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Seven Deadly Sins

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Everything posted by Seven Deadly Sins

  1. Also, just to hammer home the whole "Irish Mythology" thing... 1: The Ulster cycle talks about a hero, Naoise, and his two brothers, Ardan and Ainle. Romanization results in... Noish, Alec, and Ardan. HMM. 2: Legend tells of Midir, a warrior chronicled for his pursuit of his love, Edain. He also happens to be related to Brigid. 3: Tailtiu is the name of a "goddess" from mythology. 4: One major myth revolves around Dierdre, a woman for whom it is prophesied that kingdoms would go to war for her. To avoid this, she is raised in isolation, but Noish and his buddies fuck it all up. "oopsy." In the end of the story, Noish and his band are given passage through the lands of the Big Bad only to be slaughtered to the man in a trap. Remind you of anything?
  2. RE: Romanizing Cuan: From what I can tell, Cuan is actually a traditional Irish name. Considering that his legendary weapon, the Gae Bolg, is a legendary Irish weapon, I'd say that Cuan is much more accurate than Quinn.
  3. Eh, worse comes to worse I can upload my copy.
  4. This isn't necessarily true. There's a very well-defined list of "things Cormag does for the team" that you can refute if you so choose. "showing" that you can replicate Cormag's skills with another character available in the same time frame just means illustrating ways in which Cormag's skills are not unique and can be done by characters that don't take 4 turns to recruit. That said, Cormag comes with solid base stats and his own whip, as well as flight utility. Why wouldn't you use him?
  5. Jesus christ, do you ever read? "ta da" Bold for emphasis. Yeah, I'm seeing Boots Duessel being the best decision.
  6. Sigh... Link is broken in the OP.
  7. Indeed I am. I just... don't post much on SF. FE Debating drama hurts my brain most of the time.

  8. let's just try not to make this a Smogon Bros. Brawl, mmkay?

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