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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. I can't really imagine how this would end up looking, but hey, if the guy likes making games for this franchise, then keep on developing! It's amazing how big this franchise has gotten to the point where, I shit you not, there's nearly 6k fanfics for it on fanfiction.net. Not to mention some of the...not very safe for work fanart that's made for it (nothing can escape rule 35....)
  2. I try not to outright hate fandoms or people, but there are a few fandoms that have gotten on my nerves and I didn't find out until recently by how...unpleasant the Fire Emblem community can get. Like, I'm just tired of seeing elitists constantly bash people for getting the later Fire Emblem games and even to go as far to say that they aren't real Fire Emblem fans. I haven't seen a whole lot of this myself, but from what I have seen, it really pisses me off. Get off of your dang high horse already and let people like and show appreciation to what they're fans of. What are you trying to get out of being at each other's throats???? I absolutely hate that mentality in general. I know you love the series enough but there's no need to be so overly defensive over it. There are other fandoms that have REALLY set me off to the point where I didn't want to have anything to do with the series anymore. I'm looking at you Homestuck.
  3. Digital copy games sound convenient at first because you have all of your games collectively on one console, but considering how crappy my internet is, by the time the game finishes downloading, my mood to play the game goes down the drain. When I want to play a game, I want to play it NOW. And I think it's more fun to see all of the games that you have on your shelf.
  4. Looks like random cooks to me hahahaha
  5. I would be lying if I said that I'm not crying and screaming over Lazward in the drawing with Marx. GOD BLESS YOU KOZAKI I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS EDIT: omg
  6. My favourite has always been Electric because I really like the designs for a lot of the Electric Pokemon (Luxray, Manetric, Ampharos etc.) My least favourite is Normal because I think it's just a boring and bland type and I personally don't find them very useful.
  7. You mean the game screenshots? If by animations you mean effects than yes. The lighting for the fires have a slight flicker to them; the Crystal in the center of the 3rd screenshot rotates on its own; and the snowflakes and small balls of light rain down from the screen. Oh, and you can also see a cloud-like overlay in the fourth screenshot which slowly move across the screen (as if there are clouds above that are moving).
  8. Not exactly art related nor is it Fire Emblem related, but I thought it would be nice to twist things up and post some in-game screenshots of a fan game I'm making in RPG Maker VX Ace. It's a Hatoful Boyfriend fan game if you really want to know hahahahahaha
  9. Awww, that's too bad. But, thank you for letting us know!
  10. Hee hee we were talking about this in another thread and I and another fellow artist drew stuff for it :^) But to be real, I think I'll be happy with whatever they decide to go with because CG art is so preeeetty
  11. Exactly. There are some things that you can sacrifice and compromise if done right, but if the very thing you're about to compromise goes against the message, emphasis and theme of what your advertising for the sake of pandering, then what was any of this for?
  12. Oh, I didn't know there was a specific term to what I was getting at! This is very informative and definitely helps put what I'm trying to get at in better terms.
  13. I wouldn't call you stupid! We all have different ways of looking at situations is all and that's something that should be embraced :> This is completely bias for me but considering that I come from an Asian family, where I'm constantly told that family is important, even the family members I don't even know (apparently if I say my grandmother's name in Laos, half the country would know me and I find that terrifying tbh...), I'm more inclined to have these views and feelings.
  14. My interpretation of what Kamui meant when they said that is, "I've grown up thinking that I was related to my Nohr siblings all along but it turns out my true blood family lies here in Hoshido? I can't believe it..." I mean, I think that's a natural reaction for someone to have when faced with the truth that you have another family here, but this only spurs the player's decision of whether they want to side their blood related family or the family they grew up with. Just because they don't immediately regard them as family, doesn't mean they're gonna immediately regard them as potential marriage candidates either. LOL see how overly complicated IS made this situation?
