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Everything posted by whase

  1. Currently on maddening planning to give my Byleth EO with sword prowess, hit+20, darting blow, death blow and that +3/-3 dmg to allies skill. This way I hope to make my Byleth an ally phase attacker and healer, as I worry I might not have enough healers. Reading through this thread has made me doubt my build, but it's too late to change now. Hope I can make it through, wish me luck. =X
  2. All they really do is ruin any chance for me to use knights, which I don't use anyways. Before I figured out their AI they were annoying and I had a couple of deaths due to their teleporting. Now they're just annoying on occasion. (Except when you get ambushed and can't not deploy your lvl 1 villagers, but that's deadly for more than just witches.)
  3. What seem like clear choices (or just wishful thinking) to me:
  4. This does make me wonder for the cards that feature multiple characters, which lord will the card be named for? (meaning which lord actually gets the card for gameplay purposes.)
  5. 1) Verdant Wind I enjoy Claude's character the most, and I enjoy lore dumps. Also that last chapter is my absolute favorite, as well as the cutscene that follows it. (Which includes my favorite line in 3H.) 2) Azure Moon Unpopular opinion, I don't like Dimitri's dark days. They just came out of nowhere for me and I still don't think I get it. Other than that, great route, with some of the best mind blown moments. 3) Silver Snow I know, another unpopular opinion, but I really enjoy lore dumps. Missing a real main character is not so nice though. 4) Crimson Flower I disagree with pretty much everything she does. I understand her reasoning, and agree with most of it. But her conclusions and actions I could never condone and I hate myself/Byleth each time I support any of it. (Which is too bad because Edelgard is a cool unit to play with.)
  6. Happy birthday! My birthday was May 13th, and usually I celebrate by inviting a large group of friends to play tabletop and roleplay games. Obviously this year that didn't happen. In the Netherlands there's a rule that you can only have 3 people over to visit max. So I celebrated my birthday over multiple days inviting a small group of friends and family each time. It was plenty of fun and hardly missed my usual plans. Obviously I made sure ahead of time that if anyone would be feeling ill, had a cold or was in contact with anyone who had Covid, it would be best if they stayed home. But luckily nobody in my immediate surroundings has had any contact with Covid yet.
  7. (Hope two weeks is not a necropost, but I feel like I have something to add so I'll risk it.) I believe it was Knoll who explained it best, Light vs dark magic is not a case of good vs evil, it's about where the magic comes from; - Light magic comes from belief, believing in a higher power gives the spells their power. - Dark magic comes from understanding, knowing the workings of the world gives spells their power. - Anima magic comes from the spirits of nature, whatever that may mean. We know from Micaiah in the prologue of RD (and the silence staff) that magic requires spoken word, spells. My bet is that each school of magic has a slightly different language. This explains why not any magic user can just pick up any kind of tome, you can't just read what the pages say without learning the language. (Unless you're Nino and simply remember all the words written in it phonetically.) In RD, besides having a cutscene where Micaiah uses offensive magic, we also have a scene where a staff is used. Now if I remember correctly, Rhys doesn't say anything while using a staff, no spell of any kind. (currently can't check so I hope my memory isn't failing me.) This sort of makes sense to me as staves don't have written text like tomes do. This could mean that anyone with a high enough feeling for magic can use staves, there is no new language to be learned. Let's just explain staves being silenced by a silence spell by saying, it's magic? I know this is a lot of cross-lore speculating, but it makes sense to me. dark mages start by only learning the how of magic, but while working with it develop a feel for magic and get to use staves. Clerics would be learning less about the technicalities of language and more about the feeling that comes with it, but later in their careers as church-people they learn to read the magic of the goddess.
  8. My first FE (that I finished) was FE8; 1) Quality of life updates Speed up, animations, voice lines, etc. 2) Support system changes Supports are built by deploying characters together on a map, like FE9. More than 5 supports are possible (though some supports can lock others, like Lute's A support with Artur locking Lute's support with Kyle). Maybe even have supports have actual influence on the stuff happening in the support, like maybe Neimi's character model normally has a mirror on her belt, but after the support with Artur wherein she loses it, it's gone. (No clue if that last one would be too much work for too little effect, I just think it'd be cool.) That's only 2 points right? =P
  9. Am I the only one who likes the current Merlinus mechanic? And thinks his character and story importance is fine as it is? I wouldn't oppose to him leveling per chapter and having a separate deploy space though, but also don't believe he needs it.
  10. Had to look it up. I mean, I don't think so, but I've been playing FE for over half of my life so it could be without me noticing?
