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Everything posted by Medeus

  1. I honestly would say they should change it, it reflects horribly of both of the characters. It reflects badly on Kamui because he drugged her in the first place without her prior knowledge, changing who she was, and Soleli for completely overlooking that fact and still falling in love with him even though he basically forced her into that state against her will. It also doesn't help that the last few lines gives some pretty dark "I own you now" vibes as Twylis said. Even if it was for the sake of humor, it's a terrible way to build a relationship with these characters and they could've done a lot better then this mess of a support.
  2. I highly doubt they'd scrap the feature, most of the lines that are being noted are after you hit S rank and nothing else about the feature itself is worth the M rating. So all they have to do is just tone down some of the dirtier lines and there we go, a feature that can probably get by with a T rating with not too much lost in the process.
  3. I'm curious about that as well, same with the Villager class as I'm curious if some of those skills and the Merchant/Weaponmaster classes can be passed to Mozume's husbands.
  4. That could be a lot of fun, though I do agree that it could be hard to balance. Using only generics is a good options as suggested above, and maybe once we do have a better grasp of the game, we could limit certain aspect like skills if they turn out to be too overpowered.
  5. Elif just posted it: On that note, I agree with what's been said about it, it's pretty adorable.
  6. They allowed Aversa stuffing you into her chest, they allowed the numerous deaths to remain intact, hell, they allowed Nowi's boingy bits (which NoE censored) and kept the girl romancible despite some concern that she'd be cut altogether. The only major censorship was Tharja's swimsuit, and while that was a bit silly, they didn't censor the other swimsuit or yukata images either. You guys are really being too harsh on NoA (and by extension, NA) here. They're not going to censor every single thing you love about this game, they're going to do their best to deliver the best product they can within the realms of what's acceptable, and that means working with the ESRB and the like and making sure it doesn't get bombarded by the a lot of bad publicity and/or sell poorly. Some of the lines do get rather lewd even by certain standards, the incest angle can be too much for an western audience, it's just the way that they have to adapt the game to the audience they're trying to sell to. If that means that a few lines get toned down, then that may be what happens, but they're not going to make a mockery of the games we love along the way.
  7. Medeus


    Bah, you humans are all alike, I come in with friendly greetings and you threaten me and my brood with your rules and Falchion criticals. Disgusting beings you all are. Thanks for the greetings, I'll make sure I don't cause any trouble. Thanks! I hope so too, I know it's the oddball of the series and is pretty old, but it still can be fun even with those in mind. So I'm looking forward to giving it a shot when I can.
  8. Well, that's a shame. While it's likely that we'll still be able to capture her, that still means that we won't be able to get supports or the like to see more of her character afterwards.
  9. Medeus


    Hey guys, I'm Medeus, the newcomer to the forum. I've actually visited here from time to time, but I didn't join for one reason or another. With the new game out in Japan and a lot to talk about with it, I finally decided to join the forum and be a part of the community. I've played most of the older games except for Gaiden, and I do intend to try it out when I get the chance, and I also play a little Smash Bros. and some other games from time to time as well. Nothing else to say but I hope that I make a good impression!
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