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Everything posted by Medeus

  1. I love most of these lines, Brianna Knickerbocker did a great job with the character. For me, it's between "You disgust me!" and "I'm gonna tear you in half!", went with the latter by coin flip.
  2. Micaiah for me as well. My biggest issue with Corrin in the narrative of Fates is that it bends over backwards to justify the character's actions no matter how stupid they are. Corrin is painted as this self-sacrificing paragon in the story that fights for everyone and will bring peace to the world, and yet they commit horribly destructive and idiotic actions and never had it questioned as such. Hoshido is ravaged and many of the cast are dead, but the living siblings don't care and ignore it, things like the Kitsune genocide are just swept under the rug rather then allow Corrin to grow from those type of incidents, and characters like Kaze never come up and question them for their choices even though their actions are visually not for the best of Hoshido like they promised. The narrative does too much to try to keep Corrin (and by proxy, the player) as squeaky clean as possible, and as a result, we get a stagnant character that doesn't evolve nor adapt to what the story needs them to be. Micaiah isn't the best written character either, but where she succeeds and Corrin does not is how the story treats her actions. The narrative doesn't bend over backwards to keep her a pure character, she was allowed to get her hands dirty and the player is expected to see that she has done so. People question her, you had Sothe, Soren, and other characters call her out and question what she was doing and their criticisms usually were valid (or at least, understandable). Her actions are also shown in a negative light as even she questions whether she's in the right, but ultimately comes to the conclusion that she will keep fighting even if she isn't. She just wants to do well by Daein, she's not trying to say she'll save the world, she's just trying to protect her country above all else. That recognition in the story is what tips the scales in her favor for me. Corrin was put into a story that was supposed to have moral ambiguity and failed because it couldn't make them morally ambiguous and kept them pure, Micaiah was written with the idea that she would make morally ambiguous actions, and it kept that course up until the end of Part 3 (where the focus shifts to the goddesses). she was able to fit the mold because the story allowed her to, the same wasn't done for Corrin and Nohr's story suffers for it as a result.
  3. Sumeragi vs. non-Ryoma kids Mikoto vs. adopted kids Keaton vs. Kaden (either route) Kaze vs. Saizo (Chapter 25) Hans vs. Royal siblings Iago vs. Royal siblings (I know Corrin has one, but I don't think the others do) Garon vs. Nohr siblings Anankos vs. Royal siblings (especially the Nohr ones, come on, you guys really have nothing to say to your father's murderer?) Really, there were a lot of missed opportunities here, I'm honestly surprised they even went as far as to do Saizo/Shura vs. Kotaro. Sadly no, Corrin keeps the same dialogue he has as if he didn't marry her, and Kana is just another unit to her.
  4. Hearing him say "Ohhhh, yes!" is so delicious, I get chills everytime...
  5. Voted for 'not a fan'. My issue with Soleil is that many of her supports are either repetitive and/or just outright bad. For the former, I will admit that some other characters fall into that trap (especially the kids), but I feel with Soleil, most of her supports tend to just follow her gimmick and don't allow for much depth to be given to her. As someone said before, she's a poor man's Inigo/Laslow, as the latter character was given reasons for why he acted the way he did and had moments where he stepped back from his gimmick and allowed for us to get more about him as a character, especially in Fates. Soleil doesn't have many moments like that, and she tends to stick to her gimmick outside of specific supports, so she ends up being bland and one-note both by comparison and as her own character. For the latter, I can't say much that hasn't already been said. Her supports with Ophelia, Ignatius, JP!Forrest, and her mother all show her crossing a line and not respecting others boundaries, and it gets pretty uncomfortable in those supports. All of them took her gimmick to a place where I found it insufferable, and it almost did make me hate the character outright since it makes her come off as a stalker at best, sexual predator at worst. As for the localization, while I'm mixed in some ways, I voted yes. I do kind of wish they kept some of the other S supports for the male characters, but I feel that them stripping out the M!Corrin and Forrest supports were huge improvements over what we got for the character.