  11. Was? It still is, I rewatch it at least once a year (just like every show I love). Need a reminder of the whole plot and lore? If you have the time I could go on for hours. =P
  12. I'm also one of the people who think a bonus experience system with a level cap would be the best solution for FE. If the level cap is based on what chapter you're in and is always just low enough that your main units won't be able to profit from it at all, you shouldn't run into the problem that all bexp is always going to the same units. About leveling up army-wide, it reminds me of what DMs do in D&D campaigns I play in. End of the session everybody simply gains the same amount of XP, or even simply gains a level during story points. While this is a very fair way of playing, I do miss the possibility of leveling mid-fight so now you're stronger and can suddenly change your strategy. Not saying I don't understand this choice within D&D, because level ups can take a while over there, but in FE I'd really miss that.
  13. Lore. Mostly Fire Emblem but also Avatar the Last Airbender, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Gravity Falls. If I ever ask you if you mind spoilers, say yes, or I'll explain the entire plot in detail to you. Usually I only do this when someone says "it's been a while since I've seen/played this, I forgot most of the plot." Oh also, if people ask me about science and my thoughts on the mysteries of the universe, but that happens less often. Plus I'd probably be wrong on most things I say.
  14. I like Ike. Story- and characterwise Ike is my favorite lord. I like how he's not royalty by birth, it's a refreshing tale. Plus he's straightforward yet kind, and has some of the funniest lines. As for gameplay, I really like Ephraim since I like infantry lance units. Claude would be second as a bow lord is very interesting.
  15. This would be a really cool concept for a Fire Emblem game and I hope they will some day do this. Other than that, I very easily identify with an "avatar". Whether you give me Byleth, Robin, or even Ike, if you tell me "hey this is you" that is all I need. (I know Ike isn't an avatar, but to me he feels almost as much of an avatar as Byleth and Robin did.) So I don't mind Nintendo/IS/KT calling them avatars, but they may just as well have been regular characters, it's not like the "choices" added much to the game. Now don't ask me what a "real avatar" means, but giving actual choices sounds like a fun idea. It's not like FE needs it though, I'm currently replaying FE6 and deciding paths on what units you are training sounds like a much more fun decision making mechanic. (Not saying FE6 did it perfectly, but it has more potential and I'm sad they didn't use this again.)
  16. Mostly NG+ that lets you buy back your weapon rank. Otherwise place the goal for that weapon rank as the only one and only use that weapon type. With plenty of training you might get there, though it's generally not worth it.
  17. I'm going to throw in another strange point for this conversation; If a Laguz and a Beorc have a child together, the Laguz loses their powers to shift. Not just for the female who carries the baby, as we see with Almehda, but also for the male, as we see with Lehran. Does this happen upon birth or at the start of the pregnancy? I don't know. I see no possible biological reasoning for this. Which leads me to say, the shifting of the laguz must be a magical thing. Perhaps that's why we never see any laguz using magic, maybe all their "magical essence" is placed into their shifting ability... and maybe also into their lifespan? A branded baby might magically take some of their laguz parent's shifting magic, giving them additional powers on top of the Beorc ability to use magic? Idk, trying to explain magic is a slippery slope for stories that have a soft magic system. It's been a while since I took biology, but there are plenty of animals that evolved to live shorter. Something about a higher speed of reproduction and thus a larger variation in the gene pool. More variation leads to more easily surviving through a crisis (Like that time all banana trees of one kind went extinct rapidly from a fungus due to no variation in the gene pool, don't know the full story). Someone with more knowledge of biology could probably explain this better, but I know it is a thing.
  18. I try to stay in a "I will keep playing this game even if no new cards are coming out" mindset. Heroes has been getting a bit boring to me for a while now, and I'd never spend money on a gambling game. At least Cipher stopping saves me a lot of money, I guess.
  19. Set 20 is out. Sadly, there's only 2 more sets to go. Set 21 will feature three houses, binding/blazing blade and heroes, I doubt any of those will be taking the most cards prize. Set 22 will be all colors, which probably means all the popular kids get in. Doubt this changes much either.
  20. I guess you should define your terms, and then look through the cipher wiki. I suggest sticking to the lords and important characters, since side characters usually don't get a lot of cards. I'd suggest counting Marth, Corrin, Ike, Chrom and Lucina, doubt there's anyone with more cards. I do believe the wiki is up to date though, haven't been following blue cards so I wouldn't know about Olivia.
  21. I unboxed 2 B16s last Saturday with a friend, we pulled an autographed Sanaki SR+, that was pretty nice.
  22. My favorite is still B03-001SR Ike. It was the first set I bought and I got his SR, later this card was also my first autographed SR+. I love his lord outfit from PoR. I still play him in my Ike deck, even though I'm pretty sure playing a third 6/4 Aether Ike would probably be stronger. (I run 15 Ikes in that deck, so plenty of choice either way.)
  23. I've been working on a full Zephiel Bern invasion theme deck, and I noticed, it really needs Murdock and some fire dragons. Also, I had this idea of there being "generic enemy" cards to fill up any villain theme deck. That would be cool.
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