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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. It was a nice change. I was visiting some colleges.
  2. So wassup guys? I just got back from Boston.
  3. This is actually a really funny question, since I'm at a hotel in Boston right now. Boston's nice, MIT is even nicer, and I like the feel of the city overall. I go to school in a city too, but it doesn't compare to Boston. How did you spend your summer?
  4. I'm inclined to believe the inability to reposition the lord is partly because he is supposed to lead the army, and certain positions would not work well for the leader. It's basically representing the idea that the commander should be in a place where he can lead (as in not the front lines, or off to the side).
  5. You don't have to drink right now... damn so close
  6. *catches with trashcan* *throws Valter's hair*
  7. It's hard for me to pick just one theme, but here it goes... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KejP2nZv3MU Captures the depressing mood of a dying advanced civilization pretty well. Favorite Music Genre?
  8. Herro there pyromaniac. I am Isaac55, and I like soy sauce. I'd say beating hard mode in Radiant Dawn is quite an accomplishment, since Battle Saves are completely removed, unlike in Shadow Dragon. Still, you may want to try shadow dragons H5 (merciless) mode, as it can be quite challenging, at least at the beginning. I find it to be more difficult than RD hard mode, but more convenient since there are limited battle saves. Welcome to the forums!
  9. *catches mid air while riding a wyvern pegasus damn ninjas* *throws Swanchika*
  10. *deflects with eyebrow, then goes to take a nap* *throws Exaccus*
  11. oh whoops, I didn't see spectakitty with Rossiu

  12. Hello there! I'm Isaac55, a professional raptor. Welcome to Serenes Forest! So what FE games have you played?
  13. Yup, sure did. That makes three.

  14. I used to have a sleeping schedule like that... then I decided to take a ton of AP courses.
  15. I leave you with this... Good night.
  16. When does one need a reason to change their name?
  17. Ha... I've been going to bed at around 3:30-5:00ish, and waking up past noon. When school starts, that will change to going to bed at 1:00, and waking up at 6. I did pull off my first two all-nighters this summer.
  18. Welcome great mighty poo, are you here to throw your shit at us? Welcome to Serenes.
  19. I don't have much of an opinion on guns. I'm not sure if you're referencing a specific game that I haven't played, but as far as guns go, I like sniper rifles. Favorite Band?
  20. You've been trying to get a stun spore on it, right? You may need a pokemon fast enough to out speed ho-oh to use thunderwave in like the first turn, rather than waiting for safeguard to run out of pp.
  21. Good morning peeps. Paralyze it before it can use safeguard, and then whittle its HP down instead of using hydro pump for a 1HKO.
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