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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Tbh I personally wasn't expecting a giant reward for clearing everything, especially since they're probably going to roll out more chapters and maps later on so you technically wouldn't be clearing everything.
  2. The only 'red' overlay that I see is when my units have been hit with an attack that drops their health to less than half way or have been defeated in general. That's about it.
  3. I don't think I've encountered a critical hit either :o I only ever see skills activating. Isn't getting a critical hit based on luck and skill in a regular Fire Emblem game anyway? Neither of those stats are part of the game.
  4. Though, depending on how good your phone is, even with a recording app you might experience lag in your footage, especially if there's fast paced animations and actions. I used to try to record footage of myself playing a rhythm game through a recording app and there was a lot of lag.
  5. Funny to see someone post my videos lol But yeah, I'm currently on a hunt to compile the voices for any new characters that I get and recording them. Though, considering that there is luck involved, I won't be able to get everyone but I'll try my best!
  6. You can always download Bluestacks, download the game there, link your account and stuff, and then use a streaming software like OBS to record the footage. That's how I was able to record footage like this:
  7. I also think that they should introduce another method of getting characters in gatcha because what most other games do is that they have a single roll and a 10+1 roll so other than choosing a specific coloured orb and the game picking from a handful of characters who are associated with that colour, they could introduce a roll that incorporates ALL the coloured orbs.
  8. I think now it's a good time for me to hold off on buying orbs until I've run out of all possible ways to get them for free in the game. Because, if this is anything like other gatcha games which I'm pretty sure is the case, they're going to roll out other characters eventually which means the pool of characters you can get will increase - which will also increase the variety of characters that you can get. It makes me wonder if they'll introduce characters with limited availability like they'll only appear in the gatcha for a certain period of time - like the Christmas Robin.
  9. My luck is always so terrible - I haven't seen a 5* hero since my first roll, where I got 5* Robin (he's so powerful omg) but I got a handful of some really good 4* heroes like Jakob, Felicia, Jeorge, Gaius, Corrin, and Sakura. One of my friends already has five 5* heroes (Tiki, Marth, Hinoka, Merrick and someone else)
  10. That's a good question...In other games that I've played that involve fusing/merging cards of the same rarity level to rank them up, their 'power' level resets so it's actually better for you to wait until you get the second copy of the same rarity, fuse them, and then train it because it's at the max rarity rank. In terms of skills or skill levels, they both get carried over I believe even if you fuse/merge to a higher rank, at least in one of the games I've played (IDOLiSH7). I don't know if it's the same in this case but only one way to find out hahaha
  11. This is gonna be a really stupid question that doesn't deserve it's own thread but how the heck do your change your nickname???? I'm using Bluestacks so I'll type in my name, hit enter on the keyboard, but the name Kiran is still there. What do???
  12. Download the APK and side load it in Bluestacks That's what I did.
  13. I didn't want to risk necroposting from this thread: But, according to Nintendo of Canada's Facebook, they've added 3 Canadian cities that will host the escape game, which are Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto! I don't think tickets are available for purchase yet but this is super exciting since I was hoping that Canada would be included in this! I work for the Escape game company that is partnered with SCRAP so I really hope that I and my co-workers will get an up-close and hands on role in running this event since we have run large scale Escape events like this one!
  14. Oh I know all about college stress hahaha I'm in my third year, studying Graphic Design at an art university and the best way for me to reduce stress is to remind myself that no matter what happens, it's not the end of the world and it's not. Most of the stress that I experience comes from worrying about the future and whether considering taking school slowly (taking an extra year) would make myself seem weak. But you know what? There's nothing wrong with being weak and everyone has their own levels of tolerance and capacity in terms of work load. I'm splitting my final year into two because I care so much about my mental health that me graduating a year late isn't going to be a huge deal in the long run. I want to do good in school but I don't want to feel like I'm being bombarded with school work and deadlines. So, for me, the best advice I can give you is pinpoint exactly why you're feeling stressed. Is the workload too much? How's your mental health - things like that. Once you have a good idea of what the problem is, talk to someone about it. Tell them how you're feeling, what you might want to do to get yourself out of that stress. I wrote a really long email to my oldest sister basically going on about how frustrated and overwhelmed I am and how I wanted to take an extra year so I can spread out my courses more so I'm not taking on so much per semester. And seeing her reassuring response was so uplifting and it made me feel so much better.
  15. It's actually been a thing for awhile but it recently started making its rounds again on Twitter and Tumblr Yes, Dang is my last name lmao It's one that's been memed to the ends of the Earth while growing up
  16. With the recent announcement and impending release of Fire Emblem Heroes, drawing something for that is completely OK, right?
  17. I personally voted for Eirika since Sacred Stones is the first FE game I've played and I just love her so much ;A; Though, something I'm a bit confused about, they showed a lot of characters (both in battle and as just a sprite on the battlefield), so does that mean those characters are guaranteed part of the game? Unless I missed something but it seems odd to have character slots opened for voting when some of them were already showcased in the game. Like with Laslow for example. His sprite showed up a few times so imagine if Inigo made it in it too lmao
  18. Oh no, I'm talking in terms of core mechanics - the forumla of collecting units, leveling them up/raising them, units having different rarity, etc. Of course, there are a lot of mobile games that follow that but Unchained X was the first thing that came to mind. But yeah, they don't look the same lmao.
  19. Man, despite the length of the Direct, the information was both surprising yet extremely fruitful that left me feeling both satisfied and EXTREMELY excited. I'm really looking forward to play Fire Emblem Heroes and it's definitely what I imagined it would be like since a lot of mobile games follow that same formula. Kind of reminds me of Kingdom Hearts Unchained X a little to be honest. But I'm really excited for the Gaiden remake. As much as I want to play the older games, I just cannot stand the art style so I'm really glad they're remaking a classic with updated visuals.
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