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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Oohhhhhh I was thinking about file size too earlier. This is an interesting speculation but that's quite the jump from one game being 3GB to one game being 1.6GB. But with that said, do the models really take up the remaining 1.4GB (or less) of space??? Unless I got my math wrong (which wouldn't be the first time hahaha)
  2. If it does get taken out, there's still plenty of Skinship footage on Youtube that will hopefully be satisfying to those who were looking forward to it to some extent. *coughlikemyvideoswiththeyoutubenamepigeonsenpaicough*
  3. I'm all for the Fire Emblem Cipher game. That would be so cool. I can see Odin pulling off a 'I WILL BANISH YOU TO THE SHADOW REALM FIEND' or something of that nature.
  4. I'm 80% sure it's probably Cale-dori. Then again I'm absolutely horrible when it comes to pronouncing names sometimes.
  5. That's not what I meant nor was I referring to you specifically. I'm talking about the people who are saying things like "lmao you can't touch your waifus anymore hahahaha" and other rude comments like that that I've seen all over the internet. If people want things taken out, that's completely fine because they have their own reasons for feeling that way, but I wasn't referring to those groups of people.
  6. I don't get it either and frankly, I think it's really rude. Imagine something that you were so looking forward to gets taken away from you and everyone around you just laughs/revels at how upset you are - that's not cool at all and it's a really shitty feeling.
  7. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a difference, even if signing a petition won't actually do anything in the grand scheme of things. It's the thought that counts. At least people are trying do something about it and that's something that I'm going to respect because the people who are upset have every right to be.
  8. I'm not surprised people would make a petition for this considering people have made petitions for just about everything. I don't think I've ever seen a successful petition towards video game censorship, but that's just me.
  9. That's from the Australian version of EBGames so no. You can see the 'au' in the link's address.
  10. Phew! I managed to finish mine before the deadline. I hope you got it Tangerine!
  11. I feel like if they were to replace Skinships with something else that still utilizes the models, I feel like they would prompt the player to choose multiple different responses and based on what they choose, it'll trigger the character to say certain things based on the player's response and then their affection/support level will increase that way. Kind of like how in otome games, you're character will like you more based on the things you say to them. And then they'll eventually say their special lines when certain ranks have been reached.
  12. I also find the wording on the Kotaku article really...entitled? That's probably not the right word for it but it's this sentence alone that I'm fishy about: "Nintendo confirmed to me that petting is 100 percent out." I agree that Skinships is a pretty 'big' optional feature in this game, which is why I'm skeptical on why Nintendo would tell this to one person rather than making a public announcement like their previous statements a few days ago. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but that's what my gut is telling me.
  13. Nothing would happen because I'm most likely no one's favourite (and I'm 100% cool with that).
  14. I'm rather indifferent with this news as well, regardless of if it's true or not. I don't like the feature to begin with but I do feel disappointed for those who genuinely wanted to experiment with this. Personally, this feature isn't what makes Fire Emblem appealing and enjoyable to play so this doesn't really effect me.
  15. omg it sounds like they 4kids his name from Nishiki > Kaden I would have been fine with Nishi but I can never be mad at these changes I just get a good laugh
  16. I feel like the game would have been 1000000x cuter and appealing if Pikachu's voice actor were to actually voice act this Pikachu. Like, the mental image of high-pitched talking Pikachu in a detective hat is so much cuter imo.
  17. If you're still looking for proof that they aren't taking out same sex marriage, here you go. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/01/nintendo_further_explains_fire_emblem_fates_localisation_with_same-sex_marriages_in_each_version Read the quote. EDIT: Because I made this post on mobile: If they were going to remove same-sex marriage, they wouldn't even reiterate this. They're also referencing to the Western release of the game because of the localized game titles, which further supports the fact that same-sex marriage is still going to be a thing. Case closed.
  18. I'm actually putting together a speed colouring video for this so I have lots of footage of my colouring and shading process :> Progress Update: It is 2/3 completed in terms of colouring. After that I'm going to add nice effects, a background and text weeeeeeeeeeeee
  19. Thank you! I didn't want to choose between either genders so, the more the merrier! I love all the Robins and Corrins *u*
  20. It's hard to really control anonymous entries because participants will find a way to say which entry belongs to them and secretly tell people to vote for them. Especially if some participants are really proud of what they made, it can be hard for them to keep quiet about their entries (or maybe that's just me because I'm almost done mine and posted a WIP of it on my art thread and I'm super proud of how it's turning out).
  21. I draw everything freehand! I only use circles or shape tools for more mechanical or geometric shapes that are a part of the character's design. Guidelines tend to be more helpful if you have more experience and knowledge of anatomy because you have a better idea of where anything should go even if it's just a messy guideline. Guidelines help the artist establish the form and pose. That's generally what guidelines are used for. If you don't have much knowledge of human anatomy, then you will struggle with drawing the body and limbs proportionally correct (Knowing proportions helps IMMENSELY). When I draw my guidelines, they're very basic (albeit stick figures) but they help me when I'm sketching everything out like "OK the shoulders go here, the elbow bends here, etc" I'm no professional artist by any means, but if you have a drawing and you're not sure about the anatomy, you can PM what you have and I can gladly give you my two cents.
  22. I agree with this as well. I also believe that this is where 'no inflation votes' would fall under? The idea that you can't make 100 accounts to vote for your entry or asking your friends to make accounts just so they can vote for yours wouldn't be allowed. So you guys could judge the consensus of all the votes and then the judges can rate/judge the top 3 or 5 or whatever based on creativity, originality, execution, etc and decide the winners based on that, just to give a more authority voice for judging. I've done judging for contests on deviantart and such in the past and having judges pick the winner tends to work the best, but that's just from my experience.
  23. Thank you! The sword is based on the one Marth was holding for one of his official artworks in New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~ I was using as a reference (it's probably incorrect considering the position of the sword isn't face up in the official art but I tried ;;) Annnnnd, I'll gladly change it to that hee hee
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