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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. I think it is safe to assume that there will be equal to or less characters than in Brawl, because a giant roster would make it difficult to make each character individualized, and degrade the quality of the game. Krom is pretty similar to Ike in regards to fighting style, so he's likely going to replace Ike. Ike's popularity matters little, because the current trend is two characters for Fire Emblem. Having three characters would only force a more deserving character from another franchise to get kicked off the list. Matthew from Golden Sun may stand a chance, since he is from a Nintendo series. Since Namco Bandai is working with Nintendo this time, perhaps Lloyd Irving, or maybe a more recent tales protagonist. I'd like to see Megaman in SSB, but as a third party character, anything could happen. From the Metroid series, Anthony Higgs would be pretty cool to see in brawl, but Other M wasn't incredibly popular in comparison to other Metroid games. If anything Ridley could be added, but then there is the issue of size. Kraid should be playable.
  2. I start my senior year on the 29th. Why are you guys starting so early? It can get pretty bad, but it does depend on the school. I was absolutely miserable my Freshman year at my town's local high school, so I switched to a magnet school. Best move I ever made. But it all depends on what school and other circumstances so don't worry.
  3. 10. Professor Layton 9. Edward (Radiant Dawn) 8. Sveta (Golden Sun: Dark Dawn) 7. Wes (Pokemon Colosseum) 6. Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia) 5. Lex (Genealogy of the Holy War) 4. Sigurd (Genealogy of the Holy War) 3. Zephiel (Sword of Seals) 2. Regal Bryant (Tales of Symphonia) 1. Felix (Golden Sun) Not much variety on this list... Oh well.
  4. Ah, this is a funny thread. Pokemon definitely makes #1 on my list. Fire Emblem fans can be arrogant, sure, but we are far from the worst. I've had some awful experiences on Pokemon forums. Can't say much about other games, though I'm sure there is no such thing as a 'good' fanbase. It wouldn't hurt for people to be slightly nicer, in general. Games are supposed to be fun, and fanbases are supposed to compliment that.
  5. Write with my left hand, do everything else righty. I'm not truly ambidextrous, but there is no "kinda-sorta use both hands" option.
  6. http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/425450-Kirby123/450/31/rexwheelie_display.jpg I was hoping it would be Rex.
  7. That's a shame, because Alex Louis Armstrong is almost as beautiful as Oliver. Almost, I tell you... not quite.
  8. Did you divide zero by zero, or any other number by zero?
  9. Blasphemy! Alex Louis Armstrong is the only person who is allowed to sparkle.
  10. shroudening


    Hello there metal, I am... well... can't remember. But welcome to the forest anyway.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiNgTs3KGv0
  12. Shiny Whismur in Emerald, accidentally fled Shiny Smeargle in Emerald, caught Shiny Graveler in Crystal, caught I managed to hatch a shiny Pichu from the odd egg in Crystal, but that is a common occurrence.
  13. ninja'd Marry Sirius Make out with Shin Kick Horace Idoun, Cynthia, Vaida
  14. That's not ! But it was entertaining nonetheless...
  15. I almost died of laughter with the psych diagnosis (especially since I just finished a chapter in my AP psych book). But what the hell does it matter most people act condescending on the internet at times anyway.
  16. They definitely chose the right Fire Emblem game to perform. FE4 music sounds very nice with string instruments and piano.
  17. I hope he is a fellow protector of beauty. Basilio and Flavia look pretty badass, as well as Ronku, Gaia, Cynthia, and others. I still can't get over Liz getting an axe when promoted to Battle Cleric...
  18. :)

    ... Happy Belated Birthday?

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