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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Yeee, no problem! :> I haven't actually paid much attention to the comments on all the videos for awhile because I can tell most of the recent ones are about this whole situation. It's sad to see a lot of people disappointed :c
  2. oh look it's my youtube videos! I actually like her voice a lot more than I did originally now that I think about it.
  3. MAKE US FREE NA SPLASH KASANETA -clap clap- I would be all about that tbh
  4. If dual audio is going to be a thing, you might not have to worry about not hearing Mamo. He's such a good singer.
  5. To be honest, if this whole ordeal occurred when I was taking Game Studies last semester, I would have done my essay on this instead of Let's Players.
  6. My grade 11 drama teacher would have straight up said "Don't believe it. Do it again"
  7. I'm not opposed to it but it's not my cup of tea. I mostly feel bad for the people who were looking forward to it. Feeling disappointed freaking sucks.
  8. Apparently Nintendo released another Fates commercial video and this time they left comments enabled. And lo and behold, most of them are about skinship. I think we're in for another round of shit storming (at least on youtube anyway)
  9. I don't know how well the 3DS mic can decipher spoken sentences, but this does bring up the hilarious mental images of someone screaming and swearing into the mic and the characters are just like 'nice to see you too :D'
  10. I think I can safely say that I'm coming to terms with the inevitable and I'm feeling burned out now. This was a really interesting and engaging discussion though and it's probably the most active I've ever been in a thread.
  11. There's so much snow outside so I don't think there's any roses growing around here hahaha.
  12. I don't know how much deeper/higher he can get but I will be amused if his voice ends up being just as deep as Akihiko's in Persona 3. I won't be mad if that's the case though. I freakin love Akihiko.
  13. Someone give me a behind-the-scenes compilation, I will love you forever
  15. -casually fans self because of Kaden's voice- I want to marry that voice
  16. Sounds like I severely underestimated the capabilities of Voice Actors. Apologies for my ignorance. It was the only, somewhat, logical explanation I could think of so, thanks for clarifying and opening my eyes a little more :>
  17. Idk, from a voice actor's perspective, I wouldn't be surprised if the voice actors/actresses just weren't comfortable with recording these types of lines. I mean, they can tone down the lines to make it less suggestive sure, but the prospect of voicing characters reacting to being touched/strokes might be off-putting to some of them. Like, if Matthew Mercer was embarrassed about voicing one confession line, I doubt he would be able to voice MULTIPLE lines in reaction to his character being touched. If it makes people uncomfortable, I'm not going to blame the voice actors and I'd rather not get anything than have them put themselves through some awkward/uncomfortable situations. I'm just guessing though - I could be completely wrong.
  18. Well, you know what they say - I won't believe it until I see it.
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