layers if you're adding something or making a new change. For me, I always have different layers for everything so I have a layer for hair colour, a separate layer for skin colour and so on. It helps keep things more organized and it's easier to work with components separately without interfering with other layers. It's also a lot easier to fix mistakes but having a lot of layers can be a pain to keep track of hahaha... I always make a new layer for shading ABOVE the base colour. Depending on what program you're using, there should be an option called 'clip layers' or 'clip group'. Assigning a clipping layer to your shading layer allows you to work on top of what you have on the layer below. Here's a visual example that will probably make more sense: Notice how Layer 8 is the base colour layer and there's a separate layer on top that's for shading. Notice how the shading is going outside of the lines, which isn't what I want since it looks messy. But if I clipped the shading layer: Notice how shading doesn't go outside of line art after I clipped it. That's because what ever you colour/draw on the clipped layer will only effect the boundaries of what is coloured on the layer below.
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