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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. I'm actually tossing the idea of waiting until December 15th to start the other 9 application supplements that I have to do. A horrible idea, I know, but if I were to be accepted ED by fluke chance, I wouldn't have to even start.
  2. I don't really see the point in celebrating birthdays. I appreciate the day that I was born, but I don't need an annual celebration for it. I stopped celebrating it by high school, and nowadays I actually try to conceal my birthday so that nobody has to feel obliged to wish me a happy birthday. People tend to figure it out anyways, but usually it isn't enough attention to annoy me (yes, receiving attention tends to annoy me). I'd rather celebrate accomplishments than occurrences, such as graduating high school and going to college.
  3. Why take a risk like that, especially since you only need to complete the common app once regardless of the number of colleges? I wouldn't feel comfortable unless I knew that the one or two schools were incredibly easy to get accepted to.
  4. I had an awful time using the common app, though I had to make an Early Decision deadline that was in the middle of hurricane Sandy. Now back to procrastinating on all my Regular Decision applications because playing the FE12 translation is much more important right?.
  5. - homework - homework - chat - homework - textbook reading (as part of homework) - college apps - guitar and piano - tennis - complain about how awful and stupid facebook is - be weird - do homework - sleep - program in python or java - lifting weights lol just kidding - attack random things with nerf swords - play video games - robotics team :D - skype chat
  6. You have two equations, believe it or not! Not only do you have y = x^2 + 1, but you also have d = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) by the Pythagorean theorem. Think about it. You're not trying to find the change in distance of x or y, but for both. So since you know that dy/dt = 4x and dx/dt = 2, you can implicitly derive dd/dt (the change in distance over time), which is what you are trying to find. Once you find dd/dt, substitute (x^2+1) into y, so that your answer contains only x's. Hopefully that helps... I did the problem out and got the correct answer.
  7. This hurricane better not screw me like the last one did.
  8. How can any actress be truly attractive?
  9. Well, I'm looking forward to college. Then I won't have to drive 30 minutes to school everyday and stay there for 8.5+ hours everyday. And mid-day naps... gotta love the mid-day naps. Goes back to filling out application for colleges that will most likely reject him....
  10. I don't know anything about this, but does anyone know where I can find one of them wii sticks. I need it to play with my wii, and not just any stick will do.
  11. I was fine until the ending. What the dark magic was that?
  12. At least you have Hector!!!! oh wait
  13. Well, time to start my paper! Nah, just kidding. I'm going to bed. I hope I didn't scare you guys too bad.
  14. Lord: Roy. I thought he was pretty cool. He could have had a better personality and better stats but whatever. Cavalier/Paladin: Lex because he is a badass. Armored Knight/General: Gatrie because he's fast for an armor and he's pretty cool. Soldier: Aran. Not too many options here, but he's cool. Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Edward. He kinda matches my personality. A nice change from the Navarre archtype. Mage/Sage: Lute. Funny as hell, isn't afraid of spiders, and burns monsters with love. Triple win. Shaman/Druid: Ray. I don't really like Lugh at all. Ray has a better personality. Archer/Sniper: Jamka. Bandannas are a necessity. Theif/Assassin: Volke, only if I don't have to pay him to keep him on my faves list. Pegasus Knight: Catria and Shiida. Both are awesome. Wyvern Knight: Cormag. I always let him get his revenge on Valter. Minerva and Miledy deserve mentioning as well. Pirate/Brigand/Berzerker: Gonzales is Fighter/Warrior: Barst. He usually turns out better than Bord and Cord. Mercenary/Hero: Echidna. Pretty good for a pre promote and a women Cleric/Monk/Bishop: Saul. The only funny priest if I can remember correctly. Princess/Troubadour/Valkyrie: Lachesis. She is awesome when promoted to Master Knight. Ranger/Trooper: Sue and Shin are both great. I actually don't care for Rath though... not sure why. Dancer/Bard: Elphin because of his theme and since I don't like any other bards/dancers Manakete/Dragon Laguz: Fa is da best! Bird Laguz: Vika, even though I don't really use her. Too bad she didn't get a lot of screen time. Beast Laguz: Volug. I like wolves more than the other beasts.
  15. I AM WAILORD no seriously I was actually wailord55 once upon a time
  16. No problem. Now back to procrastinating on my AP English paper.
  17. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe7/hints_tips.htm You mean the forced movement? Scroll to the bottom of the page.
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