  6. Good quotes overall, but my choice is easily "You are SO last season!"
  7. Impressive work for the franchise, it's really come a long way from its questionable sales status from before Awakening and I'm glad it's managed to find its place among Nintendo's second-tier franchises. I'm interested in seeing what the breakdown would be for those that came from secondary/tertiary paths, as I'm curious about how much of an influence it had in those sales. Forgive my nitpickiness here, but Nintendo fully owns the DK characters. You can clearly see it with Smash as characters that aren't fully owned by Nintendo have their companies credited like Square Enix with Cloud or even Pokémon with GF. No such thing exists for Diddy (or the rest that appear through trophies/generic enemies) and Microsoft/Rare, and it's been that way since Rare was bought out by the company and Nintendo doesn't have to answer to them to use the characters.
  8. I have mixed feelings on both to be honest, but I'd go with Felicia since i do like characters that have a drive to do better at what they do, even if it does get a bit repetitive at times for her. Jakob, while I like some of his supports like Mozu, others really rubbed me the wrong due to how rude he can be.
  9. Easily "You're out of Luck, friend!" for reasons already stated, it's always great to hear him say it.
  10. Candace, I love her design and personality and I'm still disappointed that she's not a regular unit. So whenever I get the chance, she's always a unit I make sure to capture. Of the generic units, I like Kinshi Knight and Malig Knight's appearances the most, so I'll go with them.
  11. Except that wasn't the statement I was referring to. What I meant was that you can't let your first question or accusation be "did the localization mess it up" because it basically ignores a major player in the writing of the story. As you said, Japanese writers do mess up, and they should be considered for potential criticism as a result since they can be responsible. So initially focusing criticism on the localization is flawed because both parties can be potentially at fault, and it's important to research what went wrong first before trying to place blame on any one particular party. Nonetheless, this conversation is getting off track, so I'll drop it past this point.
  12. Or you could consider both the original writers and localization and then judge which is responsible based on actual research instead of scapegoating one based on false accusations.
  13. Voted no and no. Fates' implementation was terrible and honestly soured me on the concept as a whole, and unless they retool it into something less forced (like Thane's trainee mechanic), I wouldn't mind seeing it gone. The reasoning was in the Japanese version as well, the localization had nothing to do with it.
  14. My personal favorite would be "Sweet dreams!" as I love the delivery of that line the most, but all four are well done with her since they fit perfectly.
  15. For the foxes, Kaden prefers the Avatar since he wants Strength most of all in Revelations, and while it isn't much, +2 from class bonuses is better then nothing. Selkie doesn't care either way I feel since Azura just makes her more of a glass cannon while the Avatar makes her a bit more balanced throughout. For the wolves, Keaton doesn't mind either way. He just wants speed since he wants to be sure he's doubling, and since both wives do that for him, he can take either and be happy. Velouria on the other hand is a bit more picky since Azura does cut into her bulk while the Avatar keeps it on top of the good offensive growths. She'd probably still be useable with the former, though you'd have to be more mindful of her taking hits.
  16. Nothing implies he knew outside of supports, but he does say that Sumeragi told him in the S support with Corrin. So he did know even before Corrin was kidnapped unlike the other siblings if we just go by that, it just doesn't pop up in the story. I'll defend that support a bit in that it seemed like it was trying to contrast their bloodlust, at least initially. Peri was treated as a loose cannon and will kill whenever she's in the mood, Keaton treats killing as a hunt, a thrilling hunt perhaps, but still something that should only be done in necessity/defense and not at leisure. So through the support, we get to see how they compare and conflict, like for example, the C-B ranks having Keaton put off by how she treats her bloodlust and even stops her from indulging it pointlessly on both animals and people. I will admit though that A does kind of botch it since they jump a bit too much from butting heads with each other to bonding rather quickly. They do try to keep the line clear between the two afterwards, but it could've been written better (but sadly, I feel Peri has that issue in general). I may have the wrong lines, but Hinoka does say this in the localization: So it does seem it's implied at least, though it may be more direct in the Japanese version.
