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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. well if half the community is cancelling their pre-order and half of them ordered the SE, I'll gladly take it off their hands
  2. Omg I really love intense/serious sounding narrators. Man, it must be fun recording lines like that.
  3. I would imagine people would have been a lot less critical because I have feeling people (most likely newer fans) didn't have much to compare in terms of voice acting (specifically between past titles with newer titles). If there isn't much of a comparison to be made, people are going to be a lot less critical because of the lack of expectations. Fire Emblem Awakening was a new installment in the series with more voice acting than there was in previous installments, so I think people were a lot more lenient and open. But because Fates follows the same format, the expectations people will have will inevitably go up which is completely understandable. When you have something that did really well, you kind of want and expect to see if the next installment does the job better.
  4. Before it said Kinship. It looks like it has been changed now :> tbh I read it as Skinship Knight and had to do a double take
  5. I currently have the Odin and Laslow one as my lock screen for my laptop. EDIT: But wait, what are the conversations under the illustrations? Are they just re-using their support conversations?
  6. For the sake of definition, a weeaboo is someone who finds everything in Japan superior to every other culture and is obsessed with everything that has to do with this country. Simply liking an aspect or many aspects that come from this country does not make you a weeaboo. Back on topic, no dual audio is unfortunate but I'll live.
  7. Comparisons are always going to be inevitable, but I wonder how things would have turned out if Fates was released first before Awakening. Would people still think the voice acting for Awakening is better than Fates? People have had a lot more time to get used to the voice acting in Awakening that people are going to have higher expectations of the voice acting in Fates, but Fates is still fairly new, we haven't had a chance to really expose ourselves to the voice acting throughout the game because it's not out yet like with Awakening. Don't get me wrong, if you really don't like the voice acting for Fates, that's totally cool because different opinions are great and offer some really interesting conversations and discussions - I'm just offering my own perspective and two cents. Give it some time - I have a feeling some people's opinions will change somewhat if they allow themselves to hear more of the voice acting. I honestly think it's just a matter of getting used to it. But it could very well be the same deal but it doesn't hurt to see.
  8. I go into localization as "things will be changed no matter what" and that's something I've learned for a long time so it never surprises or fazes me when I hear of things being changed. Because it's something that I expected anyway so it's not anything that new to me. Aka. I just don't give a fuck hahahaha. I'm very open to changes.
  9. I've heard people have say that the voice actress might have changed her voice for her to make her sound a bit more mature? She sounds different, I agree but I think this could be possible.
  10. omg what is this reference I must know If it's Akihiko I totally do not remember him saying that oh my goodness
  11. I can't wait to hear Liam O'Brien sweet talk me if he is returning to voice Laslow
  12. Now if only Silas could say "Floor ice cream gives you health!"
  13. You would have to listen to them yourselves since some people think the voices are good, others think the voices are bad, etc. Overall, imo, the voice are pretty good! There are some that are like "meh..." but I'm sure it's just a matter of hearing it constantly and then slowly getting used to it.
  14. I caught up too and yeah, Tsubaki's voice isn't that bad. I mean, I heard his laugh and was like "eh..." but when he said, "I'm always ready!" I thought he sounded fine. Also this is going to sound really strange and possibly vague but Hana's voice definitely sounds like one of the female students in Persona 4 that was helping out with the Culture Festival. It's a wonder how I'm able to make that connection.
  15. Silas honestly sounds like older Pit so if Anthony Del Rio is voicing him, I'm glad he is because I think his voice is A++++
  16. Damnit! I missed Tsubaki's voice because I went to do things. Science teacher huh? I've only ever had female science teachers so I can't really imagine how this would sound hahahaha
  17. "Oh...You're here." Rinkah sounded so unimpressed here I LOVE IT
  18. Sounds like more things will go down than just a black screen so hopefully that's the case.
  19. For the sake of expectation, I'm lowering the bar extremely low. EDIT: LMAO HE CAN'T INVITE ANYONE YET.
  20. Is anyone else feeling...particularly anxious/nervous about what might happen in My Room? Like, for me, I'm completely fine with change since I'm good at adapting so however they decide to deal with this, I doubt I'll be upset but I can't help but just feel really anxious about this.
  21. God forbid someone screws up and gets a game over. Cut the guy some slack, jesus.
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