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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Sure! As long as credit is given to me somewhere on your profile/signature!
  2. I saw a vague tweet on my timeline of how someone was missing Reggie already and I was so freaking scared that he died or something, but then I was relieved to hear that he's just retiring. I was only a little sad until I watched that good bye video and had tears streaming down my face. Luckily it's just bittersweet crying and not crying in full-blown despair like when Iwata died. Good luck with everything, Reggie! Everyone's going to miss you ;u;
  3. [Fire Emblem Fates My Room Archive] I've gotten a lot of questions on my tumblr and twitter about when I'd upload all these video again since the original channel, PigeonSenpai, got taken down (more info in the video description) so if anyone here was wondering where they went, here they all are again! Please read the FAQ in the video descriptions for details!
  4. Perhaps I'll get back to drawing stuff for Fire Emblem seeing as there isn't a lot of armor going on for Three Houses LMAO
  5. Welp there goes all of my saved up 200+ orbs LMAO
  6. Did a few more edits for fun! Sorry if Female!Byleth is considerably smaller - my computer has issues opening up the image file that I saved from the wiki so I had to screenshot instead.
  7. To those who saw and liked my edits, thanks! I think the eye style itself looks way better on the male characters than female since female eyes are typically drawn bigger than males. Adding depth does wonders to make the characters look a lot more alive especially if their expressions are neutral.
  8. I actually did my own edits last night and posted them on my tumblr and my art thread so here's the link if anyone is curious! It's not perfect by any means but it was a fun experimentation!
  9. It's been awhile but since I didn't want to clutter the thread with these edits in case it was the wrong place to put them, here's my edit of some of the character's eyes from Fire Emblem Three Houses since it seems like the style of them is what's putting people off (the images I used are cropped screenshots from the Three Houses Direct segment):
  10. I'm almost tempted to experiment/play around with the eyes like making the irises bigger and what not to see if it makes the portraits look more appealing or not since that seems to be the the consensus of everyone's disdain for the style :0
  11. I'm pretty familiar with her work on UtaPri especially, though I'm more of an IDOLiSH7 type of gal; but I find it really interesting that they got an artist who's well known for idol illustrations, to do a game like Fire Emblem. It's a stark contrast but there's something visually fitting about how her work for Three Houses blends in with the environment and UI of the game, in my opinion. Like, if I were to imagine Kozaki or Hidari's style of art in Three Houses instead of Kurahana's, it feels a lot different. I think it might be because her style is very clean but also kind of flat in terms of colouring, whereas Kozaki and Hidari's style are more detailed in shading and even textures that Kurahana's style pops out more because of its simplistic look against the graphics of Three Houses - but that's just me.
  12. To be fair, the first impression people had of Niles when the news dropped about there being same-sex marriage options, wasn't exactly positive mainly because his character and personality kind of contributes to the stereotype of that gay people are like that, which isn't true at all. So. though he is a candidate in that regard, I think they can do better with representing minorities because there's a difference between representation and GOOD representation. (That's just from observation and my interpretation so I'm sorry in advance if I said anything that was ignorant and please correct me in that case!) But back to OP, I'm kind of on the fence about romance because I'm all for your students being romantic candidates to each other, but it'd be tricky to come up with an excuse if you bring Byleth into the picture. I've seen people talk about how the characters could agree to wait until graduation and what not but it still feels weird to my conscious, personally. But, whatever route they decide to go with, if I like it, yay - if I don't, then I just won't play it like that. I'm all for more LGBTQ+ representation since it's always nice seeing people happy and excited about being represented in some shape or form. I can only imagine how validating it feels to play something that gets you in that regard so - if it makes people happy, then it'll make me happy too!
  13. I think it depends on what you're looking for! It'd be hard to find something that would please everyone so I think people will always disagree on what should be in it. Personally, I'm not big on figurines mainly because I don't have the space for it but if it was something like a Three Houses themed Switch case, than that would be pretty cool.
