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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Oh my goodness all of you are so wonderful I can't even!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you all the best because of how kind you all are!!! Thank you!!!
  2. I'm tearing up at this compliment ;u; Thank you so much!!!
  3. Oh man I forgot that thread was a thing. I might just sift through that thread to find who posted it hahaha. Oh dang, seriously? Well, that's alright! I'm flattered that someone thought it was good enough to show it to people :>
  4. Phew. I've managed to finish my entry for the Serenes Forest Scribble contest and I'm super stoked to see what everyone else made. I've actually already posted the completed version elsewhere, but I will not say where ;) I hope you're all looking forward to it!
  5. Looks like a generic NPC or maybe a boss of some sort.
  6. Awwww, a helpful artist tip is to try not to compare yourself with others - we're all on our own artistic journeys so our growth and capabilities will be different but that's the beauty of it! Being able to see where everyone is in terms of what we can create draws huge inspiration! Use references - watch tutorials! There are so many resources out there to help you be the best you can be. It's intimidating yes, but turn that intimidation into motivation, because I believe everyone is capable of great things if you put your mind to it! Sorry for pep talk but I hope it helps!
  7. Names are names - I'll get used to them eventually.
  8. THIS MAY BE MY CHANCE... Thank you for the update! :>
  9. I would not be upset/disappointed if this was the case because I can't really argue or be mad about copyright.
  10. Haha guess I'm the first one to vote for "A team to help other players with grinding (whether it's for supports or levels)" I love helping people in general and I'm not that keen on competitive play so might as well help people out by letting them kick my butt hahahaha.
  11. I actually wouldn't mind the prospect of being 'life partners' or 'life companions' with any of the siblings, but that just complicates things a little more because you would miss out on getting Kanna or any of the other children that the male siblings have.
  12. Depends on where you live - Feb 3rd will be Feb 4th in Japan.
  13. I'm curious as to how everyone is wording their emails because I might send them one at some point along the lines of: "In Fire Emblem Awakening, players were given the option of switching between the English audio (voice acting) to the Japanese audio (voice acting). Will this option return for Fire Emblem Fates? Or will the game only include the option to play the game with English audio?" Just in case the word 'dual audio' might be mistaken for something else or they misinterpreted it.
  14. Because I'm super self-indulgent, I really adore Laslow and F!Kamui's support. It broke my heart but at the same time I'm just like <333333333
  15. Ahhh OK. For a minute there I'm like "I love how they also had to throw in the skinship announcement as well to the dual audio question."
  16. Lmao it doesn't even sound like they read your question properly. Like, did they honestly get so many responses about skinship that every email they get, they just assume it's about skinship and then copy and paste accordingly? Like I see how they added a response to your question at the end but dang. Unless you also asked about Skinship.
  17. Everything. But no for real, I remember being so HYPED when Awakening came out, but considering that Fates has changed things up and added some features to enhance gameplay, these games are going to keep me soooooooooooooo busy for months on ends. I also really like a lot of the characters in Fates and I'd have to say even more so than Awakening for some reason. I spent so much time playing Awakening that I can only imagine how much will be used on THREE GAMES.
  18. Oh no, I'm not doubting you (since I don't think dual audio is that big of a deal imo) but I was referring to the he said/she situation with the people at Nintendo who are responding to the emails because that's exactly what happened during the skinship situation where two groups of people were saying different things. You just have to understand that there are people who prefer to hear the truth/news from a more public stand point.
  19. I mean, people are always going to be skeptical and I don't blame them for being skeptical - back when the whole skinship situation happened, there was a slur of emails that people got back from Nintendo that either said they didn't know anything about whether it was in, or they stated that it wasn't. During that time, it's hard to tell who was telling the truth because it sounded like some people knew and some people didn't. Obviously we know the truth now thanks to the IGN podcast. So in this case, the email could very well be legitimate, but who's to say this isn't another case of he said/she said? There's only so much you can prove based on the email that you provided, but people will inevitably still be suspicious.
  20. For my entry I just uploaded it to Photobucket (without the watermark) but Tangerine accept my initial submission when I sent the link to her from DeviantART.
  21. I feel like the series wouldn't be completely dead after these two games but I can (or I hope) see them taking a break or going on hiatus from the series to re-evaluate their team, shuffle things around, before making the next installment. I mean, I'd rather not get another game immediately so IS can have some time to think things over than get another game with even more fishy/absurd material. But back on topic, I do hope they check to make sure dual audio works because there was a glitch for it in Awakening where even if it was set to Japanese when you turned the game on, the audio was in English so you had to go back to the main menu and switch the voices back and forth for it to work.
  22. I recall there being little over 2000 blocks more in the US game. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
  23. I think everyone is just so high wired about the things that are removed that everyone is getting a little overprotective, or I guess it would be better to say overly cautious, about what the other things that might have changed. Everyone just needs to relax imo - I get that people are upset and paranoid, but nit picking and brooding over these things is not healthy.
  24. Yeah, I realized that while I was typing the edit comment but I can't help but also think that there might be other factors to it. It does seem plausible and if it that ends up being the case, well, I guess now they know.
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