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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. I really like the original comic that this entry is based off and I especially really like how well this was executed. The format is similar, but the message still comes out very strong and with full of emotion of Morgan coming to terms with losing his mother. Great job!
  2. Ahh, the famous choice! I love the artist's decision to illustrate all the siblings with a bit of transparency because to me, it shows that as each Corrin/Kamui takes their sides, they have their respective siblings in their thoughts, which is a really powerful message. Excellent work!
  3. If there's one thing I find extremely strong about this drawing, it would be the colours. The way the artist used this palette to their advantage really creates a unique bold feeling to the overall composition. Well drawn and great use of colour - very nice job.
  4. I saw this on tumblr and was absolutely blown away by the detail and the great use of subtle effects of ashes flowing in the air! I love the children in Awakening and seeing them all lined up in one picture captures just how much they've been through but also how strong they are side by side. Incredibly well done!
  5. There is so much action and excitement going in this drawing that I feel like I'm engaged in battle! This drawing displays an interesting and epic perspective on the reality of how the battlefield is really like. Great job!
  6. Holy cow! As someone who appreciates and loves pixel art, the amount of detail on this looks as if this sprite came straight out of one of the older Fire Emblem games! The sprite style is on point, very good job!
  7. Oh my goodness, that escalated quickly! I've always found the childrens' past so heartbreaking and to see Lucina's backstory illustrated so well and emotionally is bringing tears to my eyes. Well done!
  8. -whistles impressively- The way the artist used Lucina's cape to illustrate a whole entire different scene is outstanding and just shows the history and struggles that she's been through. Absolutely brilliant!
  9. I commend the artist for being able to draw Xander and Hinoka so beautifully and accurate! Every little detail shows just how much time and hard work you've put into this drawing and you've done a fantastic job!
  10. I really appreciate and like how this drawing looks as if it's emulating how battles look in Fire Emblem Awakening! The addition to of the skill Aether adds to the epicness and anticipation of Owain's next move!
  11. This drawing is incredibly well done! I love the how simple yet beautiful the overall colour scheme is because it puts a wonderful emphasis on Cherche's emotion and adoration towards Minerva!
  12. I love the ominous and eerie atmosphere of this piece that the drawing is practically pulsating with dark energy and evil. The animation execution is very well done!
  13. The composition of this piece is incredibly well done and I love the emotion Roy is pulling off in this drawing. Expressions are not easy but I think the artist pulled it off exceptionally well.
  14. I've made an S RANK pixel so: UNLEASH YOUR SHIPPING DESIRES
  15. The Final Showdown would be: draw to the death THE PEN/PENCIL/PAINTBRUSH/TABLET PEN/ETC IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD
  16. I'm back to doing more Fire Emblem things now that Fates is just around the corner! Kicking things off with an Oboro sprite!
  17. Since it's not much of a secret anymore as to which entry was mine, I actually made two speed paint (more like speed colouring haha) videos of my process! Feel free to check them out!
  18. So many good entries oh man also, whoever wins and you've already pre-ordered the SE, I'll gladly buy it off of you -wink wink nudge nudge-
  19. Oh god damnit When I went to ask about the SE waaaaay back in December, they were so sure that it wasn't going to get a restocked at all so I believed them and now look. Filthin' lies.
  20. All three paths, a pretty art book and a Fire Emblem Fates pouch for your 3DS/3DS XL.
  21. >:O I didn't get any email notification of this! Email notification my big toe!
  22. Thanks for the help everyone! But I think I'll bet all my luck on the Serenes Forest Scribble Contest since I don't really like having to call or I don't want to jump through so many hoops just to get it hee hee.
  23. Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think it's a very convenient option for me considering I can't drive and have no way of actually getting there. Plus, I don't think it's worth travelling far just to get one thing. Does US Walmart ship to Canada? Even if they did, I'd probably have to pay some sort of shipping fine which is never fun.
  24. There doesn't seem to be a listing for it on Walmart Canada :c #Canadianproblems
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