  14. The special edition will probably end up being around $120 dollars for Canada because our dollar stinks but I'll end up buying it because I'm very much an avid collector of art books (drawing and game making inspiration) and the cover for it looks really really pretty, in my opinion. It feels pretty standard especially since Switch games are $90 on average including tax in Canada so the additional artbook, soundtrack, calendar, and steel book for the additional $30 feels about right. Whatever the special edition ends up costing, I'll buy it regardless since I rarely buy special editions to begin with.
  15. Oof, it's been awhile since I've been in these forums thanks to life but since I dragged a friend into Fire Emblem hell and we watched the Direct together, here are my thoughts: - I'm keeping a rather optimistic and open mind because the vagueness of the actual plot/story I actually find suspenseful in a good way - I really like the direction of the character and class designs, though I agree that they could do more to make them more practical for combat. I also think the character portraits overall could be more emotive. I think the draw back with having the style that it is, is that the characters look kind of...lifeless or they just have an eternal poker-face because of the eye style. That could very well change if the irises in their eyes were more pronounced but it is what it is, ha - I don't really get the "anime school" vibes people are getting but maybe it's because I'm in my twenties so I'm projecting my age on to the characters as being not high schoolers. Maybe college aged? - I was honestly hoping that Byleth would be his own character instead of representing an avatar character but hey third time's the charm right? lol - I do miss the cutscene style of Awakening or Fates but I'll warm up to it since I'm all for experimentation even if I end up not pleased with it I don't want to be too negative about a game I haven't even played it because the play experience then doesn't feel genuine because all my mind can focus on are the things that bother me. I remember being rather disappointed and even disgruntled by how 'bad' Fates was and the various controversies that came with it that it made it hard to genuinely enjoy the experience of playing it. But going back to play it after years felt refreshing. It kind of feels like they're 'playing it safe' from the way they're presenting it because of all those things that happened from Fates. Here's hoping the next updates about Three Houses only go up from here!
  16. My dad's go to answer when dealing with those annoying "You won [name of item or trip!]!" calls (not the auto voice mail ones) is "That's OK, you can keep it." and then he hangs up.
  17. I'm inclined to agree with the majority that this sounds rather fishy as well. What about all of those other Youtubers who are playing Fire Emblem Heroes and have thousands of subscribers? I'm curious to see if they receive any sort of similar response if they ask as well. Also depending on the nature of the exchange, isn't Nintendo usually pretty protective about what kind of information goes out? Like if I was told that I would get exclusive offers or something, they would tell me to keep quiet about it until it actually happens.
  18. For me, I stopped and uninstalled Fire Emblem Heroes because I eventually felt little reward for anything that I was doing so it just felt like I was mindlessly doing the same thing over and over. Even with new banners and new chapters being released, it still felt like that same cycle of doing playing the stages, getting the rewards and then rinse and repeat. It's different from other gacha games I've played because unlike Heroes, the other gacha games I've played have more engaging content, story, and characters that keep me surprised and interested. But that's just how I feel based on my own experiences and I'm not saying that Heroes is bad - I'd just rather play other games.
  19. The game was really enjoyable for me because I'm a huge fan of J-pop in general and the gameplay was really fun. But if you're someone who isn't that big on J-pop or idols and are just looking to play it because it has SMT and Fire Emblem influences, this probably isn't going to be your cup of tea.
  20. My comm tech teacher in high school was really into video games so he grew up with owning all of the Nintendo consoles and even his son was a huge fan of Mario. During that time when My Nintendo rewards were still a thing, I ended up collecting a lot of Mario related rewards that I ended up not using anymore so I'd gladly gave them to my teacher to give to his son and he would always say how happy and thankful his son was. Eventually, his son made a thank you card for me which I still have to this day. I haven't visited my high school ever since I got into university (fourth year now) but I still hope that both my teacher and his son are still Nintendo nerds. In general, he was a really motivating teacher and always made sure we were going at projects with 'can' instead of 'try'. My art teacher was also a really important figure to me in high school for being a great instructor but also a great supporter. When I was still going to portfolio interviews for the colleges and universities I wanted to go to, the first portfolio interview I went to was super harsh and basically didn't like anything I produced so it seriously crushed my confidence as a designer and artist. But, he always had my back and reassured me that he had to struggle a lot himself because he got to where he was. Maybe he was just saying that out of pity because of how cheesy it sounded, but it helped a lot nevertheless.