  15. I'm just saying that being able to flip your perspective that you can now look at these people from being your sibling to your romantic partner, does not happen that easily (or even realistically), even if you're told you're not related by blood. Again, think mentally. Even if you didn't spend that much familial time with your Hoshido siblings, right from the get go you're told that Ryouma is your older brother and Takumi, Hinoka and Sakura are also your siblings. That mental note about your perceived relationship with them is there. What I'm trying to say is, the word 'siblings' can be a huge deciding factor in how you feel towards someone. If you have a brother and sister, you regard them as such and only have feelings that normal brothers and sisters 'should have' because we're told in this society that incest is not allowed so we steer our feelings away from that. I don't know about you but if I had a brother that wasn't related to me by blood but is technically still a part of my family, I wouldn't develop any romantic feelings for him let alone let that cross my mind. I have spent a lot of times with my sisters and cousins so my opinion on the matter may be a bit bias. Think of it this way, if the games were completely changed and it was established from the beginning that you weren't related to ANYONE, do you think people would be conflicted about marrying them? I don't think so. I also feel like I'm going off topic so I think I'll stop for now.
  16. I think what a lot of us are more concerned about is how seemingly easily the game portrays Kamui's sudden flip of a switch from "oh hey bro" to "ok let's get married" because it just doesn't happen like that in real life. It's more of a mental outlook on the situation. Yes, you're PHYSICALLY not related to them, but the mentality of seeing them as your once family is still there and it doesn't just go away like a puff of smoke. Imagine yourself having a 'brother' or 'sister' and then suddenly finding out you're not related to them by blood. Would you be so easily inclined to be in a romantic relationship with them? I think that's what put people off. Many of us just feel like they shouldn't have made them eligible marriage candidates to begin with because it goes against the whole conflict of siding with your 'blood' related siblings to your loyalty to the siblings you grew up with. If you're gonna put this pretty big revelation in the game with this big emphasis on family as a theme, why wouldn't you decide to portray it in the main story? But instead, you only find this out IF you decide to S-rank your siblings, which I think doesn't make a lot of sense. Regardless, incestuous relationships are frown upon BECAUSE of that blood/familial relationship so I don't think I've ever seen an instance where an incestuous couple decided to adopt a child nor do I think it's ok for their to be incest in the first place.
  17. I was referring to general families but I was using Nohr as an example since it was easier for me to write a reason that had to do with actually knowing and growing up with your family. But yeah either way, not too big one S-ranking either families.
  18. I just kind of wish IS were a bit more 'realistic' when it came to familial/sibling relationships especially for Nohr imo. Like, if you spent most of your life growing up with these group of people that you saw as family, it's very rare to being able to switch your perspective and suddenly be OK with being in a romantic relationship with them even after finding out you're not related by blood let alone develop romantic feelings for them to begin with. It just doesn't happen; at least that's what I think. That's one of the main reasons why I'm personally put off by this fact especially since I'm the youngest child so I have personal experience with having siblings.
  19. I'm just gonna acknowledge the giant elephant in the room and say how it seems a lot of people, if not all, would consider the quality of the game a bit higher if IS kept the siblings off limits to begin with because at least they're caring more about wanting to portray this conflict between choosing family of birth ti family if loyalty. Like I wouldn't mind if they still wanted to drop the plot twist that you're not actually related to either of them because they could have potentially shown more development for Kamui and how they deal with this revelation in the main story instead of just cheaply throwing in the plot twist in the supports of all places. I think it would have been a neat paralell to see Kamui feeling conflicted just like how they felt conflicted when choosing sides. I know there are a lot of loop holes in my suggestion but these are just my thoughts.
  20. So, Thor made this really nice design of Ryouma in a suit so I felt like chugging out a quick drawing of it B) I'm not that great at drawing older characters so I need to get more practice on drawing more pronounced jawlines whoop whoop!
  21. Thanks! The drawing was done a bit rushed since I was focusing more on getting the dress designs across so I'm aware of the anatomical inaccuracies but thank you for pointing them out! :>
  22. Well I just think that as you guys, as the people playing, are attracted to those characters and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It just so happens the character you're playing as has some sort of familial bond to those characters which makes you conflicted about marrying them since you can only marry them through this character you're playing as. But if you are attracted to these characters, I don't see any problems with that. At least that's how I see it.
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