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Posts posted by CocoaGalaxy

  1. Most of the bosses have around 60 Avoid though, I think.....

    This is so annoying, hmm

    H27L: 33 + 30 Avoid

    HEL: 60 Avoid

    N27L: 47 + 30 Avoid

    NEL: 52 Avoid

    R27L: 45 Avoid

    REL: 60 Avoid

    That being said, I don't really see too much of a problem with the hit rates though,,,I dunno? Hmmm....

    I'm also not entirely sure how the calculations work though, this is getting on my nerves.

    It seems that WTA against H27L/N27L gives +15 Hit.

    85 + 15 + (Assume 25 Skill, 20 Luck, which is pretty bad but eh), + 37 + 10 - 77

    = 70 I guess, which is..I'll admit it's not exactly spectacular but otherwise it's still ok-ish.

    All the videos I've seen so far (admittedly not a lot, since it's only been 1 each against each boss) show at least 80+ hit rates, how I have no idea.....

    That being said, said player has like I think 30+ SKL and LUK I think, so yeah...

  2. My own recommendations:

    Hoshido: Hard/Lunatic/Classic

    Normal isn't necessarily easy, but Hard is at least "a decent" challenge. Lunatic isn't ridiculously difficult either, really.

    Nohr: Hard/Lunatic Classic

    Normal isn't really easy. Hard is either somewhat difficult, or not too difficult. Lunatic itself isn't too ridiculous, but it might be a bit much to handle straight away

    Revelations: Hard/Lunatic Classic

    Normal isn't necessarily easy. Hard isn't too difficult, though it's not a walk in the park either. Lunatic is still ok, but it depends, possibly. Still not too much to handle.

    General Opinions:

    Normal: Difficult for beginners, (comparatively) easy for experienced fire emblem players. If you can handle FE13L+ this would be a total joke...mostly....

    Hard: Challenging for experienced players, but still a far cry from FE11/12/13L(R/+) modes

    Lunatic: More challenging for experienced players, but still not quite at the level of FE11/12/13L(R/+) modes


    The (synthetic I.E Numbers) gap between Normal and Hard is greater than the gap between Hard and Lunatic.

    Hoshido N>H: A few select enemies (usually bosses) get new skills. Increased enemy count (up to 2.5x in some cases). Some enemies have increased inventory (E.G. Javelins).Unpromoted enemies get +2 in a stat or two, promoted enemies get larger (+3/5) increases in a few stats

    Hoshido H>L: Not many changes. Mostly additional enemies

    Nohr N>H: About half or more enemies gain skills. Slight (1-3) increase in stats across the board. More enemies.

    Nohr H>L: Additional skills for enemies. A few more enemies

    Revelations N>H: Enemy stat increase (4-8)

    Revelations H>L: Enemy stat increase (2-5)

  3. Grima was a huge disappointment for a fight in Awakening, and I finished him in two rounds on normal, and he was just as easy on hard. Does Fates handle the endboss/bosses better than Awakening did? Are they at least more difficult or have some mechanics to them?

    Also with Hoshido classes in Nohr. If you have someone as say a Lance Fighter, do they just use lances on Nohr, or do you have to use Naginatas? and opposite for Hoshido if you are a Paladin on Hoshido side?

    Grima on Lunatic or Lunatic plus is still fair game, but otherwise I get what you mean. That aside, the endboss(es) are soso, Nohr a bit less so, and Revelations is really just numbers with not much in the way of skills, unfortunately. Depending on your actual stats, the bosses are somewhat threatening since they have range and can 2hko your units. Some of them anyway....others, who knows. Also the boss ai depends, I still am not really sure how they behave.

    Like, in general the bosses have 20-30 in every stat, so they're moderately fast (30-35/40 speed still doubles them), have at least 1-2 range, usually about 50 or so ATK, so yeah. Still a bit sad in some cases, but what can I say.

    can someone explain how to save units in logbook or something so we can buy skill from them on another save file?

    After you beat endgame, you get to choose 5 characters from that 'save" to save to your logbook.

  4. Didn't read much of the above.

    Comparatively speaking, I'd say the game is about as hard as ...I dunno, FE10 Normal?

    Maybe slightly less difficult at times, and slightly more difficult at times (FE10's difficulty isn't consistent throughout in my opinion, while Conquest is)

  5. The title is spoilers though, you might want to change that.

    That being said..the basic method is a bit limited since we don't have any effective weapons, and the defense is still a bit hard to overcome.

    One rounding him isn't impossible, but you'd have to clear the area and then kind of ambush him with like 3-4 characters in a single turn

    For the one round with magic option...realistically speaking it's still a bit of a stretch...

    Even with +Magic/Speed with a pairup, hitting both the magic and the speed requirements is probably not going to make it.

