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Everything posted by Pikappa93

  1. Woah, I hope they made up for Titania at least a little bit :D
  2. Oh, so I'm not the only one. Before pulling Ike I summoned a 5* Chrom. Also a 5* Ryoma. Very good stuff.
  3. My Ike is +HP -Def, which really won't help him last too long. Maybe we should put him in a team with Rally Defense? Anyway, I'm glad I managed to summon him, I really had low expectations.
  4. I think Ike is going to be the new Hector, probably even better. And here's me never pulling him because of bad luck. Thankfully we're going to get some free orbs with the new story maps.
  5. Mila's Turnwheel is for both Classic and Casual. Haven't tested battle saves.
  6. Great vid. Could you please tell us which tracks are included in the Sound Selection CD? Just curious.
  7. I'd say probably because Fates reception was mixed about that particular aspect. I saw both veterans and newcomers dislinking how the children mechanic was implemented in FE14. I think that skinship being censored in the west also made its part (along with other small details). Maybe it's just SoV being a remake, but I wouldn't be surprised if the marriage system doesn't make a return in FE16 (most certainly not in the way it was in Fates anyway - despite what people say, in Awakening it had its purpose). As for why Gaiden, I think they just wanted to give it a chance. Actually, remaking the less popular game in the series while FE is at the top of its popularity could be the only chance they had. And I do think they're trying to see which unusual gameplay mechanics can be kept in future titles, like unbreakable weapons.
  8. In Italy they're giving a double face poster for just preordering the game, be it at Gamestop or somewhere else (with the sole exception of Amazon). Maybe it's the same.
  9. Just to further validate what you're saying, sometime ago an old fan wrote an interesting retrospective of the FE fandom pre-FE6 release and I remember him claiming Gaiden had always been the less popular FE title even back then. Like, very few people played it and nobody used to talk about it. Probably it was barely recognized as a "proper" FE because of how weird it is.
  10. I know for sure that they are fixed when using Mila's Turnwheel in battle. I'm pretty sure they are not for everything else (I got different level ups through soft resetting or fleeing and re-entering a battle). I played Normal/Classic though, not Hard.
  11. I saw a lot of speculation about Echoes being intended as a remake subseries, but... it doesn't make a lot of sense to me, for reasons you all already explained. Anyway, I believe opinions from Japanese speakers like shadowofchaos are the most reliable for this particular matter, so I gotta agree with him.
  12. You have to kill the one you don't want to recruit. So if you kill Sonia, you'll get Deen after defeating Grieth (you have to talk to him in Grieth's Fortress) and viceversa.
  13. It's really a matter of opinions and tastes, guys. I personally love Gaiden/Echoes, but gameplay wise it's such an odd game that I can understand people who don't like it and prefer a more classic approach to the series.
  14. Are you talking about the Secret Shrine maybe? It was in Gaiden too, even if very few people know.
  15. Yeah, Tatiana looks a lot younger than she did in Gaiden anyway. And I agree, an Olivia-like voice would fit her.
  16. I agree so much. This is especially true in the Japanese dub. Genny's keeping the high-pitched voice though, I'm wondering how Tatiana's voice will be.
  17. From my experience, no. I think they're just there replacing the original Gaiden turn count.
  18. Thanks Vincent. Curious how Tobin and Gray get 4 conversations instead of 3.
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