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Posts posted by CocoaGalaxy

  1. Incomplete List:

    Counting only items in Chapter 6 and onwards

    C7: Heal, Freeze, Iron Sword, Bronze Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Axe, Hand Axe

    C8: Thunder, Vulnerary, Iron Bow, Talisman

    C9: Parallel/Heart Seal, Rescue, Brass Naginata, Vulnerary, Fire, Fimbulvetr

    C10 Inventory: Steel Axe, Thunder, Iron Axe, Iron Sword, Bronze Sword, Vulnerary

    C10 House Items (I don't recall which, but two of them are a bit of a pain to get):

    Master Seal, Dracoshield, Reverse/Dual Club, 10,000 G

    C10 Drops: Elixir X1 from Boss, it's unlikely to get in my opinion

    C11: Weakness, Spirit Dust

    C12: Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Iron Sword, Vulnerary. Secret Book if you can beat the boss.

    C13: Secret Book, Master Seal, 5,000 G, Blessed Lance, Steel Axe, Steel Lance

    C14: Iron Sword, Seraph Robe, 10,000 G, Beaststone, Guard Beaststone

    C15: Steel Lance, Steel Axe, Javelin, Vulnerary

    C16: (Killer Bow + Mend) OR (Speedwing?). I'm not too sure. Plus 10,000 G (minus 300 per turn)

    C17: -

    C18: Master Seal, Energy Drop, 10,000 G

    C19: Beaststone+

    C20: Dragonstone+, Rescue, 10,000 G, Secret Book

    C21: -

    C22: Gold Coin (Missable on Hard/Lunatic), 5,000 G, Spirit Dust

    C23: Goddess Icon, 10,000 G, Boots

    C24: Speedwing

    C25: Dracoshield, 10,000 G, Wind Summon

    C26: S Rank Tome, S Rank Axe, S Rank Staff, Expert Yumi, 20,000 G, Warrior Naginata, Seraph Robe

    C27: -

    E: -

    Master Seals: 3

    Gold: 90k Total. Though realistically for most of the game you will only have the 60k, so it's more of don't splurge your money like an idiot when you first get it

    But anyway in general money isn't so much tight. It's more like, you can't just buy whatever you want. (Like for me, in FE10 Endgame I had 100k Gold just sitting around with nothing to buy)

  2. You're right; I tested it yesterday and I was wrong - you can't forge Hand Axes with Hoshidan axe gems.

    And too bad about forges not giving you additional wexp...

    Also, does Nohr!Ch25 Ryouma also not have some kind of Dragonskin? He also lowers attack, skill damage and is immune to Lethality even though his skills don't indicate it anywhere (only says something about status staves and debuffs I think). Critical hits seem to do full damage against him however.

    Dragonvein like effect on the floor or something like that. I don't know the specific calculations

  3. Honestly speaking it sounds like, maybe they heard how people hated Felicia's squeaky voice (not me, that's for sure) and decided to try to completely "revamp" that.......but it sounds like they could have put in a bit more effort perhaps......

    The voices aren't completely horrible I guess but...maybe it's just me but they don't feel as natural as the awakening ones. Oh well..

    That being said, it does still kind of feel like they could have put in more effort for it

  4. I think Dragonskin's effect on extra damage from criticals and skills is far more difficult to understand.

    Criticals are halved (3x>1.5x, 4x>2x)

    Criticals with skills should be just stacked on normally I guess

    Astra: Each hit deals 1/3 damage instead of half.

    Luna ignores only 1/4 enemy DEF/RES

    I've not seen ignis, but I'd presume it only adds 1/4 STR/MAG

    Sol heals only for 1/4 damage done

    Aether is sol and luna

    Breaking Sky only adds 1/4 enemy STR/MAG

    Dragon Fang's multiplier is reduced to 1.25x

    Presumably Vengeance is also reduced to 1/4 damage taken

  5. Do we know the calculations for DragonSkin? Is it ((Attack - Def) x 0.75) or ((Attack x 0.75) - Def) or is it something else?

    (Attack - Def) X 0.5

    For Hoshido/Nohr/Omega Yato: (Attack - Def) X 0.75

    Hi!, Me again

    I only have one question, is easy to get money in Revelations ? (Like Hoshido)

    What similarities have Revelations with the another paths?

    The mechanism should be the same as Hoshido. For actual cash (since selling items is probably not so good of an idea), I didn't really count though, though I do recall Hoshido and Nohr giving fair sums of money as is.

    Revelations uhm...I seem to be forgetting something, but you can grind in Revelations. You can either spawn enemies by paying, or they'll just spawn as time passes.

    Or they can add Ema, Shade and Yuzu as characters and allow you to marry them???


    Hi! I got 2 new questions, this time is about online!

    1 - You make a team of 5 so... It's Kamui forced in the team and you can only choice 4 more, or you can let Kamui out of the online team?

    2 - In online battles, your adversary can move their units or the AI move them like in spotpass Awakening?

    That's all thanks for all your help

    For starters, there are two "types" of online battles, one is the castle battle (you play against enemy ai set by the player you're challenging), and actual online battles (you play on one of the storyline maps AFAIK, this one is player vs player)

    Kamui isn't forced in any of them as far as I know, but I may be wrong...

  6. If you choose, as far as I know, once My Castle is unlocked, you can buy as many seals as you can afford from online.


    All Routes:

    L1 Vendor is available after Chap 6, sells 2 Master Seals, 1 Parallel, 1 Buddy, and 1 Marriage Seal.