  17. Off the top of my head: SaizoxCharlotte (Hell, Saizo in general) KeatonxMozu BennyxCharlotte TakumixOboro BerukaxOboro NilesxCamilla LaslowxXander SelenaxBeruka LeoxNiles
  18. He's middle of the road for me, he doesn't have any traits that make me completely dislike him (though I agree with those who mentioned how judgmental he can be, some of his supports like Kagero rubbed me the wrong way), but he also has no traits that make him stand out to me. He's just the "best friend" and that's really all I can sum him up as, and that doesn't give me much to gravitate to when there are other characters who are close to Corrin, but have more going for them in terms of other traits.
  19. I think the reason it feels off with Anankos is that he's not established to be an ultimate dimension-eating villain, he's just another powerful dragon, and one that's not supposed to be to the level of Naga. This DLC however throws that out the window as he's given abilities that seem like they'd far surpass Naga and other major villains, and he's going to use those abilities eliminate all dimensions that the world of Fates exists in because he's suddenly able to do that. It's basically trying to make him bigger then what he's supposed to be, and it does feel forced as it wasn't necessary for them to go that route and throw a bunch of powers onto him as their Future Past 1.5 plot demanded. Same with having multiple worlds that the kids were dragged from. The story didn't need multiple universes of different Birthright and Conquests, it just needed one of each to work alongside the successful and failed Revelation timelines. Yet for some reason they felt that adding a bunch of universes to the plot to make it grander, and instead it feels like they added too much unnecessary complexity to it.
  20. Can't say I'm a fan of it. The reason that they were added in was complete bullshit and it's very apparent how shoehorned in it is. Additionally, most of the kids fall into the issue of being very gimmicky or just boring with a few exceptions, so I don't feel anything towards them and I tend to ignore them. Gameplay-wise, they're implemented OK (though there are still a few kinks for me personally) and I would be lying if I said I didn't see the point in using them, but ultimately I've been finding that I'm just going to the paralogues for Exp., money, and items, not the units.
  21. Unit-wise, I prefer Keaton since he can take a lot of punishment, and due to his ridiculously high Str and good enough Spd, he can feasibly ORKO a good amount of units if he hits the threshold. He was also one of my best units in Conquest and is one of my stronger units currently in Revelations, so he's contributed a lot to my playthroughs. Kaden I'm currently using as well in Revelations, but between the two, I find that I have to play more conservative with him since he can't take a lot of hits. He's a good mage killer though, so I do like having him around for that. Personality-wise, I like both of them, but Keaton edges Kaden out for me.
  22. They also hyped the hell out of him and his involvement in the Iwata Ask segment, to the point where I think it took up the majority of that interview. So I do think it was something that they considered important to the game and wanted people to be excited about, otherwise they wouldn't even have bothered to give it attention at all.
  23. Thanks for these Kirokan, I love the Lilith one in particular.
  24. In Conquest, I found that the Royals, Effie and Keaton turned out the best with not too much investment at the most, both from my personal experience and from what I've read from other comments. I've also had really good luck with Kaze since he's has great Res (making him a good Mage killer/lure) and a good debuffer, though his fragility could be a bit worrisome at times.
  25. Corrin - Nohrian Noble Azura - Singer Xander - Paladin Camilla - Wyvern Lord Leo - Dark Knight Elise - Strategist Kaze - Elite Ninja Keaton - Wolfssegner Effie - Great Knight Mozu (Sniper), Arthur (Hero) and Charlotte (Berserker) are being used, but mostly as pair-up fodder, Niles (Bow Knight) is a mix between a proper unit and pair-up fodder.
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