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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Here's Suzukaze :> As always, you can use my pixels for your blogs or wherever you want as long as you credit me!
  2. Just an interesting thing I've been alerted about! So I made a Pixiv account and uploaded some of my Fire Emblem drawings there and the pixels actually made it to the Daily Pixiv Rankings for August 30, 2015 with the rank of 440 (out of 500)! It was originally ranked 383 but it eventually went down to 440, which I'm not disappointed about because considering that there are so many talented artists on pixiv (heck I even tell myself sometimes of how I can't wait to be as good as some of them) , the fact that my art is even on the rankings is a pretty great accomplishment in my book.
  3. I could easily do all possible hair colour variations! It's won't take as much time as it sounds (I just have to do a bit of research of who can support with who). Similar to how I'm going to handle Kamui. I won't necessarily do all the possible different hair styles and combinations (omg that's a lot of work) but I'll stick with the default but make every hair colour available. I'll even make additional misc. pixels like hearts and stuff in case people want to showcase their OTPs and stuff :>
  4. I'll add him on the list! I'm almost certain that I will make a pixel for all the characters!
  5. Thank you very much! TO BE HONEST, I can definitely see the resemblance with Lucina and Inigo to Soleil now that you mentioned it! Not just the colour, but Soleil's hair is kind of a messier version of Lucina's, which is a cute observation!
  6. I'm so happy to see a lot of people liking my sprites ;u; They're a lot of fun to make so I'm really glad! Nishiki has been requested by multiple people on tumblr too and hopefully I'll get back to the sprite making soon! I'm really happy by how the Prince and Princess drawing came out since I did lots of experimentation! Thank you for the kind comments :>
  7. Not exactly Fire Emblem related but I wanted to draw something small for my tumblr about page :>
  8. His name is Strider. My sister is a Homestuck fan so she's the one who named him!
  9. I really like this idea because I actually wanted to do something similar but with drawings for the 4th drama CD while the audio plays in the background but like you said, there's a lot of legal boundaries. I wouldn't be too worried about translations as long as you aren't trying to profit from this project and I find it that translators are usually fine with it as long as you ask their permission and provide credit (but that's just assuming so there probably are translators who are a bit more protective about their translations). The most I would worry about if anything are the music in the tracks because sometimes when I try to upload music to youtube, let's say from an anime, then youtube will automatically disable the sound because of copyright issues. I wouldn't worry too much about the actual voice acting because I've uploaded everyone's My Room skinship videos to my youtube channel and I haven't gotten into any sort of trouble. But I think in general youtube is a bit more lenient towards video game soundtracks in comparison to anime soundtracks (not entirely sure why) because I find it that there's more channels that consist of just video game music than anime music. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you do get permission, feel free to continue with the project because I would love to see it! I would suggest doing a little bit of research in regards to copyright infringement and stuff like that and post maybe one or two products of what you've made and if you don't face any trouble, then listen to your gut.
  10. I'm studying at an art college for Graphic Design but I wouldn't mind venturing into Game Design as well since I've always wanted to work in the Game industry. Video games and art have changed the course of my life so I'm following those passions to see where it will take me :>
  11. I've never encountered the virus under normal circumstances but I did managed to get a Drapion that had it over GTS in my Platinum game if I recall.
  12. Melee: Yoshi and Pikachu (Melee was my first fighting game so I had no idea what I was doing hahaha) Brawl: Ness SSB4: Bowser Jr. and Ness (though I'm not as good with Ness in SSB4 than I am in Brawl oddly enough). I also like playing characters with obscure move sets like the Villager hahaha
  13. !!!! Waaaaaa, thank you so much! (o´ω`o) I've been spending a lot of time these past few weeks looking at beautiful Fire Emblem fan art on pixiv and even reading some tutorials so I've been feeling very inspired as of late!
  14. I'd like to think I have a type preference for starters but when I think about it, I do end up choosing the cutest/coolest starter. Gen 1: Squirtle Gen 2: Cyndaquil Gen 3: Mudkip (all time favourite Pokemon too that is unfortunately over memed as heck) Gen 4: Piplup Gen 5: Snivy Gen 6: Fennekin (Froakie is pretty cool too)
  15. I think providing a link to the original post of the artwork you want to share is an excellent alternative because you're redirecting people's attention to the artist themselves because in order for people to see the artwork, they'll have to look at the link of the artist's work from the original source. Therefore, I personally don't think it's stealing if you're just linking to the original page of the artwork you want people to see!
  16. I don't normally take selfies but considering I got a hair cut today, why not? My parrot is in the photo too!
  17. As an artist, a lot of the reason why some artists are getting upset about their art being reposted, is because it's being done without them knowing/without their permission. Some artists feel safe and comfortable knowing where their art is at all times because it reminds them that they have full control of what they've created because at the end of the day, it's theirs and they don't think it's right for other people to freely touch what they've made even if the person who reposted did it with good intentions. When someone gets a hold of their work, it kind of makes the artist feel like some of their power over what they made is taken away. That being said, there's nothing wrong with reposting other people's works of art as long as you're providing the original source BUT, it's always better to double check with the artist to make sure it's OK with them. It not only shows that you're interested in their art, but it also shows that you care about their work enough that you would ask. There are countless artists on pixiv that have stated clearly that they don't want their work being reposted or redistributed and I think the least people can do is respect their wishes because at the end of the day, it's their work. For me, I don't mind if people use my art for icons and avatars as long as they ask me for permission first. As for reposting, that depends on where. If my art is already posted on a site that someone wants to repost it on, then the answer will always be no. Let me put it this way: say you post a drawing on tumblr and it doesn't have many likes or reblogs. Someone who has more followers than you, finds the drawing and reposts it without your permission and the drawing has over 1000 notes a few minutes after it was posted. Guess who's the one that sees all 1000 notes? Not the original artist, but the reposter. The original artist doesn't even get to see all the recognition from the exposure their work has gotten because it was reposted by someone else without them even knowing. And even if the reposter provided the original source, the artist still wouldn't know that their art got reposted. Sure with the source provided the artist gets more exposure, but keep in mind that the artist won't see the notes, recognition and compliments that their drawing has gotten and those are the very things that encourage artists to create more content and it makes them feel good about their abilities. TL;DR It's always always always better to ask the artist permission. Trust me when I say that it will make them feel a lot better if you do. Please keep in mind that my comment isn't meant to upset or offend anyone but I'm just giving a little insight of the mind of an artist from my personal experiences and from observing the experiences of many artists that I follow.
  18. Thank you very much! :D I'll gladly add Luna to the list of requested pixels but I might not be able to get to her right away so please be patient :>
  19. Ahh don't be discouraged because even I still have trouble drawing hands! References, references, references my friend. Don't be afraid to use them because the more you use them, the better you will get at visualizing hand positions. Sometimes I even pose my hands on my webcam and use that as my reference. Don't be afraid to use tutorials and guidelines because they will certainly help!
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