    L2 Vendor upgrade is available after Chap 13, sells 5 more Master Seals and 2 more Parallel, 2 more Buddy, 2 more Marriage Seals

    L3 Vendor upgrade is available after Chap 20, sells infinite.

    On Revelations you get both vendors, so you get double the amount available.


    C9: Master Seal X1

    C11: Master Seal X1

    C13: Master Seal X1

    C15: Master Seal X2

    C17: Master Seal X1

    C19: Master Seal X1

    C20: Master Seal X2

    C21: Master Seal X2


    C9: Parallel Seal X1

    C10: Master Seal X1

    C13: Master Seal X1

    C18: Master Seal X1


    C9: Master Seal X1

    C10: Master Seal X2

    C11: Master Seal X1

    C12: Master Seal X1

    C14: Master Seal X1

    C19: Parallel Seal X1, Buddy Seal X1

    C20: Master Seal X1

    C24: Master Seal X1 (Only if chapter was cleared by stealth)

    This is all just taken from the wiki so I'm not sure, I had to do several cleanups..but the general gist is that you shouldn't be too overly worried about Master Seals unless you're training like every last character.

    Buddy, Parallel, Marriage? That's a bit more complicated, but what can I say..

  7. I guess it counts,

    Part 1

    I don't think I'll have space to use the children characters on Hoshido. Maybe on Nohr, but even then a few *cough Sophie cough* might get the shaft

    Part 2

    On Revelations, well, there just isn't enough slots

    Part 3

    I dunno about Flora though......

    Part 4

    I would have used Tsukuyomi, except slots issue, slots are pretty tight on Hoshido and insanely tight on Revelations AFAIK..ironically not so much on Nohr...maybe to the point that I have too few characters

    That being said, I don't really dislike any of the characters. It's just that I haven't really read much/anything and it'll probably have to wait until someone does like a full english playthrough (with supports, I guess, though to be honest I didn't really read all the awakening supports either.....or well, any supports really)

  8. It depends on what chapter you are on, or rather, what levels the enemy are at.

    Enemies are only Level 17 around Chapter 17

    If you're somehow around Chapter 13, you'll be gaining (next to) zero exp since enemies are only Level 12/11 there

    Roughly speaking

    Same Level = 30 Exp per kill, 10 exp per fight

    Player 1 level higher = 25 Exp per kill

    2 Levels: 19 Exp

    3 Levels: 13 Exp

    4 Levels: 7 Exp

    5 Levels: 1 exp, no exp per fight

  9. Wait, really? Because I'm not sure it'd be FE6 level slow (where WExp was fixed at 1 per attack and you needed 50 attacks to go from one weapon rank to the next [subtract 1 for every finishing hit]).

    I'm not really sure, but I think "killing blow" wexp bonus was removed a few games ago or so.

    IMO the WEXP just slowly crawls up, and by slowly and crawl i do mean that.

    Honestly it might depend on spread of characters though, I'm not sure when the children characters start with B ranks

  10. Parts of me wonder if they've forgotten about the skills. The Japanese release of the last series 1 DLC and the first series 2 DLC is about 2.5 months. It's almost 5 months since the last DLC was announced and it's gotten me worried.

    I'm hoping that it won't be FE6 slow. If so, this game is really going to test my patience when grinding for weapon ranks. Still gonna do it though.

    It's slower than FE6

    To be honest I don't entirely recall all the games, but it's the slowest of all the game's I've played (FE6-13)

    Not that I've actually stalked and measured my own data, so I may be wrong

  11. @Dollysama Thank you for answering my question

    How do you get the items that teach skills like Proximity Shot and Paragon? Are they even attainable?

    How do the WEXP growth compare to Awakening's? Sometimes I feel like it's still a bit slow for my taste with Discipline. I'm OCD about having my units max their weapon ranks in all of their attainable classes so I'm trying to see if this is worth doing.

    Not yet

    I don't really know, but basically speaking, the gap between the weapon ranks is fairly large.

    If you grind they actually don't seem to be that large, but if you don't, most units will only have a B by the end of the game (in one weapon, the rest will be Es or so), so it seems to be low compared to the other games

  12. Ah I see.

    Got a another question.

    Do the debuffs from hidden weapons stack with debuffs from skills (such as draconic curse or speed seal) or do they just apply the most powerfull effect?

    Thanks in advance.

    Debuffs do not stack (except self inflicted debuffs)

    The larger debuff overwrites the smaller one


    >Is hit by Iron Shuriken, Mag-2, Def -3, Res -3

    >Draconic Seal applies, everything becomes -4

    >Defense Seal applies, Defense becomes -6, everything else stays at -4

    They stack if the inflicting unit has negative chain, but that's a bit of a drag and all

  13. Everyone still kind of performs as per normal as long as you don't do things like Exorcist Kagerou.

    There aren't really any "hopeless" units in this game, though to a certain extent things aren't as fair as FE13 perhaps?

    The stat boosters would depend on several things....

    On a no grind run, I'd think you'd probably not want to spend money on Stat Boosters, the game throws money at you pretty nicely, but you probably won't be sitting on 100k by endgame or anything.

    Otherwise, it really depends on who you're bringing.

    TL;DR: Give the stat boosters to whoever you want

  14. so was Awakening's Lunatic mode just badly designed or something? I would never recommend that mode in awakening but I've yet to try fates

    Fates is more fairly designed.

    In all honesty it depends....like if you're an experienced FE player the harder difficulties aren't completely insurmountable.

    It might be a bit subjective since different players can tolerate different things

    (FE11 Lunatic, FE12 Lunatic Reverse, FE13 Lunatic Plus, after those three, FE14 Lunatic is largely speaking a cakewalk)

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