  21. I'm watching the Clear Card arc for Cardcaptors mainly for nostalgic reasons since Cardcaptors was probably the first anime I got into as a kid! It's a little weird hearing Sakura's voice again after all these years and she's sounds a lot more high pitched than what I remembered hahahaha I'm also watching IDOLiSH7 which I've been so hooked on for the last year and a half because of how much I appreciate and adore the characters and the story from the mobile game. I've watched and engaged in lots of idol related anime/content like Love Live, Tsukiuta, Marginal #4, Utapri, etc but none of those have resonated with me as much as IDOLiSH7 has. Something I haven't seen very often in idol anime in general is how there tends to be little drama involving the entertainment industry itself so the plot of most of the idol anime I've watched have only really dealt with the characters training as idols, you get some individual character back stories, you see them perform a new song, and then rinse and repeat but you don't really see any notable conflict. For me it's hard to get attached to characters when you only see them in tame situations. Like it's not enough for a character to acknowledge their own insecurities and set backs on their own but how outside conflicts/influences trigger them to face those issues in the first place. Not to say those idol anime that I've watched are bad but I personally want something a lot more deeper and intense. Anyway, I can go on for hours about IDOLiSH7 but I won't do that, lmao
  22. A fun way to experiment with lighting is to work with shading and lighting of different colours! When I started to dabble into more dynamic lighting, the first thing I wanted to experiment with was a sunset scene. Upon doing so I was able to discover how to fully utilize different layer styles to achieve effective lighting effects. Like this is what a drawing that I did a few months ago looks without a multiple layer: And here's what the end product looks like with a dark blue multiple layer to match the underwater scene: It's an easy and fun technique to experiment with so go crazy with layer styles in Photoshop or whatever you use to draw!
  23. Oho, an aspiring graphic designer, eh? As someone who's in her fourth year of graphic design right now, I can definitely say that you have some pretty good stuff for portfolio work and I mean that honestly! I personally really like radio logo that you did because it looks very sleek and also the most professional! For drawing, I would definitely recommend getting a mannequin doll or using 3D models to make your own poses because, doing that definitely helped me be more ambitious with what I wanted to draw but also staying anatomically accurate. I would also recommend looking into lighting and simple backgrounds because, as well done as your illustrations are, the contrast between the characters and the background feels kind of separated and lighting can do a lot to improve that!
  24. I'm pretty proud of my progress of 2017! Looking forward to what 2018 has in store!
  25. Literally the primary reason why video games get such a bad rep is because people are too afraid to admit or blame an individual for their actions so video games are brought up as a scapegoat. People will find every other reason to blame because they don't want to face the fact that there might be something wrong with the person themselves. It's a cowardly way or dodging responsibility. I remember reading an instance of someone who played Final Fantasy 14 so much that they've neglected their wife and kids, he hardly spent time with them anymore, and he would spend WAY more money on the game than on his family to the point where he's in debt now. The fact that he admitted to everything that was wrong and what he wanted to do to change is him coming to terms with the fact that he wants to recover from his addiction to the game. Saying that he could have 'Gaming disorder' is stretching it a bit tooooooooo much I think because in the end, how the heck are they going to PROPERLY diagnose someone with this 'disorder'? This kind of issue is not black and white at all. They would have to pin point the reason why people are playing video games so excessively in the first place because besides just wanting to have fun, there's more to a person's life that contributes to their habits. Once you pin point that, I feel like at that point, the problem isn't about video game anymore. In my opinion, video games are just an outlet of how people choose to cope with their own struggles and anxieties.
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