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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. I ended up not drawing Pokemon but my Magical Girl instead lmao One of my friends designed her btw I was inspired by some of the Puella Magi Madoka Magica concept movie leaks I'm also in the process of drawing something for the Fire Emblem contest here yee
  2. Fire Emblem Fates Persona 5 Kingdom Heart 3 (is it coming in 2016? I could be wrong but that's a game I'm looking forward to) Mario and Luigi Paper Jam
  3. If you're playing it for the first time and you see compatibility between them, then you should go for it. But if you're going to play while caring A LOT about stats and you plan on recruiting the second gen characters, it might not be the best option. Go with what your gut tells you especially on your first playthrough since there's a lot of things you should decide for yourself. It'll make the experience a bit more personalized to you. At least that's how I approach when playing games like these for the first time.
  4. I like the way you think. I've seen people say that any of the second gen characters will get you a powerful Morgan, but they're both pretty OP regardless of who their parents are so go for the character that charms you the most! I usually go with Chrom!Inigo as Morgan's dad personally (because I'm Prince Inigo loving trash)
  5. Mario Party 7, Yoshi's Topsy Turvey, and Pokemon Emerald. Mario Party 7 - I saw my cousins playing it one day and I was like "omg Yoshi is so cute I wanna play" and that's literally how I got into gaming hahahaha. Yoshi's Topsy Turvey - The first ever video game I got as a gift. Since Yoshi is my all time favourite video game character, I was ecstatic! Pokemon Emerald - First Pokemon game. Needless to say, I didn't know much about Pokemon at the time so I ended up going through the whole game (including the Champion) with just Swampert. This is also why my favourite Pokemon is Mudkip.
  6. Oh lovely, my birthday is only 2 days after Gunther's and 4 days before Orochi's.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if Garon tried to send all the Hoshidans to the Shadow Realm.
  8. I'm really glad the voice acting is significantly better in the actual game than in the Corrin Smash trailer and I'm generally really picky when it comes to dub actors. Mikoto: I don’t know what else I was expecting from a motherly voice so it works. Corrin: I'm getting used to it. Yukimura: Good. Ryouma: GOOD!!!!! Hinoka: Meh, but I’ll probably warm up to it. Azura: A little too soft spoken maybe? It's alright though. Sakura: I actually like that she sounds a bit more mature than what I had imagined. Takumi: God bless this grumpy piss baby Kaze: Eh………… Rinkah: It works. Garon: Typical asshole voice, good. Xander: OK. (I still imagine his voice to be a bit deeper though) Camilla: Good (even though we only heard like two things from her, I can definitely sense that she's just as...sultry?? As she is in the Japanese) Leon: GODS I LOVE HIS VOICE Elise: Cute (Thank god she doesn’t sound as bratty as in the Corrin Smash trailer)
  9. I can't imagine what they would do next if people here in the West were to use the Skinship feature (and frankly I don't want to know at the same time hahaha...). But even if people don't, I can't imagine what they would do to 'replace' it, whether they tone it down or remove it all together. Either way, it's going to anger some people because those who did enjoy it are going to be like "What? Why did they remove this feature??" so there isn't much of a win-win situation. Then again, you can't make everyone happy but personally, I wouldn't bat an eyelash if they decided to remove or keep it for the next installment. It's bad in taste, sure, but if people are having fun with it, let them.
  10. I'd really like another Professor Layton game that isn't on a mobile device :>
  11. There will always be a bunch of bad apples in EVERY fandom, but the important thing is try to focus on the positive and good sides of every fandom because brooding over people who are constantly butt hurt is just not fun at all. People forget how much love and effort Sakurai puts into these games and it makes me sad to see the handful of people who are going to throw bitch fits, but you know what? Leave them be. There's nothing to be accomplished from paying attention to them. I hope he goes on a long vacation because he really deserves it.
  12. I ain't even that mad to be honest. At first I was surprised and though I'm not particularly excited for Corrin, I don't hate their inclusion either. I thought their move set looked pretty neat in my opinion! I would have liked to see other Fire Emblem characters in Smash, but it's not the end of the world and all this DLC is optional anyway.
  13. It's a lot of fun and a bit more challenging than the past PMD games! I'll probably get back into drawing Fire Emblem again when the release date for Fates is coming up.
  14. Maybe yes, maybe no. I haven't really had any time to draw what I want because of college but after this week I'll get back into the swing of things.Might draw some Pokemon stuff because I'm trying to 100% Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon but we'll see.
  15. Hee hee! I'm pretty deep into this game as of late. I loooooooooooooooooooove it. It's the one thing that's keeping my spirits up through this stressful time that is finals :>
  16. You could have also posted your thoughts under a spoiler tag in the 'Undertale' thread that was already made awhile ago. Nothing wrong with liking a game, there's nothing wrong with being put off by an aspect of it that challenges what you're used to in previous RPGs. But I think comparing Undertale and SMT is like comparing apples and oranges because they're both pretty different games that handle things a lot differently. An important aspect of Undertale is the fact that the game is challenging you to do things you wouldn't otherwise do. Usually when you beat an enemy or a boss, that's all they are to you - monsters that you kill off without much thought. But in Undertale, the game shows compassion and empathy that these enemies have because really, they have their own families and they have their own lives and it plays with the player's sense of morality which encourages the player to play nice and not with violence. And when you do decide to kill everyone, the game really makes you feel like a piece of shit. You took away the lives of monsters, you took away families and loved ones. I'll put the rest under a spoiler to cut down space.
  17. The game that stood out to me in 2015 were Undertale, Yoshi's Woolly World and Splatoon. I'm only going to talk about Undertale because oooohhhhhhhhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaaaan I love that game (I'm also REALLY SALTY that it didn't win any awards at the Game Awards) Undertale
  18. The amount of cringing I did while putting this together was extreme I hope this inspires someone! Improvement always happens even if you can't see it immediately! :>
  19. I don't think genders were specified for the starters but all the other Pokemon in this PMD game, specifically the secondary character Pokemon, do mention their pronouns and such. For example, Espurr is regarded as she/her, etc.
  20. I think this is a pretty good PMD game to get into the series! The only thing I would really be wary about is that this PMD is a bit more difficult than the others so it might be a bit challenging to anyone who hasn't played a PMD game before but challenging yourself is fun and you can definitely do it!
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