    I suppose you could still hit him with a single good hit, but there's also the thing where your magic character could possibly not be able to survive the counterattack (Xander has about 38 ATK, I think)

  6. The dlc to get dark flier/dread fighter reclass item, it's not very easy or so. Not insanely difficult or anything, but indeed a chore to do for all the characters.

    Aggressor is still good, as is Galeforce, their main flaw is that reaching 20/15 to get them (you could always promote earlier but that's bad for it's own reasons) takes a long time...I mean you could conceivably still get them quite early (Chap 22 or so possibly) but it's not really that easy.

  7. Question: is the inverse true? Does a unit get much more experience from defeating an enemy that's at a higher level than it than in other games in the series?

    It's hard to be underleveled in the game, somewhat, but ...the answer is that it gets more, but not "much more" (the game is a jerk, what can be said)

    If someone would be nice enough to confirm if the following numbers I have is true

    If both characters are at the same level, exp gained from kill = 30

    If your character is higher leveled:

    1 Level higher: 25 Exp

    2 Levels: 19 Exp

    3 Levels: 13 Exp

    4 Levels: 7 Exp

    5 Levels: 1 Exp (You also gain 0 exp from combat)

    If your character it lower leveled:

    3 Exp per level difference

    I have no idea how the game calculates attack/guard stance exp though

    From my vague experience, healing/dancing for a lower level unit gives less exp as well, but eh, what can I say

  8. How many Marriage/Buddy seals can we get on Conquest? on Brightright?

    I, too, need to know thid for scientific purpose ^^.

    You can buy unlimited numbers from Level 3 Vendor

    Can we grind in Hoshido - Lunatic? Or it will be like in Awakening where "Risen" only gives you 1 exp in Lunatic?

    Well yes, but it really depends on the level of your units and your progression in the story, I don't recall much info on the levels of "grinding" enemies at certain chapters. Exp does drop off fairly quickly if you get overleveled, and there's a whole bunch of units in the game itself.

    Also the price of summoning enemies does go up, but you can always just wait for them to spawn in naturally.

  9. To me, maybe it's not really so, but I feel that children depend on their parents.

    And also the point in time you get them.

    So it can vary considerably........from what I can tell, usually as long as the parents turn out well and what not, the children would as well

    Foleo is pretty good, uh, I think, anyway....just poor defense, so maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea to have more fragile glass cannon magic healers, etc

  10. Sorcerer Camilla is really just a bad idea though

    Jakob's Defense.....is probably only good as Great Knight (or a comparatively similar class)

    Kaze, normally speaking I'd say that it's better to just have Kunai

    Also everyone's HP growth is really not that far from each other in this game

    PS: I think, even Great Knight Nyx ("lol") is not going to save her Defense

  11. Wow, so many comments.

    I mean, honestly speaking, from a basic set of rules even Lunatic is doable..doable doesn't mean easy though, and you can still get RNG screwed.

    (For example, my team looks pretty impossible to follow 100%, so I'll probably have to use some characters outside my planned team until the later characters join)

  12. Actually when I think about it, for me anyway, it's kind of hard to judge just what the final stats end up as (And well, the base stats as well), so it's hard to compare the choices aside from the "I want more X!" or "I don't want low X!"

    It also depends on the exact points of the stats....

    And your own playstyle.

    I'll probably stick to +Spd/- Something else.

    From what I can see, the choice of asset is more important, than the choice of flaw so to speak, since the asset is boosted more, but the flaw less.

    However, it might depend on specific spots (Not enough speed to double certain enemy in certain chapter, or something), and also on guard stance bonuses, stat boosters (lol stat boosters), and I dunno....

    HP doesn't look like too bad of a flaw, but it depends on survivability, since HP/DEF is quite important, moreso than speed in this case (Speed is mostly more for offensive cases, the enemies that can double you are largely weaker enemies...or so)

  13. Levin Swords aside, the only actual use of Mag is for Dragonstone, which you usually only use early in the game, as far as I can tell....usually.

    Healing scales rather poorly with Mag in this game, so that's that.

    Also Res is "always going to be kind of horrible" so it's up to you

    SKL depends on you really, though I think the combined effects from loss in skill activation chance and hit rate would be a bit of a drag perhaps. Or perhaps not

    Play around with this to your heart's content, though I guess people may already have them


  14. Huh.

    I'm confused, but off the top of my head, the more threatening enemies are the Roundhouse Berserkers, (Lunatic R12 and some others in the Revelation path).

    Oh right, I remembered that, I was told that enemies have their class bonuses halved though. I don't recall if it really is the case when looking at the numbers though.

    Enemy Sorcerers have low skill, so it counterbalances their innate crit chance.

    Swordmasters and Elite Ninjas (and to an extent, Snipers, I think) don't really hurt that much.

    By right, enemy Holy Lancers have a crit bonus as well. (These class names are all tripping me up)

    That being said, I guess I would be fine going with any flaw except Str/Spd/Def, though I would rather not have a Skl flaw either.

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