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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. The nachos are down the hall, to the right, at the end of the boiling corridor of terror.
  2. Perhaps, but a Simon Belmont with Chuck Norris A and Rick Astley B can obliterate every unit on the map in a matter of seconds. [/derailment of topic]
  3. Change your name to Masashiro Sakurai. People will mock you, attack you, laugh at you, and make jokes at you. But your topics will be popular.
  4. 30 Seconds? Hell, most of the time I spend here is time better spent. SF really is a drug.
  5. How could this happen to me? I made my mistakes! *is shot*
  6. Don't know how long we've waited! As the Eggman's watching!
  7. Oh god...I can't watch this entire thing...it hurts...so much... *foams at the mouth* SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULA-- *thud*
  8. Search and destroy. Bringing their ranks down, one at a time. Relentlessly slaying them. A brutal, but amazing strategy indeed. I do believe my respect for you has grown, general.
  9. Employing guerilla-type tactics are we? My my, what a cunning and ruthless general you are, Razgriz.
  10. Ladies and Gentlemen. From the twisted mind of Will...Willington, I give you something that will twist and bend your very perception of reality. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You may even lose your very MIND. Without further ado, I give you... THE NIGHTMARE!! VERSION 5.0!!
  11. Good to hear, old friend. But you see, food is a vital ingredient of existance. Without it we shall all die horrible painful deaths. Emphasis on painful. So when you ask "what is with people and food" I'm afraid the answer is dreadfully simple. People are the predator and food is the prey. It's as simple as that.
  12. A bit daunted, I'll have you know. You see, the mysteries of life confound me. I have yet to find correct recipe for Mudkip Pie. I has a Mudkip. I has a Pie. But something is...missing. Oh, how it taunts me so... Why must cruel fate see its way to cross paths with me and leave me a shattered and broken remnant of the once proud man that I was. But other than that, I'm fine. You?
  13. I am the most beautiful man on the planet. Just call me Prince Zephrion.
  14. Fireman is so amazing, even his COMMENTS are ninja.

  15. ...Wait. 14? Are you serious? You look like...16. XD Either way, happy birthday. Now go get a Learners Permit so you can get revenge on that bastard who ran you down.
  16. WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH ... WOAH. HOLD ON. There's an Eternal Darkness coming for the Wii? holyshitholyshitholyshit *ahem* Either way, an insanity effect where Sonic repeatedly shouts "YOU'RE TOO SLOW!" would be awesome. It'd be enough to drive anyone mad.
  17. Sorry. XD Didn't see the comment.

  18. I miss your theme music. Even if it did freak me out on more than one occasion.

  19. Nobody has proof on anybody. That's the thing. This early in the game you have to rely on gut instinct, go off little suspicions you may have. Some of the things you've said have been suspicious, and since there really aren't that many other leads out there...you seem to be a good bet.
  20. ##Vote: FEFL For reasons stated earlier.
  21. Sorry. I'm a very argumentative person sometimes. XD
  22. Yes. And they were most presumably bots. Meaning they didn't belong here in the first place. So technically we never had 500 (human) members. Check, and mate.
  23. "Our members have made a total of 176,208 posts We have 497 registered members The newest member is saintsasha Most users ever online was 55 on Yesterday, 06:48 PM" I call shenanigans.
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