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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. http://backloggery.com/main.php?user=zephyrthelight Just signed up today, lol. Will probably update my games more later. Also, I see you picked up the new Wario Land Hanz. Would you reccomend it?
  2. Bizz - While I don't know you quite as well, you're still a great friend. CGV - How can I ever forget murdering you with a tornado all those times. XD Cymbeline - One of the best friends I've met here. When I thought about leaving, you and Des both convinced me to stay longer, at least on the chat. Desdemona - One of my best friends, who conviced me to stay a bit longer. And for being a terrible dancer. XD Fireman - I've always thought you were hilarious. You make the best jokes, man. Fox - For being an all-around great member. And for welcoming me when I first joined. Lyle Dayek - Ignoring all the stupid crap you've done lately...I'd like to think we were friends back in the day. Metal Arc - One of the best members on here. While to be honest, I liked you less when you first got the mod spot, I'm glad you returned to your old, crazy self. Nightmare - You're an all-around awesome person. I really respect ya. Piemanmj - Q_Q 'Nuff said. Raven - Though it didn't last that long, you got me into Travian. And I feel like I got to know you better afterwards. Shadrach - RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGEEEEEEEE RAAAAAAAAACEEEEEER Songbird - Always so random and crazy. XD Pineapple, btw. Will - I think Will is a pretty cool guy eh makes the epic drawings and doesn't afraid of using a mouse. If there's anyone I forgot, I'm sorry. My brain r not working. Regardless, I still consider most of you my friends.
  3. I have the spelling of someone who didn't lose the spelling bee in 4th grade because he misspelled "school." Seriously. I didn't. DON'T EVER THINK I DID.
  4. Whenever I visit your Profile those videos autoplay and scare me half to death. xD

  5. Except me. I has a time machine, you see.
  6. I has extreme amazement that Jyo posted a topic, and in FFtF no less.
  7. I can burp whenever I want. >_> Not sure if that's an amazing unique talent, but w/e.
  8. "My experience in foreign policy is that Alaska is next to Canada, and jets fly over us. =D" Oh yeah... Palin's got this in the BAG.
  9. First Anime: Pokemon. I watched that all the time. First Manga: Yugioh. I was like "Holy shit, he's KILLING people. Awesome."
  10. I saw a hiking bear once... Or was that my grampa?
  11. At least it was better than "OMG LINK AND/OR MARIO YOU HAVE TO SAVE TEH PRINCESS." And besides, if I had to jump on a fat man inside of a robot I'd gladly do it with a sword or as some sort of hideous monster capable of mauling people's faces off.
  12. It could work. Sonic's not emo or anything. >_> <_< "One day, Sonic got really hammered and became incredibly pissed at Sega for what they've done to him over the past few years. He visited his war buddy Shadow for a weapon, then beat him to death WITH that weapon. NOW, JOIN SONIC ON HIS WONDERFUL ADVENTURE TO INFILTRATE SEGA AND MURDER EVERYONE INSIDE." Rated E for Everyone.
  13. Well, I haven't played a Megaman game before...so that's probably why I consider it hard. I also picked up MM2, but I CAN'T DEFEAT AIRMAN NO MATTER HOW I TRY TO DODGE ALL HIS TORNADOS HE JUST KILLS ME AGAIN.
  14. I have hope for Black Knight. It's the essential sequel to Secret Rings, the best 3D Sonic game for a while. Not only that, but they're fixing everything that was wrong with Secret Rings. Plus A FUCKING SWORD!? NO WAY I AM SO BUYING THIS GAME!! Unleashed, I have high hopes for. It's looking to be very good so far. The Sonic segments anyway. The Werehog segments...I'm not so sure about. But I'm all for some DMC combo action. Chroncicles...I have no comment on because I don't have a DS.
  15. Zephrion

    The Mist

    The ending was hilarious and sad at the same time. Death by irony is always painful. Other than that it was an okay movie. Pretty good for horror/thrillers nowadays.
  16. Personally I'd rather work than go to school... At least you get PAID for suffering at work. But remind me not to get either of those jobs. ._.
  17. Dammit you guys, I wanted to take a break from FFtF. ;_; But while I'm here, I have to ask why EVERYONE mixes that up... It's not hard. XD ZEPH R I ON. nevermind the fact that I did change my name to Zephiron for a short time
  18. Awesome artwork dude. Seriously, I love it. XD Damn you and your ridiculous drawing talent.
  19. I don't do much running, so I doubt I could pull it off. XD Nice job though. I bet it must have felt really satisfying to have run all that time.
  20. It is. Despite being ridiculously difficult... The fact that this is the first Megaman game I've played doesn't help any. >_> I've beaten two robot masters and I gotta say the amount of insta-death traps is staggering. ._.
  21. No, Splash Woman. And it's based off the original, yeah. It has the same 2D graphics, same 2D gameplay, and even has an option to turn on sprite flickering. XD
  22. Just picked it up. It's been occupying most of my time recently... I really love the challenge. XD
  23. I got it the other day, but I haven't played it that much... (Just got to the part where Mallow joins you) I've been looking to play this for a while though, so it should be fun.
  24. It's times like these I wish I had a DS. >_< Maybe I can mooch off my sister's... <_< >_>
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