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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. My goodness, when all the submissions are shown, my heart is going to be beating like crazy.
  2. ...I really want to see that AHA. EDIT: I'm 99.9% sure it would be the same over here.
  3. I honestly don't know who to believe anymore. It sounds like there's pretty bad communication between everyone at Nintendo that some people know more details than others if this is true. Jesus christ when will this madness end
  4. ...I honestly can't take that twitter name seriously. But idk see why the person who wrote the article wouldn't have taken the original tweets rather than cite someone with the twitter name 'mombot' who took screencaps of the whole thing.
  5. I'm still super hyped for the games no matter what. I have a friend who's interested in Fates since he really liked Awakening but he doesn't feel interested enough to get the games on launch date. He's somewhat heard about the controversies and some aspects of the game that might be removed, but he wasn't all that fazed or shocked that skinships would be removed, probably because he hasn't seen enough of it to care. But when I mentioned My Castle and the customization involved, that pretty much sold him for sure. So it all boils down to how much research and exposure you have towards these games that I feel like if I did find out things would be removed without knowing much about the game, I wouldn't care even more about the removal. Like I had to record everyone's skinship lines and upload it to my youtube in order to somewhat enjoy the experience. I guess I'm a bit more optimistic in that there are still plenty of resources and footage online that I can check those out and just dream for what could have been. Of course, that isn't the same as experiencing it with the game in front of you, but at least there's that.
  6. I'd be pretty upset if it was a public stunt put together on Nintendo's part, but they definitely don't seem the type of company to sink this low. I mean, they aren't struggling enough as far as I can tell to do something like this. If it was all orchestrated by Kotaku, well, they'll be gaining a lot more hate than ever before.
  7. I love how serious and immersed the narrators are because it's having an obvious hype effect on me. Like I can imagine them in recording in a dark studio with dim lights hahaha.
  8. ...Am I the only one who thinks it would be weird if they announced 'yes it is removed' in an Nintendo Direct? Because Directs are kind of known for showcasing upcoming games and showing off some new ones in the works that for them to say "oh yeah this feature is not included in the Western version" is a little...unfortunate? Unless they follow up with a "But, we have a replacement implemented that we hope you guys will enjoy instead". I just can't help but chuckle of how they could address this.
  9. Probably wouldn't happen even if they had time but, it would have been interesting if they left skinships intact BUT were only accessible in Japanese audio with the inclusion of subtitles, seeing as there might be dual audio. Because that way even if they did have budget issues for voice actors, at least they kept the original mechanic in tact. ...Probably might have raised more questions about the rating though.
  10. Well, the the send/receive date is all the way to the right on gmail so he could have just cropped the screencap so the date was cut out. It looks to be the case to me.
  11. Great for the people who didn't like it to begin with, but my condolences towards those who were affected by this.
  12. I swear, I read that as 'Goblin for Nintendo' whoops. Wait, what does Golin for Nintendo mean? Is that just a name? Or is it a title? EDIT: Whoops! Nevermind, I read your previous posts.
  13. Have confidence in your work everyone! I'm sure everyone did a fantastic job! Be proud that you made something! If you have confidence that you did a good job, people will believe it too! You all deserve high fives and pats on the back! -busts out some pom poms and dances-
  14. Ugh I don't like people who just buys things just to sell it for ridiculous prices. Those SE could have gone towards people who actually WANTED it and missed their chance. //hisses
  15. You know what I just realized? If Skinship isn't removed, then all those people who said they were going to cancel their SE preorder because of it, will probably regret cancelling their pre-orders. And they most likely won't be able to get them back considering how difficult it is to get your hands on one now.
  16. nintendo@noa.nintendo.com I've emailed them about stuff before so I just went and found the old email that contains their email address. EDIT: Now that I look over the email, the font that they used for their response for my email is different from the one of them saying they haven't announced anything about skinships and they didn't say my name after the 'Hello'. Hm, probably over thinking it.
  17. We've pretty much touched on those possibilities enough already that I feel like there's not much else to talk about without having to run through these conversations again and going back to square one. We can sit and ponder for days on end but it's gotten to the point where I feel like we're just repeating what has already been said. All we can really do is wait.
  18. man, seeing more and more people using my sprites in their signature is reminding me that I should really get back to doing those for the rest of the characters.

  19. I couldn't have described the impression better myself. I think we should step back from this topic a bit and give ourselves some down time. We tend to think about things more rationally and with a better attitude when our minds are clear and not tired. Gonna play some Path of Radiance because I got an emulator working aww yeeee
  20. I loooooooooooove the part where all the soldiers are in their own epic battles in the beginning because I remember feeling so freaking excited like "HOLY SHIT FIRE EMBLEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Seeing it always reinvigorates my excitement for the games.
  21. Awww geez, now that I think about, there's probably going to end up being even MORE drama I feel like if Nintendo does end up debunking Kotaku. Because then the people who were happy that it 'was' out, they're going to be upset again. And then the people who were originally upset, are going to be happy again. But on the bright side, if Nintendo does do the debunking, all the more reason to stay the heck away from Kotaku.
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